"Doctor George, hurry up, my mother is not feeling well." Ed said anxiously to a blond man.When Ed opened the door, he found his mother Martha lying on the bed with her eyes closed.

An ominous premonition appeared in Ed's heart, but the tortuous electrocardiogram on the side dispelled Ed's worries.Ed stepped into the room, and suddenly the electrocardiograph made a harsh beeping sound, and the electrocardiogram also changed from zigzag to smooth, beeping——.

The diabolical dripping sound gradually lengthened, and Ed saw the electrocardiogram that had become flat. He knew what that meant, that he had lost his mother forever.

In Ed's eyes, everything around him became slow. He saw the doctors and nurses rushing to his mother's bedside. He saw the leading doctor saying something to the nurse next to him. The nurse immediately rushed out of the ward and brought an instrument.

The doctor yelled "First defibrillation."

He took two tablet-like objects and rubbed them together, then pressed them hard on his mother's chest, but her mother didn't respond.

"Increase the voltage, do it again!"

The doctor repeated the action just now.The mother still didn't respond, so the doctor said something to the nurse next to her. The nurse crossed her hands and pressed on the mother's chest. After a few minutes, the doctor checked again and shook his head.

Seeing this action, great sadness suddenly surged into Ed's heart. Along with the sadness, there was an unknown force, and invisible fluctuations broke out with Ed as the center.

The first thing to suffer was the chair closest to Ed. The wave passed through the chair, and the chair instantly fell apart. The fragments scratched Ed's cheek, leaving a trail of blood, but Ed didn't notice it at all.

Just as the fluctuations were about to pass through the doctors and nurses beside the bed, the surroundings passed through the entire world like a broken mirror, and the invisible fluctuations were resolved.

"Calm down and control yourself." A bald woman appeared in front of Ed at some point and said.

Her voice seemed to have some kind of magic power, which really calmed Ed down. Only then did Ed realize the power gushing from his body and the blood marks on his face.

Ed looked at the woman in front of him and was about to ask a question when he saw her wave her hand and the chair that had just been destroyed was restored as if going back in time. The blood stains on his face disappeared and the restless power in his body calmed down.

"Who are you and what happened to me?" Ed asked in panic.

"My name is Ancient Yi. I am a magician and your mother's friend. As for the power you have, it is the power your mother inherited from you." Ancient Yi replied.

"You are a magician, so you must be very powerful. Please save my mother, I can do anything!" Ed said with a tone of pleading mixed with expectation.

The Ancient One sighed, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, kid, Martha is my friend, and I want to save her as much as you do, but I can't."

"Unless the Eye of Agamotto is used," Ancient One thought.

Ed didn't notice the flaw in Gu Yi's words, but just lowered his head in disappointment. Sadness surged into his heart again, and tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

Ancient One came over and said comfortingly, "Don't be sad, kid, Martha left something for you." After saying that, a book appeared in his hand. Ed raised his head with a choked sob and took the book. The book was very big. It was thick and Ed had to use both hands to hold it.

Gu Yi continued, "You can only read this book by yourself. Don't take it out in a crowded place. Do you understand?"

Ed nodded and put it in his backpack. He had now collected his emotions and wiped away his tears. Rather than being sad, he cared more about why his mother died?The man in front of me might know the answer.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course" Ancient One said.

"I remember that my mother was always in good health before I was six years old. After that, my mother was admitted directly to the hospital. Why?"

"Magic experiment, the experiment took away Martha's life. I should have stopped it in the first place." Ancient One said with some regret.

Ed was silent for a moment and said, "Is magic dangerous?"

Gu paused for a few seconds and said firmly, "No, as long as you use it carefully, there will be no danger, as long as you stick to your heart."

"Thank you, Aunt Gu Yi, for letting me know so much and for giving me my mother's relics," Aide said sincerely.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." Gu Yi felt a little subtle, thinking that he shouldn't be called aunt.

Then he said, "Ed, if anything happens, you can come to me at Kamal Taj." Then he turned around and disappeared.

The mirror-shattering effect disappeared and the world became normal. The conversations between the doctors and nurses reached Ed's ears with sympathetic words such as "It's so pitiful." Ed didn't pay attention. He looked at his mother lying on the hospital bed.

"I'm going to miss you, Mom."

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