Pokemon Park

Chapter 14 Mirror Life—Headless

With great difficulty, everyone dug out a cage from the utility room and put the orange cat in. Then they gathered around the table again to discuss the situation at hand. Jiu Yue kept turning the mirror over and over again, trying to open the double mirrors again, but she learned the lesson from Ling Xin being sucked in, so she always avoided facing the gap that could be opened in the middle.

"I asked why there is a cage in the house. It must have been used by the previous owner to keep the cat." Pang Bai spoke first.

"Don't talk nonsense. Who keeps cats in cages? My cats all have cat houses." The warrior retorted, "This must be a dog cage."

"Brother Xiao Wu, this is wrong. Take my eldest son and little handsome man as an example. Putting them in a cage is like letting a food lover look at a plate of delicious food but prohibiting him from eating it." Wan Bude He also retorted, "I saw that this was a chicken coop. Wasn't this a B&B before? It's normal to raise a few chickens and it's easy to kill them."

The three were about to continue the debate when Qian Yiwen suddenly interrupted them. She turned her notebook around and showed it to the three of them. "This wooden house has experienced these things." The three people stopped and looked at the contents on the notebook together.

"I asked why the headquarters would allocate such a big building to us as an office space. It is a haunted house."

"You can't say that, Pang Bai, think about it. If there has been a war in this land, people will die. If the house where the people died is a haunted house, then 80% of the houses built in the Pulis District should be Haunted house." Jiu Yue put the mirror aside and started her computer again.

"Oh, this mistress is so miserable. First, her youngest son drowned, and her eldest son was caught taking drugs. Finally, her husband fell from the second floor to the first floor and could not be saved. A fire broke out nearby and burned the chickens. , The feng shui of this place is not good." Wan Bude sighed.

"From another perspective, she is quite lucky. She is the only one who is still alive after so many misfortunes." Pang Bai added.

The warrior pointed to a photo on the screen, "Look, is this the cat that jumped out of the mirror just now?"

Pang Bai took a look and said, "It should be, but what's the use? We need to rescue Minister Ling from there. When I think that Minister Ling's life or death is still uncertain, I, I, I'm worried that I will be the only one to patrol tomorrow. , would any of you want to go with me?"

"Don't worry, he is definitely alive. I just dug out an elf paper from the vast sea of ​​literature. It talks about his process of elf fusion, and it involves double mirrors."

"Holy crap, someone actually wants to artificially create elf fusion. This is no less difficult than my video with millions of views."

"I think it's more difficult for your video to reach one million." Jiu Yue made a last-ditch attack.

"Teacher Pang, from what you said, you know a lot about elf fusion." Qian Yiwen asked.

"It's not like I understand it. I just know its concept and a few stories. The elf history professor at the university told it."

"Can you tell me about it?"

"You said that, let me introduce it. Elf fusion has existed for a long time, but it was a natural phenomenon at the beginning. For example, three small tornadoes can merge into a strong convective gyro storm. Artificial elven fusion was pioneered by Milstein and Kohler. Proposed and conducted experiments, and successfully fused two water-soluble frogs into one large water-soluble frog. At first, they only fused the same type of elves, and then began to fuse different types of elves. The most famous ones are Starlight and Life Clover. Fusion, I wanted to create a photosynthetic sheep so that I don’t have to feed them anymore, but unfortunately it failed. Some scientists even tried to fuse elves with ordinary animals and even humans. Ordinary animals and plants are restricted. About elves Research related to human fusion is completely prohibited. But I’m not familiar with the specific operating procedures and principles. You can look for videos online to watch.”

The warrior who had been silent for a long time suddenly said, "Have we forgotten something? Shouldn't we call the police and contact the headquarters first?"

"Yes, then who will contact you as the acting minister?"

Everyone's eyes moved to Pang Bai.

"Look at what I'm doing. Although I know you are lacking a leader at this time, I am still a little unsuitable. I think Uncle Wan is very good and has rich experience." Seeing that everyone was still staring at him, he continued, "Brother warriors You can do it, calm down; Jiu Yue can do it, a tech nerd can save the world; in fact, art and literature are not bad, young people have many ideas, maybe they can do it. Hey, do you really want me to come, I really can't do it ah."

Jiu Yue spoke, "I don't want you to say that you are an acting minister. You just go and contact me. Maybe the headquarters will send us a new minister, or our department will be split up directly."

"Well, as agreed, I'm only responsible for contacting you. I don't bear any other responsibilities." Pang Bai told everyone. He didn't get a reply, but he still called the phone, "Hey, Minister Zhen, I'm not, Oh, I don’t, I, I’m not Ling Xin, my name is Pang Bai, yes, yes, I’m the one..."

"Okay, I have no reason to meet, and I am looking forward to talking to you again, Minister Zhen. I'm sure there will be good news." Pang Bai hung up the phone, looking exhausted, and suddenly There was a knock on the door, "Is there anyone here? We are from across the river from the 5th Assistant Department to assist you." A female voice came into the room, and everyone looked at Pang Bai to open the door.

Pang Bai looked at them slightly angrily, "This is definitely the last time!"

Pang Bai opened the door and saw a pretty girl with short hair. "Hello, I am Li Qianmian, an intern from the fifth department. I am here to help you. Who are you?"

Pang Bai's heart went from slightly angry to surprised to surprised to ecstatic, and it was reflected on his face in time. He seemed to have thought through the entire process from first acquaintance to passionate love to marriage with the girl in front of him in 3 seconds. He restrained his expression in time, "Hello, I am the Acting Minister of the Tenth Associate Department, and my name is Pang Bai. When our Minister Ling is unable to lead our department to continue to perform official duties due to an accident, I will temporarily act on his behalf with full authority. As a minister, you can ask me anything you want. I hope we can have a happy cooperation." Pang Bai stretched out his hand.

Li Qianmian also smiled and stretched out his hand, "Okay, Minister Pang."

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