[HP] Amy Lee sleepwalks through Hogwarts

Chapter 36 Let’s call a truce, okay?

Field took Amy back to the Ravenclaw table as before and asked her to sit next to Joey. As before, he asked her: "How about you not being beaten?"

Amy shook her head and said, "No! I'm fine!"

Field nodded, with the same gentle smile as before, turned around and walked back to his original seat, facing Penello.

Joey quietly whispered in Amy's ear and said, "Don't you think it's dangerous? The Weasley family's pair of troublemakers are not that easy to mess with. It's good that they don't let others walk around without food!"

Amy was also startled for a moment, and then nodded: "It's really dangerous!" As she said that, she smoothly took out a red fruit from the cherry in her arms, without feeling the danger at all, and sent it directly. In the mouth, a bite...

No, this is not a cherry! It was a kind of gummy candy. After being bitten, most of it melted in the mouth and all flowed into the back of the throat.

This feeling... reminded Amy of the green hard candy that made her vomit until the sky was dark...

At this time, Safra hadn't seen Amy's sudden change in expression, and was still cursing: "Are all boys so blind? When did you start to like such flat girls? What are their characteristics? How can they charm people? ?Aside from beating people, what else can she do?"

Angela was rarely seen saying good things to Amy: "Safra, Amy doesn't hit just anyone!"

Fine! It doesn't help, but it's better than adding insult to injury.

Amy never understood why Safra couldn't stand her. She still doesn't understand it, but the current situation doesn't allow her to have time to ask Safra clearly.

Her stomach was rumbling, as if her intestines were knotted, and the pain made her break into a cold sweat.

Joey was the closest to her and the first to notice. He asked with concern: "What's wrong? Stomachache?"

Amy held her belly and insisted on standing up. She bent over and moved out step by step. She gritted her teeth in pain and squeezed out only a few sporadic words from between her teeth: "I want... to go." ……bathroom……"

But if she walked too fast, her stomach would hurt even more, but if she walked so slowly, she was afraid of flying in front of others... It was so frustrating for her that she would have to stop and take a deep breath after taking two steps.

Fortunately, she was forcing herself not to look at what was happening on the Gryffindor side at this moment, otherwise she would have definitely seen Fred and George's shameless expressions after they succeeded, and then maybe she would be excited... and fly on the spot...

Seeing that she was really uncomfortable, Joey came over to support her and let her walk a little faster. Within five minutes, she reached the toilet on the first floor.

"Why are you locking the door???" Amy almost went crazy.

Joey guessed: "Maybe...it hasn't been repaired since it was smashed by a troll last time?"

"I..." Amy was about to have a seizure and felt like she was about to fly. She quickly calmed down her emotions to prevent the situation from getting out of control. But there were more and more beads of sweat on her forehead, and they were starting to flow down.

"Take me to the second floor quickly!" Amy almost felt that these were her last words, so heroic.

Joey also spent a lot of effort to get Amy under the changing stairs, and carried her up step by step with difficulty.

Amy was supported by Joey with one hand and touching her belly with the other hand as she struggled to climb the stairs, stopping from time to time to take a deep breath and hold it for a while. She felt like a woman in labor.

But a baby will come out of other people's stomachs, but the only thing that can come out of her belly is Xiang.

After going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, she could only say thankfully: "Fortunately, I held it in..." She wanted to cry so much at this moment.

Originally, she would not enter this women's restroom because she heard that there was always a ghost of a female student crying in a certain cubicle, and the faucet was engraved with a very uncomfortable snake pattern.

But how can Amy have time to care about this now? She just begged not to let her poop in her pants pocket!

Sure enough, a girl could be heard sobbing inside, the sound was very sharp, and it made the water in the cubicle splash.

Amy could only choose a stall farther away from her, let Joey escort her all the way in, and then sat on the toilet and drank a lot...

"How about... I wait outside?" Joey didn't even say whether he thought she smelled bad or was concerned about the crying ghost. It was already a great honor.

After having diarrhea, Amy felt a little more comfortable in her stomach, and then she heard the crying ghost talking.

"They ignored Myrtle. They must be scolding Myrtle! Fat Myrtle! Ugly Myrtle! Myrtle with a bad voice! Myrtle with a bad smell..."

Amy didn't have time to pay attention to her and was about to leave after cleaning up. But when she opened the compartment door, she saw the gray-white ghost of the girl floating outside. She was so shocked that her stomach spasmed, and she quickly sat back on the toilet again. She pressed her hands on her painful stomach and muttered: "It's really killing me..."

Unexpectedly, the ghost girl stuck her head in through the door panel, and asked Amy with a resentful face: "You all hate Myrtle, right?"

Amy asked briefly: "Who is Myrtle?"

"I am Myrtle!!!" The ghost girl's voice suddenly rose to an extremely high pitch, and her voice became even sharper, turning it into a super-destructive weapon.

Amy covered her ears impatiently, frowned and said, "Okay, okay! You are Myrtle! You go and cry aside first, I have to solve some more difficult things!"

"You all really hate Myrtle!" The ghost girl curled her lips and cried as she returned to the previous cubicle. She suddenly floated very high and jumped down again, hitting the toilet in that cubicle. , the toilet water splashed more than half a person's height.

Joey stood at the door, looked in, and asked cautiously: "Amy, what happened?"

Amy was speechless: "A ghost is bungee jumping in the toilet! Don't worry about her!" Then she was even more speechless, holding her forehead and thinking for a while, and then said: "Joy, please help me put those two red-haired poodles Can you call me here? I’m talking about the Weasley twins, Fred and George!"

"Uh~ Okay!" Joey left in a hurry.

Amy packed up again and was about to go out. She felt like she was going to collapse and wanted to have a good rest now. But as soon as she reached the door of the women's restroom, another burst of cramping pain hit her, forcing her to crawl back and sit on the toilet.

She was very sure that there was nothing left in her stomach. Every time she had a stomach ache, she would shed water. If this continued, it was hard to say whether she would become a mummy. Things in the magical world could not be judged based on scientific common sense.

When Fred and George went up to the second floor and stood outside the door of the women's restroom, they happened to see Amy bending over and pressing her stomach, which was still in pain, and said like begging with her face raised: "Let's have a truce, okay?" no?"

The expressions on their faces couldn't be more proud.

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