Ed was on high alert. It was impossible to solve Ultron just now. The iron armor curse was released instantly, covering the bodies of several people around him.

Natasha was now injured and had little fighting power. She dragged the unconscious Hawkeye away from the battlefield and evacuated the nearby spectators.

The captain took the shield from Pietro and held it in front of everyone in a defensive posture.

The Maximov brothers did not dare to let down their guard. As the first witnesses of Ultron's evolution, they naturally understood how powerful it was.

Sure enough, amidst the raging and burning fire, Ultron slowly walked out.

The strange thing is that the flames have obviously wrapped around Ultron's body, but they did not cause any harm.

This is not because the vibranium can withstand the high temperature of the fierce fire, but more like it does not attack the opponent, otherwise it would not have any impact on Ultron.

Ultron slowly floated into the sky, opened his arms, raised his head slightly, and an orange cape appeared on his shoulders, which was gently rolled up by the breeze.

An arrogant look "This is evolution."

"Backward humanity cannot understand."

"And today is the day you die."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ultron was seen rushing towards several people quickly without any warning or any acceleration.

The captain at the front was the first to bear the brunt. His legs were slightly bent, and the muscles of his two arms were bulging. He held the shield in front of him, preparing to receive the impact in a way that was most suitable for receiving force.

The next second, the impact the captain expected did not come.

Ultron's body became transparent and passed directly through the captain's defense.

The captain looked horrified as he watched Ultron pass through his body, targeting Ed behind him.

The captain turned around and tried to stop Ultron, but it backfired and he missed.

Ed was also caught off guard. The Iron Armor Curse was ineffective in front of Ultron and had no blocking effect.

Ed raised his wand and said "Fire!"

Orange-gold flames spurted out again and rushed towards Ultron.

The result was the same as before, the flames passed through Ultron's body and then slowly dissipated without any impact on it.

Ultron's expression remained unchanged, but his heart froze slightly. It felt threatened by the flames, which is why it took Ed as its first target.

Ultron didn't pause at all, his palm almost touching Ed's neck.

Ed was in the aftermath of the Fire Curse and seemed to be in trouble for a while.

If only the Avengers were present.

Phew——, a lightning-like silver light flashed, and Ultron missed it.

Before it could turn around, crimson magic waves struck.

Ultron was full of confidence and did not dodge or avoid, and then.

Wanda waved her hands, and a crimson magic wave hit Ultron who was in a virtual state.

Bang——, Ultron was knocked out and fell heavily to the ground.

The dust cleared and Ultron had an expression of disbelief on his face.

It murmured "This...impossible."

Wanda, who was given magical powers by the gem, seemed to have a miraculous effect on Ultron.

Seeing that the attack was effective, the captain made a quick decision and threw out his shield. The shield flew towards Ultron with strong wind.

But that was Ultron, who quickly adjusted after a brief shock.

Facing the flying shield, Ultron activated the virtualization, the shield passed through his head, and was caught by Pietro who came behind it.

When Wanda saw Ultron disappearing, she naturally wanted to repeat her old trick, raising her hands and twisting them continuously.

Before the crimson magic power erupted, Ultron canceled the virtualization, and the gem on his head shined brightly. He faced Wanda, who was charging up, and was about to launch.


Pietro repeated his old trick, holding a shield and swung it hard on Ultron's head, causing the ray to deflect again.

Ultron did the same trick a second time.

Before Ultron could react, Ed shouted "Fire!"

Ultron's consciousness faded, but the flames in his imagination did not appear. Ed just shouted.

Just in time, Wanda finished charging up, and the crimson magic burst out, knocking Ultron away and landing heavily.

The captain watched the whole process, and an idea flashed in his mind, and he suddenly thought, "Everyone!"

"You can't attack when it's in a blur!"

After hearing this, several people looked stern and found an opportunity for victory.

Ed struck first, not giving Ultron a chance to breathe: "Fire!"

Ultron climbed up in embarrassment with an angry look on his face. He happened to hear Ed's voice chanting a curse. With cautious thoughts, Ultron disappeared again.

Flame was absent again, Ed was all smiles, and Ultron was even more angry.

Before it could make any move, Wanda's attack came again, and Ultron was knocked out again and exited the void.

Ed took the opportunity to wave his wand and chant a curse loudly.


Ultron sneered in his heart, "Don't think I will be fooled again."


Orange-gold flames followed the sound, sweeping across its body under Ultron's disdainful gaze, which was different from the last two times.

This time, Ed's damage is maxed out.

The fierce flames lasted for several seconds and were split into two halves by the orange-yellow ray.

The flames dissipated, revealing a miserable Ultron. The cloak behind him disappeared, and his body was slightly scorched.

Ultron was extremely angry and laughed, "You all..."

Phew——, the captain took back the shield, started the team first and threw the shield.

Still being dodged by Ultron's Hollow, Pietro circled back to catch the shield, making a gesture to swing it.

Ultron raised his hand back without looking back and grabbed it, and the crimson magic staggered it.

Then there was a flash of silver light, Pietro hugged Wanda and stepped back, saying, "Idiot, who would use the same trick three times in a row."

Ultron's whole body trembled with anger, and when he stabilized his body, he heard a familiar and hateful voice again.


Ultron directly dematerializes. With the lesson learned last time, no matter how Ed shouts, it will directly dematerialize.

Sure enough, the flames didn't appear, but the crimson magic hit Ultron again.

Ultron's rhythm was completely disrupted.

Next, the captain and Pietro were in charge, Wanda was in control, and Ed was in charge.

This continued for several minutes, and Ultron was beaten so hard that he couldn't find his way around.

Here, in order to avoid Ed's fierce fire, he became virtual, and then was controlled by Wanda, and then took the attack.

Just when she was about to counterattack, the captain's shield hit her, and Pietro quickly came to the rescue.

When——, Ultron's attack was deflected by the shield again.

The lack of a hit was secondary, mainly because the humiliation of being teased again and again made Ultron somewhat lose his mind.


The gem on Ultron's forehead shined brightly, the next second.


Huge energy fluctuations radiate around with Ultron as the center.

Wherever it passes, dust rises everywhere and the ground shakes!

Everyone hid behind Ed. He raised his wand and continued to output protective magic.

The invisible protective shield made a heart-wrenching squeaking sound.

The dust dispersed, revealing the ground that was shattered like a spider web, and the surrounding buildings were beyond recognition.

Ultron slowly rose into the air, his arms raised flat at his sides, and there was a disturbing aura surrounding him.

It slowly said "I said..."


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