Hao and Luolin[Douluo/Sword Three]

Chapter 15 Chapter 14 Star Luo Imperial City

Star Dou Great Forest


It was cloudless, the water surface was sparkling, there seemed to be stars all over the water, and hundreds of flowers bloomed on the shore. The flowers kissed the cheek of the girl sleeping among the flowers, and the girl's eyelashes trembled slightly as if she was waking up.

Luolin Youyou woke up, looked at the unfamiliar environment, and frowned, where was she?

"Are you awake?"

Luolin stood up from the flowers and looked in the direction of the sound. I saw a soul beast with a bull's head and a body of a snake. It was huge in size. Most of its body was coiled in Luo Xing Lake. The exposed part was shocking enough.

"I'm fine now, thank you for saving me!"

"I didn't save you. The current carried you to the shore. I'm just here to guard you."

Luolin looked confused after hearing what it said. Is the water in this world so spiritual? There's still something I don't know about. It would be nice if Brother Tang Hao was here. Thinking of this, she suddenly realized that she was here alone. She didn't know how worried they were, so she had to find them quickly.

"I still want to thank you. I wonder if you have seen my friends?"

Qingtian Niu Mang shook his head, "This is the center of the forest, no one has ever been here."

It seems that I can go up the river to see if I can find them. I blame my own gluttony for the murder caused by a beehive!

"Okay, I'm going to find my partner. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about you. You have to be more careful yourself. A hundred thousand year soul beast is too precious and you are in danger."

Qingtian Niu Mang listened and nodded, "Goodbye."

Luolin waved his hands to it, used Qinggong, and flew upstream.

Qingtian Niu Mang stared at Luolin's departure direction with a thoughtful look on her face. This is a human girl who has a strong affinity for aquatic creatures. She is very special...

Luolin walked all the way up and walked for a long time before she found the waterfall she had fallen into before. But there was no one here, the bee swarm and the crocodile swarm were gone, leaving only a messy battle scene. He could feel that this was left by Tang Hao's Haotian Hammer!

Did they go looking for her too? How was she going to find them?

A sense of fear gradually arose in Luo Lin's heart, a fear that she was alone in the world. Brother Tang Hao, Luo Lin, was afraid of being alone! Don't know where to go?

At this moment, Luo Lin suddenly realized that besides Tang Hao, she had no one else in this continent...

After a long time, my thoughts calmed down, and then I started to think of solutions. First, let's see if there are any towns around the forest, if there is any place similar to a government office, and post a missing person notice.

Luolin called out his mount, Ba Hongchen, got on his horse and walked towards the outskirts of the forest.

Star Luo Empire

star city

As the imperial city of the Star Luo Empire, it has complete supporting facilities, a large population, and countless officials and nobles.

Lulin stood under the grand city gate, thinking that he had finally found a decent town. We met many small villages on the road, and everyone felt inexplicable fear when they saw her. They were afraid to talk to her and she was too embarrassed to ask them about the situation. I hope there is somewhere here that can help him find someone.

She wandered around the city for a long time, but couldn't find the place she was looking for.

"Miss, do you know how I can help you?"

When Luolin heard someone calling him from behind, he stopped and turned around to look back. There were only a few people in the group, and the leading man looked at him with a warm smile. On the contrary, the woman standing next to the man looked at Luan Lin with an unhappy expression. Luolin didn't care either.

The man continued, "I don't mean any harm, I just saw you wandering around here for a long time and don't know what you are looking for. Maybe I can help you."

"Thank you for your kindness. I don't think I need it anymore." Luo Lin thought that this world is different after all. It is common for soul masters to travel to the mainland and die in foreign lands. No one will care about this. For ordinary people's life and death, That's not what they need to care about. The soul master pursues supreme strength and power, but the reality is empty.

"Hey! Brother Wei Ya is kind enough to help you, but you are really ignorant!"

Luolin's face was expressionless when he heard the voice of the woman next to him. Are the soul masters in this place so confident and unreasonable?

Then she thought that most of the soul masters she met looked arrogant when facing ordinary people, and she thought that maybe the soul masters in this place were really different.

Not wanting to get into more trouble with them, he nodded to Vierya and left.

Find a hotel to stay in first, and then think of a solution.

At night, Luolin stood on the roof of the hotel, looking at the night sky and the brightly lit Xingluo City under the night sky. Lying blankly at Luo Lai's feet, combing his feathers.

"Dadai, do you think I can find Brother Tang Hao?"

A dull chirp was considered an answer.

On the other side, outside the Star Dou Forest

Tang Hao was sitting next to the bonfire, looking at the dancing flames in trance. He had been searching for several days, but still couldn't find Luo Lin. Where would she go?

Luo Lin was unfamiliar with the people and places here, and he was worried that she would be in danger and that she would be deceived. His brows were furrowed, his face full of worry.

"Brother Hao, are you worried about Lu Lin?"


Tang Xiao looked at his brother's distraught state and felt uncomfortable thinking about Luolin's whereabouts.

"Lu Lin's strength is such that few people on the mainland can harm her. She must not know the way and don't know where she went. Don't worry, we will search slowly, and we will definitely find her."

Tang Hao also knew in his heart that Luolin was very powerful, but this was also what worried him. A simple girl who was carrying a treasure and was alone could easily be missed by someone with evil intentions!

The next day

Luolin came out of the hotel where he had rested for the night, ready to see if there was any other way to find Tang Hao and the others.

Vierya, who had been waiting at the door of the hotel early in the morning, finally found the person he was longing for and hurriedly greeted him. He handed over the flowers in his hand.

"I see this young lady is looking worried. Is there anything I can do to help?"

No girl can refuse bright flowers, and the feeling of falling is relieved a little bit because of seeing this bouquet of flowers.

"Why did you come to me?" Luolin glanced at Wei Ya, but did not accept the bouquet of flowers.

Seeing Lu Lin, Wei Ya did not accept the flowers and did not have too many regrets. She put the flowers away and said, "I just want to help you and make friends with you."

Luolin ignored him and walked forward. Vierya hurriedly chased after him.

"Don't be so indifferent. After all, I am also the son of a duke, and I am studying at the Star Luo Royal Academy. I still know a lot of people."

Luolin heard what Wei Ya said and glanced at him. This look made Wei Ya's heart flutter, and his smile became more and more flattering.

I didn't realize that he was the son of a duke, so he was also a son of an official, so he should have some power here.

"I'm looking for someone, can you help me?"

Werya finally heard the beauty's appeal and felt happy.

"Of course, I wonder if you can know the beauty's name?"

"Fang Luolin, Level 65 Weapon Soul Emperor, Wuhun Xianyu Umbrella." He called out the Xianyu Umbrella. The Xianyu Umbrella spun around Luo Lin, and Luo Lin stretched out his hand to hold it lightly.

Verya’s eyes were filled with disbelief! She is already a Soul Emperor at such a young age, and he is already a talented student in the academy at the age of seventeen and thirty-level Soul Emperor. Unexpectedly...

Villa came to look dumbfounded, "If you can help me find someone, you are the son of a Duke and should not be short of resources and money. How about I give you a life-saving elixir."

Weierya didn't care about any reward, "I don't know, Miss Luolin, who are you looking for?"

"Tang Hao! Haotian Sect Tang Hao."

"What! Haotian Sect!"

"What, can't you do anything?" Luo Lin glanced at Wei Ya.

"Haotian Sect, in the realm of Tiandou Empire, I am from Xingluo so I'm afraid it won't be easy for me to get involved." Wilya looked embarrassed.

"I know this. We got separated in the Star Dou Forest. You just need to help me make sure there is no such person in Star Luo and the Star Dou Forest."

After hearing Luo Lin's words, Wei Ya looked confident, "I can still do this. I wonder if you would be honored to invite a beauty to have breakfast?"

"Let's go!"

Wei Ya's face was filled with joy and she quickly followed the footsteps of Lu La.

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