[HP]Hogwarts famous beauties

Chapter 94 Why I’m Not a Prefect Yet

"Of course you have to be happy, I'm your girlfriend." Winter paused, "You know? Because Hermione saw us making out several times, so I... told Hermione that you were my godfather. "

"Godfather?" Lupine said with a helpless smile, "Miss, you are really interesting."

Coming out of Lupin's room, Winter turned into Sirius's room.

"Where did you just go?"

"Remus' place."

"You're so honest." Sirius lowered his head unhappily again, "Why, after making out with him, it's my turn now."

"No, no," Winter knew that Sirius was in a bad mood, so he simply didn't care about it, "I just miss you."

"Think of me... I am the second one again..." Sirius was still staring at his knees, "Isn't that right? I am the second one every time... You must be the second one every time to think of me, the first one will always be It's him."

"...Sirius, why do you say that?"

"I'm not wrong. Ever since I started school... you have always put me in second place. Obviously I..." Sirius raised his head and stared at Winter with his eyes full of melancholy. Winter found out His somewhat weathered face actually looked very aggrieved, "I'm obviously your fiancé! It's obvious that I liked you first!"

Winter hurriedly tried to comfort Sirius, but Sirius avoided him, "Sirius...I didn't mean that..."

"Do you know that my pain over the past thirteen years is no less than his? I hate myself. I hate myself for not protecting you that day. I hate myself for changing the secret keeper because of this incident. I didn't even have time to properly protect you." Looking for you..."

"Stop talking, Sirius." Winter's eyes were filled with tears, "I know...I really know...I will never leave you, never..." Winter hugged him, and Winter felt Then, the man she was holding rubbed his head hard into Winter's neck. "...I can't live without you, really."

How can I save you, my Sirius.

On the last day of the holiday, Winter and the others received the Hogwarts book list. Winter looked at the parchment inside in Hermione's room. This year, there were only two new books, "Standard Spells, Level 5" and " The Theory of Magical Defense".

"Winter..." was Hermione's voice. Winter turned her head and saw Hermione standing there with her mouth slightly open, staring blankly at the letter given to her by Hogwarts. "I...I am a prefect," Hermione continued to stare at the letter and said, "Dumbledore was not mistaken."

"Quick! See if there's a prefect badge in the envelope!" Winter said excitedly. Hermione turned the envelope over in her hand, and something red and gold fell into Hermione's palm.

"That's great Hermione! I knew it!" Winter jumped excitedly, "I knew you must be a prefect!"

"Let's go! We have to see who the boys prefect is! I think it's definitely Harry!" Hermione ran to Harry's room with Winter, her face was red and her hair was floating up.

As soon as the two girls entered the door, they saw Harry and Ron looking down at something. Fred and George had strange expressions on their faces. Hermione saw the badge in Harry's hand and screamed, "You got it." Yes! I knew it a long time ago!" She said excitedly, waving the envelope in her hand, "Me too, Harry, me too!"

"No," Harry said quickly, "It's Ron, not me."

"It's...what? Ron...?" Hermione said, so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth. "But...I mean..." At this moment, Ron turned around and looked at Hermione with raised eyebrows, and her face was confused. famous.

"It's my name on the letter," Ron said.

Hermione seemed completely confused, "I...well...Wow! Ron, that's great! This is really..."

"I didn't expect that." George said and nodded.

"No," Hermione said, blushing even harder than before, "Ron is great too."

"Congratulations, Ron." Winter patted Ron on the shoulder.

Mrs. Weasley walked in with a pile of freshly washed clothes, "I heard that the books are here? Give me the books, and I will go to Diagon Alley to buy them for you this afternoon. You can pack your bags at home. Ron, I’m going to buy you another set of pajamas, this one is at least six inches too short, I can’t believe how you’re growing so fast…what color do you want?”

"Buy him a red and gold one to match his badge." George said with a smirk.

"What's worthy of him?" Mrs. Weasley said absently.

"His badge," Fred said, as if the long-term pain was worse than the short-term pain, he simply said it in one breath, "His lovely, brand-new, shiny prefect badge."

"Oh, okay." Mrs. Weasley was still thinking about her pajamas, and it took her a while to understand what Fred said, "Wait...his...Ron, shouldn't you...?"

Ron raised his badge, and Mrs. Weasley let out a scream just like Hermione had just said. "I can't believe it! Oh, Ron, that's great! Another prefect! Everyone in the family is a prefect!"

"Who are Fred and me? Next door neighbors?" George said angrily. His mother pushed him aside and was kissing her youngest son desperately. "Oh... your father will be very happy to know that." !" She almost suffocated Ron, "Mom...Mom...control..."

Mrs. Weasley let him go, panting: "Well, what do you want? You must be rewarded for it! How about a nice new set of ceremonial robes?"

"We've already bought him a set," Fred said angrily, and it seemed that he regretted his generosity from the bottom of his heart.

"Or a new cauldron, Charlie's old cauldron is full of rust, or a new mouse, you used to be so fond of Scabbers..."

"Mum," said Ron hopefully, "can I get a new broom?"

Mrs. Weasley's face fell slightly, because broomsticks were expensive.

"Nothing special!" Ron said quickly, "Just...just a new one, for a change..." Mrs. Weasley hesitated, then smiled. "Of course, I have to go. We'll see you later. Don't forget to pack your boxes... Prefect... Oh, I'm so happy!" She kissed Ron on the cheek again and smacked it loudly. He sniffed and hurriedly walked out of the room.

Fred and George exchanged glances. "You don't mind if we don't kiss you, Ron?" Fred asked in a frightened voice.

"We can curtsy if you like," George said.

"Oh, shut up!" said Ron, glaring at them angrily.

"What else?" Fred said, with a smirk on his face, "Are you going to put us in solitary confinement?"

"I want to see if he dares." George said with a smile.

"If you're not careful, he can!" said Hermione angrily.

Fred and George laughed, and Winter said from the side, "You are all my good friends. I will use the prefect bathroom to take a bath from now on. Is that okay?"

"Of course, I'll tell you the password," Hermione said.

"Hey, it seems that our good days are over." Fred and George apparated out of the room again. Ron went to tell his mother that he was going to sweep away, while Hermione borrowed Harry's Hedwig to give him The parents were sending letters, and Harry and Winter were the only two people left in the room. Winter knew that Harry must be very unhappy.

"In my heart, you are the best. Don't worry, Harry. Prefect or not, who cares? You are the best. We all know it, don't we?" Winter hugged Harry. , kissed his cheek comfortingly, "Let's go now, I have to go back and pack my luggage."

Winter packed her luggage and ran to the room of the Weasley twins. "Weasley's next-door neighbors, how are you?" Fred dragged her into the room, "Miss, you started to laugh at us. Yes?" Winter looked at George with a smile, "This is what George said himself."

"I'm going to show you the consequences of laughing at us!" Fred said and then scratched Winter's itch. He had already discovered that this trick was very effective against Winter.

Winter could only ask George for help, "Don't go too far! Oops! George!"

"Here it comes!" George rescued Winter, "Don't take advantage of the situation, Fred." Winter smiled and poked his head out from behind George and made a face at Fred.

"By the way, where is your quick-acting truant candy?"

"It's all good, but I can't stop vomiting after eating it, so I don't have time to eat another one," Fred said.

At about six o'clock, Mrs. Weasley came back from Diagon Alley, and everyone went down to have dinner. In the basement below, Mrs. Weasley hung a bright red banner above the extremely sumptuous dinner table, which read :

Warm congratulations to Ron and Hermione on being elected prefects.

She was in a very good mood, and no one had seen her so happy during the entire holiday. "I think we should have a little party instead of sitting down to dinner," said Mrs. Weasley.

Sirius, Lupine, Tonks and Kingsley also came. Winter was firmly pressed into the seat next to Sirius, next to Sirius, and Lupine sat opposite Winter.

After a while, Moody walked in with heavy steps. "Oh, Alastor, I'm so glad you're here." Mrs. Weasley said happily, "We've been meaning to ask you for a long time, if you could look at the writing table in the living room and tell us what's inside. Something? We haven’t dared to open it.”

"No problem," Moody's electric blue eyes rolled upwards, staring at the kitchen ceiling. He said roughly, his pupils narrowed, "The desk in the corner? Ah, I saw it... yes, it's a Boggart... Do you need me to go up and get it out?"

"No, no need, I'll do it myself later." Mrs. Weasley said with a smile, "You have a drink. We are having a small celebration..." She pointed at the bright red banner and rubbed it again. Rubbing Ron's hair.

Mr. Weasley and Bill were back, and Mrs. Weasley was so beaming that she didn't even complain that they had brought Mundungus with them. Mundungus was wearing a long overcoat with strange bulging lumps here and there.

"Well, I think we can raise a toast," Mr. Weasley said after everyone had received their drinks, raising his goblet. "Congratulations to Ron and Hermione on their election to Gryffindor. Long!" Everyone toasted in congratulations and then applauded warmly. Ron and Hermione's faces lit up with joy.

"I've never been a prefect myself," Tonks said cheerfully behind Harry as everyone gathered around the table to get their food. "The Head of our House says I lack certain necessary qualities."

"What about you, Sirius?" Ginny asked. Sirius let out his usual short, raspy laugh: "Ha! No one would have chosen me to be a prefect after spending so much time in solitary confinement with James. Lupine is a good boy and he got the badge ." When he said this, he looked at Winter.

"I think Dumbledore probably expected me to exercise some restraint on my good friend," said Lupine. "Needless to say, I failed miserably."

Winter and Sirius were chatting in whispers, and Hermione was very earnestly talking to Lupine about her views on the rights of elves, but Lupine's eyes were always fixed on Winter and Weasley. Madam and Bill were arguing about that old issue again: Bill's hair.

"Why didn't Dumbledore choose Harry as prefect?" Kingsley asked. "He must have his own reasons," Lupine replied.

"But that would show trust in him. If it were me, I would do that," Kingsley said insistently, "especially when the Daily Prophet spreads rumors about him every day..."

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