Some time has passed since the unforgettable birthday. Except for facing the gossip of several elders, everything is fine.

Today, all members of the Avengers are here to destroy the Hydra base on a daily basis, with the goal of obtaining the Loki Scepter that Hydra stole a few years ago.

This was what Thor came to Earth for last time.

Although the base was destroyed on a daily basis, this time it was different. According to reliable information, Hydra's top executive, Baron Stekel, was also in the base.

So Ed, who was supposed to be in school, was also brought in to work this time. If this operation goes well, it will be another major blow to Hydra.

And the Battle of New York and the influence of the Chitauri will come to an end.

In short, this operation is still very important.

Ed's task is actually not difficult, because it is not sure how far Hydra has used Loki's scepter.

So Ed will follow Tony deep into the base to prevent him from being controlled, while the others will clean up the Hydra soldiers on the ground.

"That's it, attack!"

Following the captain's order, Tony rushed directly into the sky, Ed followed closely, and everyone else found their own positions.

In the sky, Ed looked down and saw the fortress hidden in the snow forest in the distance.

From a distance, the defense is much stronger than the previous base.

Looking at the ground again, the captain and his team had already engaged the enemy, and the sound of explosions could be heard for a while.

Tony naturally saw this scene, and he reminded, "Be safe, Ed, let's speed up."

Phew~, Ed croaked softly to show that he understood.

After receiving the answer, the thrusters on Tony's limbs glowed brightly, his speed increased instantly, and Ed flapped his wings fiercely.

The two quickly arrived over the base, and the enemy's anti-aircraft weapons responded immediately.

Boo hoo hoo-!Thick blue beams were continuously fired in the direction, and coupled with the explosions on the ground, the place began to have the atmosphere of a battlefield.

Facing the beam, even though there was an iron armor spell on his body, Ed still did not dare to take it lightly and flashed around in the sky.

After Tony dodged a beam of light, he turned around and rushed straight towards the base, intending to enter directly inside.

When——, the crisp sound of metal collision sounded, and ripples of energy fluctuations were clearly visible where Tony hit.

Faced with the sudden frustration, Tony subconsciously gritted his teeth and uttered a word starting with "s".

Ed was thankful for a moment. Fortunately, he didn't rush forward immediately.

And for some unknown reason, the captain replied, "Don't use bad words."

Then asked Jarvis "what does it look like from above."

Jarvis said that there is an energy shield outside the base to protect the inside.

"Is the shield related to the magic last time, Ed?" the captain asked

Ed in the sky kept dodging. When he heard the captain ask this, he shook his head as he was unable to speak in Animagus form.

He didn't feel the same magic power fluctuation as last time, and it was impossible for Hydra to capture another batch of magical animals so quickly.

Seeing Ed shaking his head, Tony replied, "Well, Ed shook his head, it shouldn't matter."

"Also, doesn't anyone care about what I just said...'Don't say bad words'?"

The captain on the ground had no choice but to exert force. The fast-moving motorcycle flew out from under him and smashed an armored vehicle in half.

The captain turned somersaults in the air, landed firmly and took a breath, "I'm just... talking smoothly."

At this time, inside the Hydra base, a man wearing a monocle hurriedly walked into the command room.

He asked anxiously, "Who gave the order to attack?"

The soldier on one side said in a panic, "Mr. Stekel, it's... the Avengers."

"The troops guarding the perimeter were terrified."

Stekel said solemnly to the researchers beside him, "They must be here for the scepter."

Steckel looked very calm, walked a few steps on the spot, turned to the soldier just now and asked, "Can you stop them?"

The soldier was at a loss "Are those Avengers?!"

Stekel didn't have high hopes. When he heard the soldier say this, he walked forward and said to everyone around him.

"Deploy all tanks!"

"Attack their weak points!"

And then back to the researchers “Our research is about to be a success.”

The researchers were confident, "Let them see it."

"Send out the twins."

Their eyes turned to the corner to the side, where a pair of siblings who looked a few years older than Ed stood out of place.

The brother and sister noticed the gaze and looked at each other, seemingly planning, without showing any emotion.

Stekel looked at it for a while and shook his head, "No, it's too early."

"My men can stop the Avengers."

The conversation ended and Stekel stepped aside.

The camera turned to the outside of the base, where a large number of Hydra soldiers went up to operate the anti-aircraft weapons.

The blue beams in the air became denser, and both Tony and Ed were inevitably hit several times. Fortunately, they only passed by without much impact.

But a large number of empty attacks flew towards Sokovia, a city not far away.

Jarvis noticed this "Sir, the city is under attack."

Tony's expression was not very good, "Send out the Iron Legion."

In the distance, several unmanned robots landed in the city, and Jarvis's steady and thick voice came from them.

"Please evacuate here, we are here to help you."

But the people here don't seem to be grateful to the robots who come to help them. People surround them.

Their harsh words drowned out their voices.

Bang——, a bottle filled with corrosive liquid flew out of nowhere and hit a robot in the face.

The liquid corroded the robot's face with rust, making it even more terrifying and intensifying people's anger.

Because in their opinion, it was the Avengers who caused this situation.

But not everyone is like this. Some people hug their children tightly with fear on their faces.

Some people's eyes are full of confusion and they can't see clearly ahead.

Some people listened to the robot and quickly evacuated Sokovia.

For a time, all living things in the city changed.

On the other side, inside the Hydra base, the leader, Baron Stekel, was encouraging people.

"We will send those monster corpses back to their hometown!"

"Never surrender!"

All the soldiers around shouted "Never surrender!!"

Stekel then quietly came to the researcher and whispered in his ear, "I am ready to surrender."

"You need to delete all data and research records."

"We cannot leave them weapons."

"Otherwise they will definitely find out what we are planning."

"and also……"

The researcher looked to the side and interrupted "Where are the twins?"

"They're not ready yet."

The researcher waved his hand repeatedly and pointed to the side, "No, no, no, I mean, there are the twins."

Stekel turned around and saw that the two brothers and sisters had long disappeared.

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