[HP] Amy Lee sleepwalks through Hogwarts

Chapter 34 Pay back the money! ! !

That day, Professor Snape told her countless times that "hanging the golden bell upside down" and "falling the golden bell to the ground" can be released silently. Some people need to read it out loud to concentrate.

He also said that there are many very powerful wizards who do not need to chant spells loudly to use all magic, because they are already very familiar with the use of various spells and can concentrate enough when casting spells.

Amy learned it quickly, and before leaving, she suddenly said: "Professor Snape, why don't you teach Defense Against the Dark Arts? If you taught it, my score in the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam would definitely not be at the bottom!"

She meant what she said. Professor Snape was very patient when teaching spells, and he spoke in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. As for Professor Quirrell, he smelled like rotten flesh, and he still stuttered from time to time. When Amy took his class, she felt nauseous and vomiting in the first half of the class, and fell asleep in the second half of the class.

Who knew that after Professor Snape heard this, he slammed the potion book he just picked up back on the table, shook his head and stared at Amy fiercely.

Amy suddenly felt a strong killing intent, so she quickly shrank her neck, backed away from the door, and said, "It's getting late, good night, professor!"

He turned around and rushed forward without looking at the road. He hit his head on the door frame with a bang, making stars pop out of his eyes. But he didn't dare to stay any longer. He put his hand on his bumpy forehead and quickly ran out in the right direction.

After running all the way to the bottom of the changing stairs, where he explained things clearly to Field, he was stopped again by two people who looked exactly the same.

"What are you doing? It's curfew, why don't you go back to the lounge?" Amy didn't even worry about them because the knot on her head hurt too much.

I guess Amy wouldn't be afraid of them even if she didn't have this bump on her head. If you were really afraid, would you still dare to rip off their money bags?

No one is still outside now. Most of them have gone back to their respective lounges. There are only some unfinished things that are still on their way back to the lounge.

For example, Amy, who had just learned spells from Professor Snape, and the Weasley twins who came here specifically to block her.

George first saw her forehead and was surprised: "You have a pimple on your head? How did you get it?"

Fred also saw it at the same time and was stunned for a moment. He opened his mouth and asked instead: "Did Snape lynch you?"

Amy felt very confused. She looked at them back and forth and asked in confusion, "How did Professor Snape leave such an impression on you?"

Fred said matter-of-factly: "He looks just like that!"

George then said: "Looking gloomy!"

"Hateful appearance!" Fred answered.

"Unkind!" George answered again.

"Uh..." Amy thought they were right, but her feelings about Professor Snape were different: "Isn't he much better than Professor Quirrell?"

"Quirrell?" Fred and George looked at each other, both of them showing disdain: "I don't know how that stuttering man became the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts! Except for dealing with trolls, no one knows how he became the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. What else can you do!"

After saying this, the two of them seemed confused for a moment. Why did they come here to block her? They looked at each other again and understood from each other's eyes that they could no longer talk about these off-topic things.

Coincidentally, Amy also reacted and asked weakly: "Are you... okay? If nothing happens, can I go back?"

As soon as he finished speaking, two of them hooked one arm and dragged him away. Before Amy screamed, she was dragged to the wall and threw her against it. Then the two men pushed her against the wall, one on the left and the other on the right, and shouted at her in unison: "Pay back the money! !!”

Amy trembled under their attack from both sides: "What more money?"

Fred on the left said: "Stop pretending! You and Field are not dating at all, so what you did just now doesn't count as a breakup! Since it doesn't count as a breakup, you don't count as a bet, so you can't take away the reward!"

George on the right said: "We can each take a step back! You can take the principal, but the bonus is not yours, it should be returned to us!"

"This..." Amy shook her head under pressure: "No!"

Fred frowned slightly: "Why not? You are simply cheating!"

George lost his patience and raised his voice a little higher: "You can't participate in this game at all! You are the party involved, so of course you have the initiative to control the situation! Fred is right, you are cheating!"

Then Fred said in a very considerate manner: "We may not pursue your cheating behavior, but please give us back the money that originally belonged to us!"

George was nodding: "Fred is right!"

"Haha~" After listening to what they were talking about, Amy gradually became less panicked and even laughed: "You two! This is not a legitimate income for you. It is normal to lose money! You should learn something from this. , instead of just chasing me for money!”

Fred directly pinched her face with his hands, his eyes a little ferocious: "If I want to learn a lesson, I shouldn't take it from you! Little girl!"

Amy frowned and closed her eyes when she was pinched, almost shouting that it hurt, but she still didn't let go. Instead, she said: "You are betting on my personal affairs. This 1 galleon is compensation for me! It is the mental damage fee! It is enough It’s so cheap! If you do something wrong for me again, I will make you pay me more!”

George laughed when he heard this, and simply pinched the other side of her face. He and Fred pulled her left and right, making her shake her head. He also smiled at her and said, "Then let's just pinch her as much as we can." !”

"Oh, I'm going!" Amy felt like her face was going to split, her cheeks were a few centimeters wider, and painful tears fell from her eyes.

I couldn't help but start thinking, should I give each of them a heart-piercing punch? Or kick them all to death?

"What are you doing?" Professor Snape probably heard the sound and hurried over.

Fred and George quickly let go of Amy and ran away to hide. Even when he was escaping, he still turned to Amy and said with lips: "It's not over yet!"

When Professor Snape came over, Amy was still rubbing her face and asked, "What happened? Who was still here just now?"

Amy covered her face with both hands to cover the two pinched crimson spots, shook her head and said, "It's okay! I was startled by Peeves!"

Peeves flew out of the wall at the right time, making faces at Amy and sticking out his tongue: "Amy lied! Amy lied! Just a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little bit~~~" Then he got into another wall and disappeared. .

Professor Snape didn't know if he had any suspicions, but he just asked Amy to go back to her lounge quickly. When she was about to go upstairs, he called her again.

"Miss Li! Do you prefer Draco Malfoy? Or Harry Potter?" Professor Snape actually asked such a gossipy question.

Amy felt confused and shook her head: "I don't like any of them!"

Professor Snape was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't believe it. There was silence for a long time, and when Amy was about to leave again, she asked again: "If you had to choose one person between the two of them who will never disappear in your life, who would you choose?"

"Malfoy!" Amy didn't choose too quickly this time.

Whether Harry is in her life or not, it shouldn't have a great impact on her. Malfoy...you can earn 20 gold coins from a beating, which can be exchanged for 20 galleons!

You'd be stupid to let Malfoy disappear!

Professor Snape nodded, as if he understood something, said, "Okay!" and turned around to leave.

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