On Tony's side, he first copied all the information about the base in the command room and captured a Hydra researcher.

Then with the help of Jarvis, he discovered a secret door on the side of the wall of the command room.

Tony left the suit behind and looked at the hostages. If he was in danger, he had the amulet given by Ed to delay time.

Then it only takes a few seconds for the suit to be at his side.

Tony came to the wall and muttered, "If it's a secret door, if it's a secret door..."

As he spoke, his hands kept moving and groping, and with a click, the entire wall moved like a door.

Tony smiled, turned sideways, and carefully walked into the secret passage.

The light in the dark passage was dim, and sometimes flickered, but the entire dark passage was not long, and Tony soon reached the end.

The moment I walked out of the dark passage, I suddenly realized that I had arrived at a huge underground space.

On the equipment that looked like a leak was placed a piece of weapon that looked like a Chitauri, as well as some robot parts.

Even in Tony's opinion, there was nothing wrong with these robot parts, they were very advanced.

Then there is the thing that cannot be ignored in this space. A dead Leviathan beast still maintains its ferocious appearance in life.

The giant beast was hung quietly in the air, as if it could wake up at any time, and a huge sense of oppression came over it.

The more Tony looked at it, the more solemn his expression became, and at the same time he was a little lucky in his heart. Fortunately, they discovered these things before they were made by Hydra.

Tony breathed a sigh of relief, stopped observing these things, and began to search for the main target of this operation-Loki's scepter.

He looked around, left and right, and finally came to a table.

There is something like a stand on it, which should be used to place the scepter, but strangely, there is nothing on it.

Tony frowned and asked, "Jarvis, are there any other secret passages here?"

"No, sir."

Jarvis replied quickly, and Tony lowered his frown slightly.

The lack of other passages means the scepter has not been taken away.

Just as Tony began to continue searching, a crimson figure appeared behind him, and Loki's scepter was clearly in her hand.

The camera turned to the captain. The captain and Thor entered the base together. The defeated soldiers were no match for the two.

It didn't take long to get everything settled.

The two of them headed deeper into the base, when Thor seemed to see something: "Steve, what did you just say about superpowers?"

The captain nodded "Yeah, yes."

"I've never seen anything like that."

"To be honest, I didn't even see him."

"Oh, really?"

"Then you see it now."

After saying that, he threw the hammer violently, and the hammer quickly rushed towards the silver-haired young man in front.

Bang - Thor's hammer missed its target and crashed directly through the base.

The captain realized it later and raised his shield in an instant. "Did you see it? Thor."

Thor stretched out his hand, and the hammer returned to his hand with a roar.

"Well, I saw it."

"A silver-haired child."

The captain nodded, "Silver hair? That should be right."

"We chase."

The two chased them to a door, and Thor kicked it directly.

Bang——, the door opened in response. Behind the door was a man wearing a monocle, his back to them, making a gesture of reaching out to save them.

The man turned around when he heard the sound, saw the two of them, and smiled awkwardly.


In the huge space underground, a silver light instantly came to his sister's side.

The brother nodded to his sister, indicating that the matter was settled.

The two siblings looked at Tony with undisguised malice in their eyes. Perhaps they had other motives, but the two siblings did not attack directly.

The younger sister raised the scepter in her left hand, and the strange crimson magic power danced in her right hand.

The scepter was pointed at Tony, who was focused on searching, and the weird blue light of Loki's scepter was combined with her own weird crimson color.

The two cooperated, and for a while, Ed's magic was completely unresponsive.

But judging from the way she was struggling, she probably couldn't last long.

Here, Tony, who was concentrating on searching for the scepter, didn't realize that he had been affected at all.

Bang-dang——!A huge sound echoed in the underground space.

Tony shuddered and quickly turned his head to check the situation.

He saw the Leviathan beast hanging quietly in the air just now and slowly swimming over his head.

Tony's eyes followed the giant beast, and the next second, his pupils trembled and his facial expression became dull.

What appeared in front of him was his quiet universe. The Chitauri mothership slowly moved towards the earth, and several giant beasts followed the mothership silently.

This scene seemed extremely horrifying to Tony, which meant that the Avengers failed and they lost.

Looking down, he saw a messy ground, scorched black all over, all members of the Avengers fell to the ground without making a sound, and the smell of death was everywhere.

Tony crouched down tremblingly. The captain was covered in scars, and his indestructible shield was broken in half.

The powerful god Thor was lying quietly on the ground. The hammer that used to be upright now fell to one side helplessly.

The Hulk's green muscles were supposed to be taut all the time, but now they were just slack.

Hawkeye's body was covered with scars, his bow string was broken, and his chest had no longer risen and fallen.

Natasha's eyes were bleeding, and she looked straight at Tony with a dull look, as if to say, you could have saved us.

Tony finally shook his child lying on the ground in an unknown mood.

"Ed", who was only 14 years old at the time, was left with nothing but coldness after acquiring it, and the nuclear bomb lay quietly beside him.

Tony lay helplessly on Ed's body, unable to muster any more strength.

Suddenly, Ed, who was lying on the ground, reached out and put his hand on Tony's shoulder.

The eyes that were so gentle now are so cold.

Ed murmured "Why me?"

When Tony heard these words, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

Just when he was about to collapse, Tony felt a sharp pain in his mind, and at the same time, the amulet in his arms emitted an uncomfortable heat.

"Whirring whirring!"

Tony woke up with a start and took out the amulet in his arms. Now all of them were ineffective, and the magic words on them became dim.

He looked around, what kind of quiet universe was there? The earth was invaded by aliens, and all the Avengers died.

Everything around him remained unchanged.

Tony took a sharp breath and wiped the cold sweat that had obscured his vision.

Turning around, he saw the scepter lying quietly on the stand, emitting a faint blue light.

Tony immediately knew what was going on. Looking at the quiet scepter, his eyes became firm, and the plan that had made him hesitate for a long time was put back on the agenda.

Tony stretched out his hand and walked straight towards the scepter. A hand armor flew from a distance and was put on his hand in just a second.

He turned around and held the scepter firmly in his hand.

In the darkness, the sister who saw this scene showed a smile that her plan had succeeded, regardless of the pain in her mind.

My brother asked in confusion, "What did you do?"

The sister turned her head and said, "I gave him fear."

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