Marvel Wizard My Dad Is Iron Man

Chapter 30 Ed is exposed

The Battle of New York has been over for some time.

Ed returned to his daily life, taking classes during the day and learning magic at night.

The outside world views the Avengers differently.

There is gratitude, resistance, slander, and disgust.

In short, with Tony around, these negative things will not affect Ed for the time being, at least until he reaches adulthood.

But it was not completely without influence. In the Battle of New York, Ed was somewhat eye-catching.

And throughout the entire process, Ed did not remain in Animagus form throughout.

He was inevitably filmed, although with the help of Jarvis, Ed's information was not leaked.

But here comes the problem, like right now, Ed just went back to school today.

In an instant, countless people rushed to him, most of them holding the same photo.

"Hey! Ed's here!"

"Ed, is this photo of you?"

"Ed, do you have super powers?"

"Can you turn into an eagle?"

"Are you an Avenger?"

"Ed, you..."

Countless questions hit Ed in the face like a barrage of bullets.

Looking at the excited faces, Ed said loudly.

"No, I'm not, you got the wrong person!"

Just kidding, if he admits this, Ed's campus life will be ruined from now on.

In such a noisy environment, the people around him didn't seem to hear Ed's words.

Boys and girls were swarming over Ed like crazy.

Seeing more and more people surrounding him, Ed realized that this was not going to work.

Ed looked in the right direction, and with his height of 1.7 meters, which was almost arrogant to his peers, he easily broke through the encirclement.

He ran towards the corner of the campus, and soon with his height advantage, Ed got rid of the people following him.

Just when Ed was relieved, someone behind him patted him unexpectedly.

"Hey Ed, we've been looking for you for a long time!"

"Ah!" Ed was startled and turned around. Little fat Ned and little brother Peter stood behind him.

As early as Ed completed the Animagus, he returned to New York to go to school.

Ed patted his chest, "You guys scared me."

The two scratched their heads and then stepped forward mysteriously.

Ned took out a photo from his arms, which showed Eddard firing a blue beam from his hand and hitting a Chitauri soldier.

Peter said expectantly, "Ed, is this really you?"

Ed looked at the photo, then at the two people with expectant faces, and held his head, feeling a headache.

He sighed "Okay, I can tell you the truth."

"But you must sign a confidentiality contract with me."

When the two heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up and they nodded like garlic.

"Okay, extend your hand."

The two did as they were told, and Ed put his hands on top of them.

Then, with a stern look on his face, he said, "Read it after me."

"If I reveal Ed's secret."

"I'd be an idiot."

The two of them did not doubt that he was there, so they continued to speak, the moment they finished speaking.

Ed muttered under his breath, "Fluorescence."

A white light suddenly appeared in the hands of the three people, and Ned and Peter's eyes widened.

Not even Edd heard what he said clearly, Ned's mouth opened wide and he was about to shout.

Ed's eyes were quick and he pressed his mouth.

He said viciously, "Ned, do you want to become an idiot?!"

Ned quickly shut his mouth and shook his head, and Peter on his side also quickly covered his mouth.

It seemed that he had been fooled by Ed enough, and then Peter suddenly remembered something.

"Ed, what about Aunt May?"

Ed's face froze. He would never forget that day. After Aunt Mei saw the news, she talked on the phone for several hours.

Aunt May didn't doubt whether it was him on the news at all. She knew Ed so well that she could tell it was him at a glance.

"Ahem, Aunt Mei already knows."

"Oh -" Peter nodded, wanting to say something else.

Ding ding—dong dong—, the school bell rang, and Ned and Peter reluctantly left.

Ed was relieved as he watched the two people leave. He really didn't want to deceive his friends.

But when I think about what happens next, I still can't help but feel a headache.


When Ed returned home, he collapsed on the sofa. He was exhausted from dealing with his classmates.

Tony came up from the studio holding something in his hand. He saw Ed's appearance and said with interest.

"What? Are you tired of being chased by your fans?"

Tony obviously knew what was going to happen to Ed.

Ed raised his eyelids and said weakly, "Dad, you have time to make sarcastic remarks."

"Why don't you help me think of a solution."

Tony laughed loudly, "Ed, you know, I was just like you when I was in school."

"There's nothing wrong with that, not to mention there are women..."

"Dad——" Ed said helplessly in a long voice.

"Alright alright."

"You don't know how blessed you are when you are in the midst of blessings." Tony curled his lips.

Then he reached out and handed over something that felt like leather, very thin.

Ed took it with a puzzled look on his face, "What is this?"

"Try it on your face." Tony said with a smile on his face

Ed did as he was told, and the thing suddenly stuck to Ed's face automatically.

"Oh! What!" Ed stood up in fright.

He immediately touched his face. When he first touched it, there was nothing strange.

Then after Ed touched it carefully, he felt as if there was a layer of skin covering his face.

But there was no feeling on his face, just like usual.

He looked at Tony, "This is..."

Tony didn't say anything, but handed over a mirror. Ed took it and was stunned immediately.

The face in the mirror was not Ed's face, so he touched it in disbelief.

A hand also appeared on the face in the mirror, and Ed made another smile.

The face in the mirror also made a smiley face.

"How about it? Can you solve the problem?"

Ed was delighted, "Of course!"

"Thank you, Dad!"


The next day, Ed’s classroom.

The seat that belonged to Ed was empty, and it was already class time.

The students around me kept looking at that seat.

One of the boys was whispering to the people around him.

"Hey, tell me, Ed, is he really an Avenger?"

"We got it right yesterday, so I won't come today."

"Yeah yeah."

"It must be so."

"I just said how did he..."

The classmates were all having a heated discussion, and then the teacher walked in.

"Quiet!" the teacher said seriously

The classroom fell silent for a moment, and the teacher continued.

"Because of rumors, Ed transferred to another school."

As soon as these words came out, the classroom became noisy again.

"Quiet!!" the teacher shouted again

"I can tell you responsibly."

"Classmate Ed is definitely not what you think."

After listening to the teacher's words, some people were dubious, and some people really believed it.

There was occasional movement in the classroom, but overall it was quiet.

The teacher then said, "Because there is one less person in our class."

"So, a new classmate will be joining us."

Then the teacher called outside, "Classmate Robb."

A tall young man walked in. This young man was Ed after wearing a mask.

"Introduce yourself." The teacher gave up the podium.

Ed walked up and raised a smile, "Hello everyone, I'm Robb..."

After briefly introducing himself, Ed followed the teacher's instructions and sat down in his original seat.

Ed sat there quietly, occasionally curious eyes would be cast here, and Ed would smile back.

It seemed that no one suspected it, and Ed breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed completely.

He was really exhausted from dealing with his classmates yesterday. Soon, the bell rang and it was time for recess.

Ed walked out without attracting anyone's attention. He had to tell Ned and Peter.

Soon, he came to the corner of the school. As expected, the two of them were gathered here.

Sure enough, when Ed walked around a corner, the two of them squatted on the ground, each holding a Lego man.

At the same time, a crackling sound effect similar to a fighting sound was made from the mouth.

The two were having so much fun that they didn't even notice Ed behind them.

"Cough cough."

The two stood up and said awkwardly when they saw someone they didn't recognize.

"Is there something wrong? Classmate?"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Ed smiled happily, but the two people opposite him were confused.

Ed took off his mask, surprising both of them.

He came over and pinched Ed's face. After confirming that it was true, he looked surprised.

Ed explained his purpose and said that this was also within Ed's secret scope.

Once leaked, he will become an idiot.

The two people, who were stunned by Ed yesterday, nodded repeatedly, indicating that they would never leak the secret.

Ed nodded with satisfaction, stayed for a while and then left. After all, he stopped playing with fighting with villains when he was six years old.

Ed walked out of the corner and a girl stood across from him.

Ed was stunned. He didn't expect anyone to come to such a remote place.

But he didn't think much about it, and nodded politely and smiled at the girl.

Ed hadn't gone far when the girl's clear and lively voice came, making Ed startled.

"You're an Avenger, right?"

"My name is Kate Bishop."

"I want to talk to you."

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