[HP] Amy Lee sleepwalks through Hogwarts

Chapter 404 I want to save him

Molly herself was still crying, and she didn't forget to reach out and pat Amy on the shoulder, saying: "Good girl, you can cry if you want. Say goodbye to him..."

"No, I won't say goodbye." Amy shook her head stubbornly, and the tears in her eyes fell on Fred's hand one by one. She yelled: "Fred, you are a liar! We promised to be together for the rest of our lives..."

After this, Molly cried even more sadly, leaning against Arthur and sobbing.

Field couldn't tell what mood he was in right now. He had mixed emotions, neither too sad nor too happy.

Amy was so sad, how could he be so happy because a love rival died?

George couldn't comfort her. He only knelt down on one knee, gently hugged Amy's shoulders, and asked her with choked sobs: "Amy... boss lady, what do you think we should do? I... you can do whatever you want... …”

He even felt that if Amy continued to be with him, she would think of Fred and be very sad when she saw his face... It would be okay to break up.

Or, Amy could completely treat him as Fred's substitute and call him "Fred" every day.

As long as she can get over these sad things and be happy again in the future, she can do whatever he wants.

Even when it first happened, he thought that he would die like Fred in the next second...

After they are all dead, will Amy still remember how much they loved her?

"I want to save him." Amy wiped away her tears, stretched out her hands to hug Fred's limp neck, and desperately tried to help him up.

George was confused: "What are you going to do?"

Amy insisted on hugging Fred and trying to drag him up, while saying with difficulty: "I said, I want to save him... George, come and help."

George had always let her let her go. Amid Molly's exclamations, he helped Amy lift Fred up.

Amy had a free hand, touched the pendant under her neck, and pressed it on the protruding unicorn horn. A door immediately appeared in front of her.

It was the first time for many people to see this thing, including Field.

Amy reached out and turned the doorknob, opened the door, and helped Fred walk in slowly.

Before the door was closed, Carbon Ball jumped off Field's body and followed in with a "swish".

As soon as the door was closed, he disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, just like the three of them disappeared out of thin air.

"Where did they go?" Malfoy just ran over and he had just finished giving Harry the medicine.

He heard Amy crying from a distance, so he sped up the speed of applying the medicine to Harry. The pain was not serious enough, but Harry screamed and cursed several times in pain.

He rushed over in such a hurry, but he was still a step too late.

Field shook his head and said, "I don't know. But I will definitely come back."

At the same time, Dumbledore took Harry upstairs to the principal's office...


In the "Hidden Space", Tan Qiu looked up at Amy and asked her: "Are you really sure you want to do this?"

Amy and George carefully placed Fred on the small ground and were a little curious: "Do you know what I am going to do?"

Tan Qiu didn't answer. He lay alone on the side and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

George looked at this unchanged space with nostalgia and smiled bitterly: "The last time I came in, I was treating my injuries."

This time, I don’t know if Fred’s injury can be cured.

"An abnormal body has been detected and is being repaired." Jimmy's voice appeared surprisingly, and white mist fell from the top of his head, filling the entire space.

Amy took a deep breath, feeling that all the fatigue in her body was gone, and her whole body felt refreshed.

All the injuries on George's body were gone, even the dirty clothes were cleaned up, and the whole person was back to his best condition.

However, Fred remained unchanged.

"Repair completed." After Jimmy mechanically said these four words, the white mist was drawn away in an instant.

George was anxious: "Hey, Fred hasn't been cured yet."

Amy smiled bitterly: "There is no way to treat the dead here."

George became even more anxious: "What should we do?"

Amy stood in front of the smart floor-to-ceiling mirror and looked at her own reflection. Strangely, her expression in the mirror was not sad at all, she was still smiling slightly.

Amy smiled bitterly and said, "I want to exchange things, who cares?"

With eyes wide open, she saw herself moving in the mirror. She moved her fingers and summoned puffs of black smoke, which turned into a table and a chair. She sat down and opened a black laptop placed on the table.

The keyboard of the computer is black and the letters are blood red. The computer couldn't see the brand. On the back of the monitor, a skull and a big "L" were drawn with blood-red lines.

"You..." Amy was stunned, this scene looked like it was haunted.

She immediately discovered that it was not that simple, because Fred and George were never reflected in the mirror, only herself was reflected.

Can it be understood that this mirror cannot reflect a shadow at all, but there is always a person imitating her expression and tone face to face?

Immediately afterwards, the person in the mirror moved again. She fiddled with her clothes. The white shirt turned into black, and the light blue horse skirt turned into a pair of black shorts, revealing her slender legs. She wore a pair of Black boots that go below the knee.

Finally, she waved behind her, and a black hooded cloak was draped over her body, and the blood-red lining could be seen.

The sky blue ribbon that tied her hair was gone and turned into a very common black hair tie.

"I...I have seen you!" Amy suddenly realized: "I saw you before I came to this world!"

The person in the mirror looked up and gave her an evil smile, revealing two long pointed tiger teeth: "Oh? Do you remember?"

How could Amy not remember such a person? She just doesn't remember what she looks like.

At this moment, I suddenly remembered...

"My name is Wu Xiaohuai. The witch's witch, a ghost hanging from the southeast branch of the locust tree." The woman in the mirror introduced herself to her again. He also pointed to Amy’s face: “I made this model after myself.”

Indeed, Amy looks exactly the same as her, even the ponytail tied up now.

The only difference is that the woman in the mirror does not have a blue right eye.

Amy, on the other hand, does not have those two long pointed tiger teeth.

The woman in the mirror continued to lower her head and fiddle with the computer in front of her, and asked her: "Now, there is a dead person in front of you. To me, it is a pile of damaged data. Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Amy can now understand that she, the world here, and everyone in this world are all the data in the computer of the woman in the mirror.

To ordinary humans in this world, she is God, the being who can control everything.

So if she asked God to resurrect a human being, would she agree? Just restore a few data.

"Please resurrect him." Amy pointed at Fred.

The woman in the mirror shook her head: "No! If you force the corrupted data back into the program, my game will be broken."

In Amy's opinion, this person is so unhuman.

To the person in the mirror, she was just maintaining system balance, cleaning out corrupted data caches, and clearing up computer space.

"The world is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs." Amy murmured: "That's really what it is."

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