Hao and Luolin[Douluo/Sword Three]

Chapter 33 Chapter 32 Leisurely Life

Before entering the desert, Tang Hao's level had already reached level seventy-nine, and he had recently been training hard to break through level eighty.

I have to say that Tang Hao is indeed the most talented disciple of the Haotian Sect. He was level 68 when he first entered Poseidon Island, and later completed the assessment to reach level 70. After absorbing soul power without falling, the foundation accumulated before suddenly burst out. . In less than two years, his soul power increased by nine levels. You must know that the higher the soul power level, each subsequent level will be more difficult than before.

When Tang Hao reached level 80, Tang Xiao worked hard to practice, and A Yin worked hard to move towards maturity, Luolin took the girl to the desert area every day, not knowing what they were doing.

It was still a bit hot in the middle of the afternoon in the desert. In a sandy thorn area, a small lizard emerged from the yellow sand and suddenly burrowed back into the yellow sand in a panic as if it had been frightened by something.

"Ahhh! Sister Luolin, it's so fun! Go faster!"

In the sky, Lulin held Dudu with one hand and held the girl in the other, flying in the air. I originally thought that I would take care of the little girl on her first flight because I was afraid that she would not be used to it, but I didn’t expect that she would be brave.

"Then I'll speed up. If you're afraid, tell me. Dumb, hurry up!"

"Whoa whoa whoa! Flying!"

The two little girls played in the sky for a while, then went down to pick some sand thorn fruits, and then they were ready to go back.

"Mom! Mom! We are back!"

As soon as Luo Lin and Yatou returned to Jinluo's house, Yatou couldn't wait to share her happiness with her mother, and she also gave Hua Niang the sand thorn fruit she brought back. Although the sand thorn fruit is very sour and not very delicious, it is a rare fruit for desert residents. It's usually hard to find this one next to the Oasis City. It's always been picked up when it's ripe. Today, Luolin and the girl ran far away to pick so many.

When Luolin saw that the girl had gone to find her mother, she also returned to the room. Opening the door, he saw Tang Hao still meditating. She rolled her big eyes, quietly approached, sat on Tang Hao's lap, nestled in his arms, and rested her head on his chest. I took out the sea buckthorn fruit and took a bite. My mouth watered with sourness and my eyes narrowed. Even if you are like this, you are still greedy and eat another one!

Tang Hao felt it when Luo Linwo came in. He thought that he could still continue to practice because of his concentration, and he didn't want to overestimate himself. He sighed and hugged Luo Lin in his arms.

"How do you have fun?"

"Uh-huh," Luo Lin told Tang Hao where he was going, and then handed Tang Hao the sapodilla fruit to eat.

Tang Hao took the fruit that fell into his hand with his mouth and took a bite. The sour taste filled his mouth.

Luolin looked at Tang Hao with a frown on his face and a sad expression on his face. He felt a sense of satisfaction that the prank was successful and kept laughing in Tang Hao's arms.


After spending a few days in the oasis city, Tang Hao finally broke through to level 80.

Early in the morning, when Luo got up, he saw the two brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao fighting in the yard. Jin Luo was also watching carefully.

It can only be said that it is fortunate that the courtyard of the Luo family is large, otherwise it would not be enough for the two brothers to play around. The house of the Luo family would have been smashed to pieces.

"Good morning, Brother Jinluo!"

Jin Luo turned around and saw Lu Lin walking out of the door, smiling, "Good morning! Come over and sit down. The competition between these two brothers is not over yet."

Luolin found a place in the yard that would not be affected and watched the competition between the two.

Although Tang Hao had just reached level 80 and was six levels lower than Tang Xiao, he could still fight with the blessing of a hundred thousand year god-given soul ring.

The two people have the same martial spirit, and the collision between the Clear Sky Hammer and the Clear Sky Hammer can be said to be a violent aesthetic. The hammers of the two collided, and the impact of soul power caused the two of them to bounce several feet away. They landed on the ground for a buffer, and then immediately raised the hammer. Martial souls collide, fists and kicks are added, and several moves are exchanged. Those who competed had a great time, and those who watched the competition were full of passion.

Tang Hao and Tang Xiao may have been too selfless in their fight, but they actually fired out soul rings. Tang Xiao had eight soul rings, and Tang Hao's seven soul rings included a hundred thousand year soul ring, which directly shocked Jin Luo next to him. Living. The two of them activated their highest soul skills. When they entered the small courtyard of Luo's house, a strong wind blew up. The huge energy fluctuation almost destroyed the house. Luo Lin quickly spoke out to stop the two of them.

"Brother Tang Xiao, brother Tang Hao, you are going to destroy the house!!!!"

When the two heard the sound of falling, they suddenly realized that there were people around them, and quickly stopped their strength, and it took them a while to recover. The two of them came to Jinluo with apologetic expressions.

"Brother Jinluo, I'm sorry, I was too selfless in the fight.\"

"It's okay. Being able to see the duel between the Tang Xiao brothers also benefits me a lot."

Just at this time, Ah Yin came out to invite everyone to have breakfast. This was the last meal at Jinluo's house, and then the few of them would leave the desert to find the soul ring for Tang Hao.

Hua Niang knew that several people were leaving, so she prepared a lot of food and large steamed buns unique to the desert for them to eat on the way.

There is a banquet all over the world, and a few people are packing their bags and leaving. When the girl learned that Luolin was leaving, she was extremely reluctant to leave. The time spent with Luolin was too happy, and when they left suddenly, the girl hadn't recovered from her happiness yet, so she hugged Luolin and cried loudly.

Luo Lin suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He knelt down and held the girl in his arms, coaxing softly, "Girl, please don't cry. Every separation is for the sake of a better reunion next time. We will meet again!"

After hearing what Luo Lin said, the girl didn't know what it meant, so she just looked at her with tears in her eyes. "Then when can we meet again!"

Yes, I don’t know when we will see each other again. "As long as you want to see me, I will meet you if I want to see you. When you grow up, you can go across the desert to find me. You have to eat well and grow taller!"

"Okay! I want to grow up quickly. Sister Luo Lin, remember to come find me. My nickname is Jin Yunkai! When I grow up, I want to use my nickname. I want to find Jin Yunkai."

"Okay, our girl's name is really nice!"

Next to him, Jin Luo was a bit shy. He was a rough old man who had never read a lot of books. The names of the two siblings were chosen by an educated man while he was away on business. The daughter's name is Jin Yunkai, and the son's name is Jin Yulin. The whole family likes them very much.

Luolin took out a bracelet from his backpack. The bracelet was a simple small red rope with a translucent pearl in the middle. It was filled with light and was very gorgeous. Luolin raised the girl's hand and tied the bracelet on her wrist.

"Girl, this is a gift from Sister Luolin to you. Your father's martial spirit is a sand wolf, and your martial spirit is probably the same. Here, my sister has saved the soul ring of a lone wolf that has been around for a hundred years, waiting for you to awaken the martial spirit. The soul is ready for use!”

Lu Lin's words made everyone around except Tang Hao look shocked. They had never heard of anything that could store soul rings! what on earth is it!

Jinluo next to him looked anxious, "Lulu! This is too precious, we can't have it!"

"It doesn't matter." Luolin looked at the girl again and continued, "It doesn't matter if your martial soul awakens and the properties of the soul ring are not suitable. Carrying it with you can protect you from harm in times of danger. The girl will grow up safely. !”

The girl who was still relatively ignorant about everything didn't know what this meant, so she just happily thanked Luolin for the gift!

Jinluo still felt that it was too precious. A century-old soul ring might not be much in a developed place, but it was very precious in an oasis. Although he is at the forty-third level, his first soul ring is only ten years old, his second or third hundred year old soul ring, and his fourth soul ring is a soul ring that has just reached a thousand years, and he fought hard to get it. It is precisely because of this thousand-year soul ring that he can become the caravan leader.

Tang Hao saw Jin Luo's entanglement and stopped him from rejecting what he was about to say. He talked for a while before persuading him.

"Guys, thank you for your kindness. Although I am not strong in strength, I value friendship the most. I will never tell anyone about this in my life. If you can use me in the future, just mention it and I will not hesitate to do so!"

The few of them said goodbye to Jinluo's family and embarked on a journey to find the soul ring. From Jinluo's mouth, they learned that a few days' walk northwest from Qiluo Town there was a mountain range where high-level soul beasts often appeared, but it was very dangerous. Few soul masters dare to go there, and he heard it from others when he was doing business. This information was exactly what Tang Hao wanted. He wanted to get a ten-thousand-year soul ring for his eighth soul ring. Of course, a hundred-thousand-year soul ring was rare, but what he wanted in his heart was a hundred-thousand-year soul ring! Only by getting better and better can he always stand by her side to protect her and protect her from wind and rain.

Tang Hao stared lovingly at his little mermaid who was explaining the arrival of the bead to Ah Yin Tang Xiao while walking. His heart was extremely soft, his little mermaid...

It turns out that when Luolin and the girl went out to play these days, they were studying soul rings. She has been curious about the soul rings in this world since she came to Douluo Continent. The soul power cultivated in this world is very similar to internal power, but breakthrough does require the help of external power.

When she got the water soul by chance, she felt something in her heart. I tried to find a soul beast in the desert, wrapped the soul ring energy with water elements to isolate it from the outside world, used my own soul power to compress it and finally condensed it into a water drop. I tried over and over again and finally succeeded in one!

She learned from Tang Hao that many soul masters were studying the preservation of soul rings but no one had succeeded. She didn't know why she succeeded. She felt that this was not an accident and there must be a key factor that she was not aware of!

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