"Fingerprints?" Ed understood instantly

Patterns flashed by, and Ed's thoughts were racing. Looking at Thor's firm eyes, he bent down, held the hammer, and raised it, all in one go.

The moment he got the hammer, Ed finally understood why Thor treasured his hammer so much.

It was as light as nothing when he held it. If the touch in his hand hadn't reminded him that he was holding something, Ed would have thought he was lifting air.

A destructive power flows within his body, and Ed feels as if he can do anything now.

Tony once said that in order to maximize the use of the power of gems, Ultron made his body look like a human being.

The human body does have many flaws. Although Ultron has avoided these flaws to the greatest extent, the simpler the flaws, the harder it is to get rid of them.

For example, human muscles will spasm uncontrollably when exposed to strong current.

And thunder and lightning happen to be what Thor is best at.

Ed held the hammer in his left hand and raised it forward. Ultron suddenly felt something bad and tried his best to dodge.

But how can it travel faster than lightning?

Bah! ! !

Blue-white lightning was instantly fired, wrapping around Ultron's body like an electric snake.

As expected, Ultron's whole body was out of control, his hands moved back uncontrollably, his legs were weak, he looked like he was about to fall, and the door was wide open.

Because I can't control my body, I can't use the ability of virtualization.

But control alone is not enough. Thor's fists cannot break vibranium, but Ed's magic can. This is probably why Thor gave the password to Ed.

Ed seized the opportunity, waved the wand in his right hand, and the orange-gold fire erupted again.

In Ultron's horrified eyes, together with the blue and white divine thunder, they intertwined on his body.

As we all know, when thunder and lightning collide, it will cause fire.

boom--! ! ! ! ! !

The reaction between Divine Thunder and Li Huo was unexpectedly strong. The scope of this overload explosion was extremely wide, and its power was also greater than expected.

This explosion silenced the world, and the world seemed to lose its color at this moment.


Ed stood up in a daze. Dust covered his body. Everything around him became dim. There was ringing in his ears. There was no sound in the world. He was temporarily deaf.

It can be imagined how powerful the explosion just now was. Even with the protective magic as a buffer, Ed still felt that his internal organs had been displaced.

Ed tried hard to steady himself, and the mask on his face was shattered to pieces.

The surroundings have completely changed, the original buildings have disappeared, and Ultron is nowhere to be seen.

"I hope it just dies." Although it's unlikely, Ed prays with all his heart.

Ed tried his best to observe his surroundings. His current state was extremely bad and he could not let any enemy get in on him.

He was on guard when suddenly a hand grabbed him tightly from behind.

Ed was so frightened that he quickly looked back and saw that it was Thor. He also looked embarrassed. Perhaps it was because he was the God of Thunder. Thor's condition seemed much better than Ed's.

Thor looked anxious, holding Mjolnir in his hand, and said something loudly.

Ed was now deaf and couldn't hear Thor, so he could only yell "I can't hear you!"

Thor was stunned and didn't say anything more. He just put him on his shoulder, kept turning the hammer in his hand, and flew into the sky with a roar.

Ed was being held on his shoulders, but he didn't resist. He looked back towards the city in the sky and immediately understood why Thor was resisting him.

The entire city is falling at a high speed. The explosion just occurred next to the church. Naturally, it also affected the device in the church that made the city fly, causing the city to fall early.

Fortunately, all civilians have been evacuated, and the Avengers can implement their next plan.

Soon, Thor resisted Ed and came to a rescue capsule that had just left the city. The captain and a group of Avengers without the ability to fly were on board.

Colonel Rhodes is out escorting us.

Fortunately, no one died, but almost everyone was injured. Pietro was particularly seriously injured. The blood from the wound on his chest soaked the bandage, but luckily he saved his life.

Thor handed Ed to the captain, who quickly helped him over. The two exchanged a few words, and Thor flew back to the city with a swing of his hammer.

The captain helped Ed sit down and said something worried, but Ed was now deaf and he spoke loudly.

"Captain! I'm fine!"

"I just can't hear it!"

"Where is Ultron?!"

The captain spoke subconsciously and answered. Halfway through, he remembered that Ed couldn't hear him now. After a while of gestures, Ed finally understood what he meant.

To put it simply, Ultron was at the center of the explosion. It was seriously injured, but even so, the Avengers still fought it back with difficulty, and now it is missing.

Ed wanted to ask what was going on, but found that everyone in the cabin was looking out the window in shock.

Ed naturally also looked outside, looking shocked.

I saw that the violent explosion brought shock waves, shaking the surrounding clouds into a white ring.

Even though Ed couldn't hear it now, he could still feel the power of the explosion.

The city was shattered into pieces, plopping like dumplings into the sea around Sokovis.

The scene was extremely shocking.

The meteorite crisis was finally resolved. Ed breathed a sigh of relief and looked back, only to see that the people in the cabin, including a group of Avengers, were not happy.

Ed thought for a moment and realized that although there were not many casualties this time, many people lost their homes.

Thinking of this, Ed's originally relaxed mood also became heavy along with everyone else's.

The cabin became silent, and most of the civilians looked blank, not knowing the way forward.

The Avengers were also in a bad mood. They were responsible for this incident. The two brothers and sisters still blamed themselves, especially since they had the same experience and lost their home.

In this weird atmosphere, the rescue capsule followed the large troops into the airship.

The rescue capsule landed, and a group of civilians walked out silently and settled in according to the instructions of the airship staff.

The captain consciously began to maintain order. Ed, who was not seriously injured, stood up and helped the injured people.

Others also took action and did what they could.

There were no words of thanks during the process, which Ed understood very well, but instead sympathized with these innocent people even more.

After a while, Ed finished dealing with the last injured person, and someone suddenly tapped him from behind.

Ed turned around, and it was Tony. Like Ed, he also looked embarrassed, but there was a hint of distress in his eyes.

Tony opened his mouth but didn't say anything. He probably knew that Ed couldn't hear him now, so he just waved his hand to signal Ed to follow.

Ed was also in a mixed mood, and followed Tony on a Quinjet, and all the Avengers were present.

Ed knew what he and his team were going to do, to deal with Ultron, the culprit.

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