Ding dong dong~, the bell that symbolizes the end of school rang. Ed carried a backpack with magazines and newspapers on his back and walked towards the hospital where his mother was. When he thought of seeing his mother, Ed's steps became much more brisk, and his face The smile on his face became even brighter.

Arriving at the hospital, Ed went straight to his mother's ward.The ward was very large, and there was only one woman. This woman had a sickly pale face, but she still couldn't hide her beauty, with bright eyes, white teeth, picturesque eyebrows, and long hair reaching her waist.What's more important is her temperament, which is the gentleness of oriental women.

The woman's name was Martha. When she saw Ed coming in, Martha became visibly happy and her eyes brightened a bit. She called Ed to her side and touched his head and said, "How were you at school today? Are you happy?" ? Have you ever been wronged?" Ed raised a smile on his face and said very briskly, "My classmates are all my good friends, how could I be wronged, but today I want to show you something."

While talking, she took out the magazine and newspaper from her backpack and handed them to Martha. The woman saw the man at a glance, her pupils shrank, and she said unnaturally, "Ed, where is this from, why are you showing it to me?" "

Ed replied, "Ned gave it to me. He also said that I look like this man. I want to show it to you."

When Martha heard this, she trembled slightly and said, "He was just joking, right." Ed thought his mother was a little strange, but didn't say anything, and then started telling interesting things about school, and Martha also Back to normal.

The boy kept saying something to his mother, and the woman just listened quietly, touching his hair from time to time, but her eyes were full of reluctance.

Suddenly Martha started to cough, and Ed said worriedly, "Mom, what's wrong, are you okay?" Martha waved her hand and said, "Ed, can you call the doctor in for me?"

Ed, who was worried about his mother, didn't notice the call button next to the bed and ran out quickly.

After Ed left, a book suddenly appeared in Martha's hand, and then a slender stick appeared in the other hand, like a wand in a fantasy novel.The style of both things was out of tune with this ward, more like a kind of magic.

Then Martha used her wand to emit a little bit of light, as if to send a signal. After a few seconds, everything around her seemed to slow down, and an effect similar to a broken mirror appeared.

A bald woman didn't know when she appeared in the ward. She said, "Martha, you don't have time, right? How long do you have?" Martha said easily as if she were seeing an old friend, "It's probably a few minutes." , Ancient One."

"Are you serious?" Gu Yi asked in a serious tone.

"Of course." Martha replied equally seriously.

The atmosphere became heavy, "Do me a favor, Ancient One." Martha was the first to break the silence.

"What's the favor?" Gu Yi asked. Martha gently gave away the book in her hand and said, "I want to give this book to my son and help me seal the contents. I don't want what happened to me to happen to me." of children.”

Ancient One took the book and said in surprise, "Have you decided to teach that child magic?"

Martha shook her head, "It's not me, it's the book that teaches."

Gu Yi seemed to understand something. He let the book float in the air and began to draw circles with his hands. Following Gu Yi's movements, something like sparks with some kind of text appeared in the air. That was magic.

Layers of magic fell on the book, and Ancient One said, "I've finished sealing it." Then he said sadly, "Goodbye, Martha."

Just as Ancient One was about to leave, Martha said, "Wait a minute, do me one last favor, turn on the TV for me, and slow down the time a little more."

Gu nodded, waved his hand and turned on the TV. The surrounding mirror-shattering effect did not disappear, and then turned around and disappeared.

Martha was watching TV alone in the ward. She changed the channel and finally stopped at a press conference. She looked at the man standing on the stage. The man's eyes were deep and he suddenly said.

"I'm Iron Man."

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