[HP] Amy Lee sleepwalks through Hogwarts

Chapter 42 The world of Muggles is unimaginable

Amy spent the next month in her small room doing her summer homework. Sometimes I would go to the ice cream shop in Diagon Alley, order an ice cream and sit on the seat outside the door to write. I would also get guidance from the enthusiastic boss, and sometimes I would get free ice cream.

During this period, she received a letter from Joey, saying that she and Wood had gone abroad to watch a Quidditch match and would not be back until mid-August.

There was also a letter from the Weasley twins, saying that they had developed a new product of whole-person candy, and asked her when they could try it. After all, they had paid such an expensive "consultant fee". Only then did Amy finally realize that her whereabouts had long been exposed...

And because of this, she prays every day that they will never come to her...

Malfoy actually had the time to send her a letter. As soon as she opened it, the white envelope jumped out of her hand and turned into a mouth, sticking out her tongue at her for a minute.

Okay, I didn't react this time. Unexpectedly, a week later, Malfoy's letter came again. She simply left it there without opening it. Unexpectedly, after nightfall, as soon as the candles were blown out, the letter exploded with a "boom" and exploded into five pieces. Each piece turned into a mouth, surrounding her in all directions. "Slightly, slightly, slightly..." for two hours...

Amy almost lost her temper and wanted to go to Malfoy Manor and strangle him to death.


At the end of July, when Amy handed Tom the August room fee, Tom sent Amy a letter from Hogwarts, which contained a long list of books that needed to be bought.

Amy looked at the book list a little confused: "Gilderoy Lockhart? Why are they all his books? And why are they not professional teaching books, but autobiographical novels?"

But no matter how doubtful you are, you still have to buy it? This is not nine-year compulsory education. Books are distributed uniformly by the school, so you have to go out and buy them yourself.

But she had already been to Diagon Alley once today and was quite tired, so Amy decided to buy books in a few days.

On that Wednesday morning, as soon as Amy arrived downstairs, she heard Tom talking: "Arthur, don't talk about Muggles to me here! I can't stand the inspection of the Ministry of Magic."

A middle-aged man with red hair and bald head was sitting at the bar, drinking beer with a man with short brown hair in a suit. What Tom just said was to this red-haired man.

The middle-aged man named Arthur was still very convincing: "Aren't you curious? How do they live in those places without magic? They actually made a telephone, Merlin! That thing is much more convenient than using an owl to send messages. ! And you don’t have to worry about owls making a mess on your dining table!”

Tom shook his head: "Of course it seems more convenient to just say a few words, but what if you want to send a package? You can't do it by phone, right?"

"Express delivery companies are everywhere! You can send anything you want!" Amy said, walking up to them. She was mainly telling Tom and was not familiar with the other two.

The man with short brown hair looked at her size, age, and especially her skin and hair color. He didn't open his mouth, as if he didn't really want to talk to her.

"Express company?" Arthur seemed very curious: "What is that for?"

Amy just said: "Send the parcel!" It was just as simple as that.

"Oh!" Arthur nodded, as if he understood: "It's equivalent to an owl post office!"

Tom then pointed to the wizard waiters who were collecting the dishes and cleaning the table, and said, "But if there is magic, you don't have to bother washing the dishes yourself, right? Arthur, don't your dishes use magic to wash themselves?" "

Arthur nodded: "That's right!" and asked: "Do Muggles really need to soak their hands in water and wash them one by one?"

"No! There's an automatic dishwasher!" Amy was not in a hurry to leave. She seemed to be fighting with them and vowed not to let them look down on Muggles.

Arthur was surprised: "Automatic dishwasher? What?"

Amy simply sat on the seat next to him and said calmly: "It's just a machine! Put the bowl in, turn on the power, and then select the mode, and it will wash the bowl by itself! It can also automatically dry the dishes." Dry!"

Arthur was stunned for a moment after hearing this: "Is this also magic?"

Amy replied: "It's Muggle technology!"

The man with short brown hair shook his head: "Impossible!"

Arthur turned back to him and asked: "Mr. Granger, what is impossible?"

Amy was confused for a second or two. Why did the words "Granger" sound so familiar?

Mr. Granger stared at Amy, showing his superiority and arrogance: "There is no such thing as that in their country! We don't even have it here!"

Amy laughed angrily: "Sir, how can you be so sure that we don't have such advanced things there? Have you ever seen it?"

In fact, according to the timeline, it is now 1992, but Amy retains memories from thirty years later. It was really not that advanced in 1992, but thirty years later, it is not surprising to create any artificial intelligence.

She is not comparing the flower growers thirty years from now to John Bull thirty years ago, but it has only taken thirty years to develop to that extent. It is hard for her not to be proud.

Mr. Granger poked his finger at the table as if pointing at a book containing the so-called evidence. "Do I need to go see it myself? In your backward country, let alone machines, you don't even have electricity! You can only light oil lamps at home! Men have braids, women have their feet bound, and there are illiterate people everywhere! That's it! Is it possible to build such advanced machines in a place like this? Those are just your imagination! Those things don't exist at all! Otherwise, everyone here would already be using them!"

Amy even sneered: "Sir, you are talking about things that happened a hundred years ago! And one hundred years is enough time for earth-shaking changes to occur!"

Arthur looked around as if he wanted to smooth things over for them, but he was really curious, so he asked Amy first: "Excuse me! How do you know so many things about Muggles? Could it be that... in your family? Are there Muggles? Are you living with them?"

These words seemed to make Mr. Granger unhappy, and he raised his head angrily and drank the beer in his glass.

Amy nodded: "Yes!"

"Are you...half-blood?" Arthur asked to save face. He didn't ask who was a Muggle in her family. It seemed that he didn't pay much attention to pure blood.

Although it is not easy for those who can enter the Leaky Cauldron, especially young children, they are all magicians selected by Hogwarts. But the Muggle parents of those children can also come in with their children, such as Mr. Granger next to them.

Amy smiled at him, neither humble nor arrogant: "My parents are both Muggles!"

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