Ed slowly woke up from his coma and felt his physical condition. His head was a little dizzy, but it wasn't a big problem. He just needed a little adjustment.

I was also lucky that I didn't get separated when I used "Apparition" to take three people with me even though I was seriously injured.

Most of the injuries on the body have been treated.

Looking around, he saw the familiar Avengers Tower. It seemed that everything he did was in vain. They escaped.

Shaking his head slightly, the clothes beside the bed floated up automatically and were slowly put on Ed.

Before Ed could make any move, he heard a burst of noise coming from the direction of the conference room.

"Yesterday they were standing with Ultron."

"Everyone knew what that girl wanted to do to me."

Banner said unkindly.

Although the two Maximov brothers and sisters in front of them looked ugly, they did not defend themselves, and Banner did not say anything wrong.

The captain stood up and smoothed things over, "Hey, Banner."

"In Seoul, we fight together."

"Without them, you might not have seen Ed and I."

Tony stared directly at the two brothers and sisters, turned to Banner and said, "They can be trusted."

"If they really want to do something."

"Now is the best chance."

The two siblings didn't appreciate it, and Wanda said expressionlessly, "I don't want to argue."

"Ultron is dangerous and powerful."

"I saw destruction in its consciousness."

Banner wanted to say something else, but Ed walked in.

"Dad is right, they can be trusted."

"And Ultron is really powerful."

"We must gather all the forces we can unite."

When several people saw that Ed was okay, they all expressed their greetings. Tony walked up to him and patted his shoulder without saying anything else.

But it could be felt that Tony was relieved.

"Well, since Ed said so."

"I agree."

Banner nodded, no longer wary of the two siblings.

Seeing that the atmosphere had eased, the captain said solemnly, "Tony, Ultron..."

He looked frightened, obviously concerned about being knocked unconscious by Ultron's blow.

Tony also looked embarrassed, "Ultron is wreaking havoc in Seoul."

"Then he disappeared."

Banner wondered, "Why doesn't Ultron go to Oslo to find the nuclear bomb code?"

"Besides, with its current computing power..."

Tony was slightly thankful, "I made preparations in advance."

"Disrupting satellite networks."

"Ultron cannot use nuclear bombs to destroy the world for the time being."

The captain's pressure did not diminish at all: "Tony, you have to think of a way."

"We can't defeat Ultron's power."

"Not even if Thor and Hulk come together."

Tony nodded, "I have a way."

"Fury said before that Ultron was building something."

"I might be able to find it based on this."

The captain frowned, "Tony, we have to think of how to defeat it."

"We can't win." Tony poured cold water on him without mercy.

The captain stopped talking and waited quietly for Tony's next words.

Tony took a deep breath and looked very stressed. "I have a way."

"Banner, come with me, let's make some preparations."

After saying that, he ignored the dissatisfied captain and headed towards his laboratory.

Halfway through, he turned around and said, "By the way, you two."

"Since you have chosen to join us, change your outfit again."

It's about two siblings.

The two siblings looked at each other and acquiesced.

Tony took Banner to the laboratory conference room. There were only four people left who had fought with Ultron.

The captain stood up and commanded, "Ed, you have to go get Clinton and Natasha back."

"We were too hasty to escape and didn't have time."

Ed nodded in agreement, felt his physical condition, and used a few healing spells. The situation was much better than before, and it shouldn't be a problem to bring the two of them back.

With a wave of the magic wand, there was a whoosh, and black space fluctuations took Ed away, and his destination was Seoul.

Seoul, Ed teleported several times and finally arrived here.

It’s different from the bustling scene I saw when I first came here.

After the angry Ultron raged, most of the city was destroyed, with spider web-like cracks and scorched black marks everywhere.

There were endless cries and pictures of Ultron destroying the city were shown on the news. The host was full of indignation and accused the Avengers of not bringing Ultron here.

"This should be the mentality of most people, right?" Ed thought as he watched the news and heard Casey's translation.

With a heavy heart and according to Casey's instructions, Ed found Hawkeye and Natasha next to the crashed Quinjet.

At this time, Hawkeye was no longer seriously injured, or he was not injured due to the safety measures on the fighter plane.

Next to the fighter plane, the local police surrounded the place, looking at the two people with unkind expressions, and kept making incomprehensible bird calls.

Judging from the ugly expressions on the two people's faces, they probably wouldn't have anything nice to say.

Ed used the Disillusionment Charm to sneak in quietly, came inside the unrecognizable fighter plane, and waved his wand.

The two people who were dealing with the local police suddenly discovered that the wreckage of the fighter plane behind them was slowly changing.

The fragments of fighter planes scattered around gradually returned to their original positions.

A few minutes later, a brand new Quinjet fighter appeared in front of everyone.

Hawkeye and Natasha looked at each other, and then quickly entered the cabin without thinking.

Coax -, the engine activates the propeller, and in just a few seconds, the fighter plane disappears in the confused eyes of the surrounding police.

Ed appeared on the fighter plane, and Natasha smiled, "I guessed it was you, Ed."

Hawkeye breathed a sigh of relief "Thanks, Ed."

"It was really life-saving just now."

Ed was silent for a moment, "I should say sorry."

"I should be the one getting scolded."

Hawkeye smiled "They are calling the Avengers."

"Aren't you an Avenger?"

"He's really not an Avenger."

"Ed is not on SHIELD's list of Avengers." Natasha said with a smile.

"Because Ed was still underage when it was first formed."

"Haha, that's really interesting." Hawkeye looked very happy

Seeing the two of them like this, Ed also raised the corner of his mouth. He could tell that they were afraid that he would not be able to withstand the pressure of public opinion.

After the Battle of New York, the smearing and questioning of the Avengers never stopped.

But Ed didn't care, because he knew that it was driven by people with ulterior motives behind the scenes, as well as some passers-by who were taken advantage of.

But this time it's different. Ultron is indeed the Avengers' fault.

Ed didn't feel much at first, but when he saw the attitude of the people in this country, he instantly felt psychological pressure and felt a little depressed.

Ed suddenly felt a lot better after the two of them had this gag.

While the three of them were talking, the communication device on the fighter plane started to move.

Dudukke——, Dudukke——

The communication connection was successful and Tony's voice came.

"Clinton, change your direction immediately."

"Target, Sokovia."

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