After Amy let go, the Slytherin prefect's entire right hand drooped. Amy stretched her left hand upward again, trying to grab the Slytherin prefect's collar, but he dodged it and immediately grabbed his tie instead. This is a good thing. When you wear it around your neck, it is to maintain your appearance, but when someone pulls it, it becomes like a dog chain.

Amy tugged on the tie and pulled the Slytherin prefect down until he bent over and bent his knees, with his head at about the same height as Amy, and then he stopped.

"Compared with your junior student's use of magic, is this what you are proud of as a prefect?" Amy pulled his tie with her left hand, and patted his face with her right hand, with an evil look in her sneer: "No matter how powerful you are, , If you don’t have a wand, you can’t use magic, right? And I have a hundred ways to break it when you take out the wand!”

However, this time it was not the wand that she broke, but someone else's hand.

Although the Slytherin prefect's expression was distorted in pain and he was filled with fear, he still roared at Amy: "You will be expelled! As a prefect, I have the right to propose to the principal that you be expelled!"

"Hmph~" Amy made a fist with her right hand, her eyes were sharp, and she punched the person in the face.

With a "bang", the person who was hit was not a Slytherin prefect, but a Ravenclaw prefect. Probably because he saw that things were getting worse and worse, he blocked his face and took the punch for the Slytherin prefect. The nosebleeds stayed and my nose was a little crooked.

This was beyond everyone's expectations. Amy actually beat up the prefect of her college?

Joey was so frightened that he could not speak for a long time. He stood stupidly and whispered: "Senior Field..."

"Let go, Amy!" Ravenclaw's prefect named Ellevi Field ordered in a deep voice.

But how can Amy have any sense now? When I see someone coming up to me to be beaten, I frown and say, "Is there something wrong with you?"

"Collapse!" Hermione was in the blind spot of Amy's sight. She quickly took out her wand and recited the spell very quickly. The spell hit the back of Amy's neck and was not avoided.

Amy's whole body was shaken, and then her eyes turned white, she lost consciousness, and fell straight back.

George and Fred, with quick eyesight and quick hands, rushed ahead of Hermione to catch Amy from left to right, and quickly squeezed into the back of the crowd. He placed her at the Gryffindor table and let her lie down on the stool that had been put together.

Ron didn't quite understand and was still blaming Hermione: "What are you doing? Why did you knock Amy out? You should have knocked out Malfoy and their bully prefect!"

Hermione explained in a low voice: "We can't go on any longer! Haven't you noticed? Amy can't listen to anyone else, and sooner or later this will make things worse!"

Harry nodded in agreement: "I just saw someone sneaking out, maybe to invite the professors over."

In this way, Ron finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

Field was already bargaining with the Slytherin prefect: "Yax, now that you and I are injured, can this farce be over?"

Until then, the crowd of people watching knew that Slytherin's prefect was named Yax, and his full name was Heaton Yax.

Yax's facial muscles were still trembling, and he didn't know whether it was pain or anger. He gritted his teeth and said harshly: "I won't let you be too proud! I must make that Bitchi drop out of school! I will also deduct all points from Ravenclaw!"

Field was not frightened at all, but kept nodding to show that he understood the other person's thoughts. Finally, with sympathy on his face, he said: "In this case, don't blame me for what consequences will develop next!"

It was only then that Malfoy was helped up by the two fat followers, muttering: "No one can be Yax's opponent!"

Ron suddenly heard this guy talking arrogantly again, turned his head and looked over, and said a strange greeting: "Hey, aren't you crying anymore?"

"You..." Malfoy was almost furious.

Suddenly someone shouted: "The professors are coming!"

Yax's expression became proud: "Just wait and see! Let the professors see what Bichi did, it will definitely be enough to be expelled from school!"

However, Field remained calm and confessed to the Hufflepuff prefects first: "Digory, tell the people in your house to shut up and don't say anything!" Then he turned to face Percy and still confessed: " Tell you Gryffindors to shut up too! Of course, if your twin brother wants to say something, just say it!"

The professors were very fast. As soon as Field finished speaking, they swarmed in and went straight to the scene of the incident.

Professor McGonagall ran the fastest. When he came over, he saw Field with a bleeding nose and Yax with a broken arm. He was startled and shouted: "Who can tell me what happened? Field, Yax." Si, you two better explain it!"

Malfoy became energetic, opened his mouth and shouted: "This is all Ravenclaw's..."

"It's the freshman in our house who is being bullied!" Field shouted over Malfoy's words and pointed at Amy who was placed sleeping at the Gryffindor table. "Malfoy spread rumors about Amy in the school, and even came to provoke during meal time. Forget it, we Ravenclaw students will not fight against others because of this! But Slytherin goes too far to bully others. As a prefect Yax also came out to attack Amy, and even used a sleeping spell on her! As the prefect of Ravenclaw, I have the responsibility to protect the students in this house, so I came out to argue with them. Who knew that not only did they not feel that they I was wrong, but I was punched in the face!" At this point, he pointed to his still bleeding and crooked nose.

This evidence is so reasonable, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought it was the truth!

Field also consciously began to "admit his mistake" to Yax: "I'm sorry, I was so angry just now that I couldn't control it and broke your hand!"

Professor McGonagall was already nodding in relief due to her good attitude in admitting her mistake.

Ron secretly sighed to Harry in private: "This move is really powerful!"

Even Hermione, the top student in the freshman class, had to admire this.

As for what Field said just now, they are not actually lying with open eyes. At least the first half is all true! The second half... sounds like the truth no matter how you listen!

But the head of Slytherin is Professor Snape, and he doesn't want to admit defeat. Although he stood behind others and looked at the sleeping Amy from a distance for a while, he still stood on Yax's side. He had to at least protect the academy he managed.

"I have to find out who made the move first!" Professor Snape spoke very slowly, but he was still majestic, making many students afraid of him.

Malfoy quickly shouted: "It's Amy Lee! She wanted to hit me first!"

As a prostitute, Professor McGonagall must of course work for the welfare of girls. She asked a question on the spot: "Mr. Malfoy, I don't think a girl as weak as Amy would hit you! Even if you want to lie and frame up, please think about it." A more convincing reason!"

Hearing this, Malfoy's face twisted with anger, while Ron and Harry were snickering. Not just the two of them, many, many people were snickering.

"So it was the Ravenclaw students who made the first move!" Professor Snape grasped this slight reason and began to avenge his personal vendetta: "Ravenclaw, 50 points will be deducted!"

This move will of course arouse dissatisfaction among the Ravenclaw students, especially Safra, who has already cursed in a low voice: "It's all her fault! If she hadn't been so pushy, she wouldn't have caused such a thing to harm us. The entire academy has been deducted points!”

But she only dared to whisper. After seeing Amy's skills just now, she had completely given up on the idea of ​​​​troubling her in private.

Angela also pouted and frowned, her eyes kept looking at Malfoy's face, and muttered: "How dare she do that to Master Malfoy..."

Field didn't seem to be in a hurry, and pointed to his crooked nose again: "Professor Snape, I came to break up the fight, and I was beaten like this. Shouldn't Slytherin be punished?"

Seeing what he said, Snape couldn't even think about protecting his calf. Although there is a person with a broken arm here, he is not uninjured at all. He is basically disfigured.

Holding back his anger, Snape decided that in order to prevent his calf-protecting behavior from being too obvious, he wanted to make some sense to other colleges and professors. So he said: "Slytherin, 10 points deducted!"

The whole audience was in an uproar because this behavior of protecting the calf was still very obvious!

In the distance, I heard George and Fred shout loudly: "Too few points! Favoritism!" Field knew that he could make another big move.

Field pointed in the direction of Amy and asked Snape: "Look, Professor! The freshmen in our house are still asleep! Even if the prefects want to punish the students, they shouldn't use this kind of spell on the freshmen who have no fighting ability." ?”

This is indeed not allowed! Prefects are responsible for coordinating with the dean to manage students. They can deduct points and give warnings, but they are not allowed to abuse their authority and are not allowed to use magic spells on freshmen who cannot use magic to fight!

Therefore, Yax violated school rules!

Snape gasped in anger, turned his head and glared at Yax, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Slytherin... will also deduct 50 points!"

"Okay!!!!" The shout was deafening, and almost everyone except Slytherin was shouting and applauding.

But this made Snape even more angry, and he shouted loudly: "Gryffindor and Hufflepuff just watched the fun and didn't come to help break up the fight...50 points will be deducted from each!"

This time, the cheers were much quieter.

Professor McGonagall's eyes were like looking at a child having a tantrum. He looked at Snape and shook his head helplessly, deciding not to argue with him. After all, Slytherin has never been deducted 50 points at once! This point was deducted by Snape himself as the dean.

The current situation is that each hospital has been deducted 50 points, lowering the score together, but the ranking remains unchanged.

The matter came to an end, and the professors all went out. Before going out, Professor McGonagall lifted the sleeping spell on Amy and asked George and Fred to help her up, but she still fell asleep.

Field raised his eyebrows and smiled at Yax: "I warned you in advance, you can't blame me for what happened!"

Yax's eyes were almost bloodshot, and he glared at Field fiercely: "I won't let you go!"

Fielder said nonchalantly: "If you want to be deducted points again, or even be removed from the position of 'prefect', just come and try!"

In such a lively place, George and Fred were actually absent. They picked up Amy, who was still sleeping, at the same time, their eyes twinkling.

"She's so funny!"

"I'm interested in her too!"

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