Marvel Wizard My Dad Is Iron Man

Chapter 18 Xiu Xiu asks for help

In the hotel, it's night now, in Ed's room.

Ed was waving his wand, aiming at the cup in front of him.

I saw the cup, constantly changing, turning into a lifelike eagle.

But Ed's expression was not happy, "Oh, failed again."

According to Ed's original idea, the eagle should flap its wings and fly high, and with a loud cry, it should at least move.

But the reality is that the eagle stands there blankly, looking stylish but lifeless.

Ed saw with his own eyes that Professor Ge used a cup to conjure a majestic lion, and every hair was clearly visible.

The most important thing is that the movements and expressions of this lion are exactly the same as those of a real lion.

If he hadn't actually seen the whole process, Ed might have thought it was a real lion.

Therefore, Ed naturally believed that he had to reach the level of Professor McGonagall to complete the Animagus.

"That's it for today." Ed said to himself tiredly.

Ed had been practicing for a long time before this. Just when Ed was about to put down his wand, a rustling sound came from the window.

Ed was startled, gripped his wand tightly, and walked toward the window.

As soon as Ed opened the window, a dark shadow flashed past and burst into the room.

"What!" Ed was at a loss.

Black shadow ran around in the room, and he was dwellers-, and constantly made a sound of hitting things.

There seemed to be a sound of metal colliding, and the black figure suddenly emerged from under the bed.

Ed took this opportunity and said, "Everything is petrified!" The black shadow suddenly froze on the carpet.

Ed stepped forward and took a closer look. The shadow was black with blue all over. It was about the size of a cat, with a flat mouth like a duck and two small black eyes.

The limbs are short and have claws like small hooks.

The more Ed looked, the more something was wrong. As if he suddenly remembered something, his eyes lit up.

"This is, Sniff!?" He quickly took out "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" and compared them carefully.

Ed lifted the magic and gently picked up the Sniff. The little guy seemed frightened and covered his eyes with his two little paws.

His body trembled slightly, Ed saw this and gently stroked Xiu Xiu's head, "Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person."

After a while, as if sensing Ed's kindness, the little guy slowly put down his paws, revealing his two dark eyes, and looked at the person in front of him.

His body no longer trembled, and Ed smiled when he saw this.

Ed put the Sniff on the ground. The Sniff stood there, hesitated, and pulled Ed's trouser leg with one paw.

The other paw pointed out the window, feeling like he was taking Ed somewhere.

Ed was surprised: "Little guy, are you taking me somewhere?"

Xiu Xiu nodded very humanely, then jumped onto the window, looked back at Ed, and jumped out of the window.

No matter how stupid Ed was, he knew what Xiu Xiu wanted to do. He hesitated, picked up something like an earphone, and put it into his ears.

Then he stood in front of the window, cast a levitation spell on himself, and jumped down.

Ed landed lightly on the ground, and Xiu Xiu in front saw him and followed him, continuing to run in one direction.

Ed followed naturally, and followed Xiu Xiu through alleys. Five minutes later, Xiu Xiu stopped in front of a small house.

Ed came to Xiu Xiu, and Xiu Xiu immediately hid behind Ed and pointed at the house in front of him with his paw.

Ed picked up the little guy first, and then went to the window on the side of the house. The window was closed and the curtains were drawn. He could not see anything.

Ed took out his wand and used the transformation spell to make a hole in the window. The scene in front of him made Ed's eyes instantly turn cold.

There were three men in the room, two were sitting with cheeky smiles on their faces, and one was standing. The important thing was that this man was holding a Sniffer in his hand.

Xiu Xiu's body was covered with scars, and there were a lot of gold and silver jewelry on the ground. It was obvious that these people were taking advantage of Xiu Xiu's nature to make money.

Thinking of this, Ed's eyes became colder and he continued to observe. The person who stood up put Xiu Xiu into a cage, and Xiu Xiu curled up in a corner.

Ed looked very worried. After a while, one of them stood up and said something to the other two.

Ed couldn't understand what was being said because they were speaking in Italian, and the man pushed open the door and walked out.

Ed hurriedly hid until the man walked away. Ed thought of a plan. He could deal with the two people in the room now and then ambush the third person who came back.

Just as he said, Ed put down the Sniff in his arms, cast an "armor protection" on himself, then walked to the door and knocked on the door.

Soon, one of them opened the door and saw Ed, a child. He obviously relaxed his vigilance and said a few words that Ed couldn't understand.

Judging from his expression, it was obvious that he didn't mean anything nice, but Ed didn't care. He smiled and quickly took out the wand behind his back.

"Passed out!"

Bang——, the man flew out, hit the wall and passed out.

Ed immediately stepped into the room. When the other person saw this situation, he roared and immediately threw the chair next to him.

When——, the chair was ejected, and Ed instantly counterattacked, "Collapsed!" He always kept Professor Flitwick's teachings in mind.

The man hit the ground on his head, and from then on, the battle ended.

Ed breathed a sigh of relief, first closed the door, and then opened the cage. Just as he was about to take out Xiu Xiu, Xiu Xiu waved his paw and took a step back.

Ed paused when he put his hand in. He knew that this Niffler had planted the seeds of distrust towards humans.

Ed could only give up temporarily. He hid by the door and waited for the other person to come back.

A few minutes later, there was a sound of opening the door, click, and the door opened.

But what Ed was waiting for was not another person, but a wine bottle, and bang——, the bottle broke next to Ed, startling him.

In just this second, the man rushed in and grabbed Ed.

At this time, Ed had already reacted and quickly said, "Collapse!"

When——, the man was knocked away. After doing all this, Ed collapsed on the ground and gasped for air.

The person who was closest to him just now was less than one meter away. It was so thrilling.

Ed stood up and pressed the headset next to his ear, "Jarvis, help me contact the local police. Someone has stolen."

"Already reported, young sir."

After doing all this, Ed truly breathed a sigh of relief, came to the side of the sniffer, and whispered softly, "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

The Niffler saw Ed defeating the three men and was no longer as alert as before. At this time, another Niffler climbed in outside the window.

The two Xiu Xiu communicated for a while, and Xiu Xiu finally climbed out of the cage.

"Healed as before" Ed first healed the wound on Tread's body, and the Niffler obviously dropped its guard against Ed.

Ed touched it tentatively, but Xiu Xiu didn't resist. Ed tried to hold it in his arms again, and the result was smooth.

Ed picked up the other Sniff and prepared to go back to the hotel. When Ed walked to the door, he saw his own footprints on the ground.

He knew why the last person found him.

Without thinking about this, Ed returned to the hotel along the way he came, and he quietly walked back to his room.

Xiu Xiu in his arms was very obedient and did not struggle along the way. When Ed turned on the light, a joking voice suddenly sounded.

"Oh, the hero who saved the kittens is back."

Ed turned back stiffly. Tony, who was looking at the show, and Pepper, whose face was ashen, were sitting on the bed.

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