Pokemon Park

Chapter 7 Ham Sausage Assassin (3)

"Oh, I forgot about you, manager, why are you here?" Ling Xin asked while helping him untie him.

"I received a call from your people, asking me to go to the control room and bring some weapons for self-defense. They said someone might be in the control room preparing to destroy evidence. I brought a kitchen knife with me. He came, and then he was captured by this girl.”

"It seems that we have to catch this guy quickly, otherwise we will be in big trouble. It's strange, why can't he be untied? How did he tie him up?"

"Get out of the way, I'll come. To untie the bell, you have to tie the bell." Jiu Yue came over with a knife and split the rope in one fell swoop.

"The physical solution is possible." Ling Xinyin swallowed in shock, "Okay, let's go and meet with Uncle Wan. By the way, manager, collect all the information about this person and send it to me in a written form. An electronic copy, be sure to hurry." Ling Xin showed the manager the worker in the video, and the manager was stunned for a moment.

"How could it be this child? This child has only been here for a month. He is serious and active in his work. When the elf lost control, he even took the initiative to apply to stay in the factory."

"That's even more proof that there's something wrong with him." Jiu Yue crossed her arms.

"Xiao Qian called, hey, what! Okay, okay, please notify the security to stop him, we will be there right away." Ling Xin put down the phone, "Oops, that person is trying to escape over the wall, let's get there quickly."

"Then there's no need to worry, Minister Ling. Our factory wall is equipped with an electric grid. If you dare to break through it, it's definitely not a problem to stun him. Moreover, we also have a regular patrol team - an army of air light fish, five in total, patrolling in turns. The factory will discharge electricity when encountering extreme circumstances. Didn't you see it when you came in?" The manager looked at Ling Xin'er.

Ling Xin and Jiu Yue shook their heads.

"That's weird. I think I saw it last night when I came back to get something. Where did it go?"

After a while, Ling Xin learned that the worker had been stunned by a passing electric light fish and fell down halfway up the wall.

"The worker's name is Kang Ni. He comes from Xicheng, Sipu Island. He is 26 years old and 1 meters tall. There is a story. This name is so strange." Qian Yiwen said, holding the document, "Does he have a brother named Dige?" , and then founded Connecticut Porridge, which I ate this morning." Qian Yiwen said to everyone half-jokingly.

"Wake up, wake up, come up with the list of questions you prepared." Ling Xin said and sat on the seat opposite Kang Ni. At this time, Kang Ni's hands and feet were restrained, and under Jiu Yue's design, he successfully connected with the chair body. Connected as one.

"Water, water, I want to drink water." Kang Ni made a feeble voice through her whitened lips.

Ling Xin and the others gave him water.

"Rice, rice, I want to eat."

Gave another meal.

"Pillow, I want to sleep."

Ling Xin couldn't bear it anymore and was about to say that I haven't eaten yet, but Pang Bai spoke first.

"That's enough, Kang Ni. Next, you answer whatever I ask, and you do what I say. Tell me honestly, otherwise you will be rewarded." Pang Bai stared at Kang Ni fiercely, "Say, I have a browser on my mobile phone. Where did the URL go? Where did the pink app go? Why did you restore my history! (Screaming)"

Character monologue (Ling Xin): I thought this guy suddenly became passionate about his work, but it turned out to be something out of tune. But, how can I restore historical records? I really want to restore them and find those things that I accidentally Deleted web pages.

"Get out of the way, don't delay things, let me ask you now, what do you do!" Ling Xin also stared at Kang Ni with fierce eyes.

"He is a worker in this factory, minister." The samurai replied from the side.

"You should ask who instigated him to do this, what is the reason, what is the motive, is it related to the foreign objects in the sausage, what is the relationship, and whether there are any accomplices of his in this factory." Uncle Wan put the lunch he bought He suggested to Ling Xin on the side.

Ling Xin pretended to be calm, "Okay, tell me, who ordered you here, what is your purpose, is it related to this foreign object in the sausage, and are there any other accomplices!"

"I'm sorry, I can only answer you one question. Which one do you want to ask?" Kang Ni breathed hard.

"Oh, you're still qualified, right?" Pang Bai looked like he was going to beat him.

Ling Xin waved his hand, indicating that he would solve the problem. Before he could speak, Jiu Yue spoke first.

"Where are the elves controlled by you!" Aragaki Jiuyue was also staring at Kang Ni, but her face was expressionless, as if she could pierce everyone's heart with her gaze.

Kang Ni managed to cheer up and forced out a smile, "You are interesting, but I can only tell you that they are not in the factory now, and they will not be there in the future. They may come when you are no longer here." After finishing speaking, he coughed a few more times, "Pillow, I want to sleep."

"Okay, Minister Ling, now you can call him and send him to the police station. The most important thing has been asked. No more questions will come out. In fact, you have exceeded your authority. The interrogation is not under the control of our department. Oh." Jiu Yue took out a document from the documents she carried with her, which stated the division of powers and responsibilities of the Associate Affairs Department.

Ling Xin had nothing to say and could only contact the police to hand over Kang Ni, "Okay, okay, let's go eat first. And, for a small sum of money, let the security end the canteen security and let the workers come out."

Everyone had left, and Ling Xin was about to leave after packing his things. He saw the minister who was co-directing the 21st Department sent him a message, saying that he had found a strange powder. After identification, it was found to be elf potion, a kind of transparent powder. After the action, it turns into gray-black or black. It can reduce the concentration of people's consciousness for a short time and make elves temporarily comatose. Some elves are born with elf potions, and of course they can also be produced artificially. Moreover, the Minister of the 21st Department said that another department responsible for this mission had also found this powder. He asked Ling Xin if they had found it. Ling Xin thought about it carefully and said, "I remembered it. This morning in the production area of ​​Area A. I’ve seen this gray-black powder, I’ll go take a look first, don’t hang up yet.”

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