Hao and Luolin[Douluo/Sword Three]

Chapter 30 Chapter 29 Oasis Water Source

After the banquet was over, the city lord hugged Zhu Qiu and left, leaving behind Zhu Xia, another woman who didn't speak much, and ordered the maid to clean up the mess.

"City Lord, don't worry. I will definitely let the City Lord get what he wants."

Zhu Qiu's words undoubtedly scratched the city lord's itch. The city lord laughed and hugged Zhu Qiu up and down his hands, "Thank you, beauty."

"Hmph, City Lord, don't forget about me and my sister when we have a new beauty."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not forget the beauty. Don't I still love you?"

When the two entered the room, the city lord put his hand into Zhu Qiu's clothes and said, "Let me, the city lord, love my beautiful lady."

"City Lord~"

At the gate of the city lord's mansion, Luo Lin and others bid farewell to Jin Luo and returned to the prepared room.

"Sister Ah Yin, I want dessert."

After hearing Lu Lin's words, Ah Yin took out the desserts and milk tea that he had prepared before. Luolin squinted his eyes and tasted it intoxicatedly.

"Sister Ah Yin's food is still delicious. I won't eat food from the femme fatale in the City Lord's Mansion."

The two brothers, Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, were discussing the news they had received from Jin Luo. According to Jinluo's information, the Oasis City used to rely on the water source in the center of the city lord's palace. Later, the water source was contaminated for some reason and could not be consumed. There were many capable people in the city lord's mansion who could purify the water source, but the amount of water purified in one day was limited. The City Lord's Mansion also consumes a lot of manpower and material resources. If people outside want water, they have to pay tribute and materials, and the City Lord's Mansion will distribute the water.

This matter is strange to say, and there may be some unknown secrets.

The most important thing is that Jinluo said that the city lord has become more and more addicted to pleasure and beauty, which is completely different from his previous behavior. Some families without supplies would trade their women for water. The city lord is the only Contra in the oasis city, and most of the oasis residents are ordinary people who have no way to resist.

"We'd better be careful. Understanding the situation can be considered as doing something for the residents of the oasis."

"Listen to brother, let's pretend we don't know anything and act in secret."


Late at night, Luolin jumped off his dull back, held an umbrella and stood on the waves, observing the surrounding waters.

The water source of this oasis was not polluted. When I circled around, I found that the water source was surrounded by poisonous gas. It seemed that someone deliberately wanted to control the water source!

Luolin took an antidote pill and flew into the poisonous mist to take a look. As soon as he took off, he was grabbed by the shoulder and taken away from the poisonous gas range.

"Stay, don't make trouble! Let me go, I'll be fine!"

Lu Lin was also helpless. It should be that the green poisonous fog had left a shadow on Daidai before, and he did not dare to let her get into other poisonous gases again. But that poisoning was prepared by someone else, and other poison and detoxification pills were enough to resist it.

"Don't scream! You will be discovered!" Seeing that Daidai was about to scream, Luolin quickly stopped him.

The dumb cry was stuck in his throat and he didn't hand it over.

Seeing Dadai unwilling to let go, he came to a compromise. "As soon as it lands on my shoulder, let's go take a look together. If you have any questions, just take me and fly away, my little ancestor."

It seemed that Luo Lin was very determined to go, so he let go of his paw and landed on Luo Lin's shoulder.


"Sister, I think we should be more cautious about this matter. They feel very difficult to deal with."

"It's okay, sister, those two men are easy to get at first sight, and they are from a big family. As long as we follow them, we will enjoy endless glory and wealth outside!"

"Sister, we must be careful...who is there!!"

Zhu Xia used a soul skill to throw it over, but found nothing.

"Sister, you are too nervous. Who can get in with the poison of this snake and scorpion? Let's get out of here quickly. The provincial city lord can't see us pursuing it further."

The two sisters left, leaving only the permeating poisonous atmosphere.


When Lulin came back from the oasis, Tang Hao hadn't woken up yet. Luolin quietly slipped into the room.

Tang Hao on the bed frowned, sweated profusely, and murmured. It seemed that he was greatly troubled by something in his dream.

"Lin'er...Lin'er...don't leave!"

"Brother Tang Hao! Wake up! Wake up!"

Tang Hao still showed pain on his face and showed no sign of waking up. Luolin frowned and looked around the room. His sharp eyes fell on the candle in the corner. He raised his hand and popped out a drop of water to extinguish the candle, and then wrapped the candle with a water balloon.

Someone actually added incense to the candles that would make people fall into nightmares. It was really abominable. It must have been the work of those two poisonous women! Luo Lin felt secretly resentful, and the first priority was to wake up Tang Hao and go see how his eldest brother and A Yin were doing.

"Brother Tang Hao, wake up!"

Tang Hao, trapped in a nightmare, struggled wildly in the fear of leaving him. He felt as if his heart was being cut into pieces by a thousand knives. His little mermaid is gone, he can't find her anywhere, has she returned to her own world, and he will never see her again.

No! He doesn't want this! It was so painful...how could he endure it!

"Brother Tang Hao, brother Tang Hao..."

The sound of falling came, bringing back a little bit of Tang Hao's consciousness in the dream.


When Tang Hao woke up, he hugged Luo Lin next to him tightly, as if he was trying to use all his strength to integrate Luo Lin into his body, so that they would never be separated again!

"Brother Tang Hao...well..."

Before Luolin could say any comforting words, Tang Hao kissed her lips directly, burying her voice.

Stormy weather! overbearing! Definitely! crazy! Luolin was forced to bear Tang Hao's bites, not wanting to resist, unwilling to resist, relaxing himself in Tang Hao's arms, feeling his uneasiness and panic.

Not long after, Tang Hao's rationality returned, and the crazy kiss turned into a fine grinding, extremely gentle.


"It's okay, brother Tang Hao. Seeing you so sad just now made my heart hurt." Luo Lin's cheeks were flushed. He woke up from his intoxication and looked at Tang Hao a little shyly. "Brother Tang Hao, are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Tang Hao shook his head, "With Lin'er by my side, I won't feel any pain."

Luolin felt that she was about to drown in Tang Hao's affection. Thoughts flashed in her mind, and she suddenly remembered something else!

"It's broken, there are still eldest brother and Ah Yin!"

He quickly took Tang Hao to the next room to see the situation of the two of them. As expected, the situation was almost the same as Tang Hao's.

Luo Lin and Tang Hao were no longer waiting, so they extinguished the candles and woke up the two people living in the nightmare.

The two people on the bed faintly woke up.

"Ah Yin! Are you okay?"

"Brother Xiao..."

Looking at the two people hugging each other tightly, Luo Lin and Tang Hao retreated silently, waiting for their emotions to stabilize before discussing strategies.

Tang Xiao and A Yin were in the same mood as Tang Hao at that time, fearful and nervous. As long as he thinks about what happened in the dream, he can't help it. He will never let it happen.

He will never let Ah Yin become someone else's soul ring and soul bone, Ah Yin is his lover! Forever love!

Tang Xiao held Ah Yin tightly in his arms, absorbing Ah Yin's warmth. Suddenly, I felt the humidity on my chest, and my heart panicked.

"Ah Yin, don't cry..."

"Brother Xiao, if my identity is discovered one day, will you abandon me?"

"No!" Tang Xiao said categorically, "Never, you are my lover, I will always be with you, I guarantee it with my life!"

In Tang Xiao's gentle comforting voice, Ah Yin gradually stopped crying. She believed that he would not abandon her like in the dream. Her brother Xiao was not that kind of person, and she believed in him.

What happened last night, Luo Lin and others thought it was better to treat it as nothing happened. Let's see what kind of medicine the City Lord's Mansion sells!

In the hall of the city lord's palace, there were singing and dancing performances, beauties were like clouds, and the fragrance of makeup filled the entire hall. What the four people saw when they arrived was this extravagant scene.

"Oh, four distinguished guests, you have finally arrived. Please take your seats quickly." The city lord saw several people coming and spoke quickly. "The city lord is very happy today and has held a banquet. Come and enjoy it. It will definitely make you miss Shu!"

The four of them looked as usual and thanked the city lord for his hospitality. As soon as he sat down, a dancer in cool clothes poured wine and waited on him.

"Hahahahaha, let's drink and drink." The city lord raised his glass, "A few distinguished guests, they were still used to it last night!"

"The city lord is a generous man, and we brothers and sisters all slept well." Tang Xiao said, raising the wine glass in his hand and toasting with a glass of wine.

"That's good, that's good, come and drink!" The city lord raised his wine glass with an intriguing expression on his face.

Not long after, the four of them fell into a trance, lying on the table unconscious.

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