[HP]Hogwarts famous beauties

Chapter 74 Dancing, dancing

Although teachers gave fourth grade students a lot of homework during the holidays, after the semester ended, they had no intention of doing their homework.

Fred and George's canary cookies were selling well, and George told Winter that he and Fred were working on another new product. Winter breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they were not too angry with him for rejecting their invitation.

"Hermione, who are you going to the ball with?" Ron asked.

He always raised this question to Hermione unexpectedly, hoping that she would be surprised and tell the truth when she was least prepared. But Hermione just frowned and said, "If I don't tell you, you will make fun of me."

"You're kidding, Weasley!" Malfoy's voice suddenly sounded behind them: "Why, did someone actually invite that guy to the ball? That big-toothed mudblood?"

Just as Winter was about to open her mouth, Hermione waved to someone behind Malfoy and said loudly: "Hello, Professor Moody!"

Malfoy turned pale, jumped back, and looked around in panic, only to see Moody still sitting at the staff table, eating his share of stew. "You're a twitching little ferret, aren't you, Malfoy?" Hermione said sharply, then walked up the marble stairs with Harry, Winter, and Ron, laughing happily.

"Hermione," Ron said, turning his face to look at her and suddenly frowning, "your teeth..."

"What's the matter?" said Hermione.

"Oh my god, they're different...I just noticed..."

"Of course they are different. Why, do you expect me to keep those tusks Malfoy gave me?"

"No, what I mean is that they are no longer the same as they were before Malfoy cast that spell on you... They are all... neat and the size is normal."

Hermione suddenly smiled very mischievously, "That's it...I went to see Madam Pomfrey, and she held up a mirror and told me to tell her to stop when the teeth returned to their previous normal state." Hermione said , "I just...let her go a little too far." She smiled even happier. "Mom and Dad won't be happy. I've been trying to convince them for years to let me make my teeth smaller, but you know, they're dentists and they don't think teeth and magic should go together... Look! Piggy's back!"

Ron ripped Sirius' reply from the piggy's leg. "Here, take it, Harry." Harry stuffed it into his pocket, and the four of them hurried to Gryffindor Tower to read the letter.

"Dear Harry,

Congratulations on your successful journey through the Horntails. I was going to suggest you use an "Eye Spell" since the dragon's eyes are its weakest point, but your approach is better and I appreciate it. But Harry, don't get complacent. You only completed one project.

Whoever forces you to participate in the Triwizard Tournament has many opportunities to kill you. Be alert, especially in the presence of the person we last spoke of, and keep yourself alert at all times to avoid all trouble. Keep in touch, I still hope you'll write to me as soon as anything unusual happens.

Say hello to Winter for me. "

"'Be vigilant at all times!' It's like I'm walking with my eyes closed all day long, bumping into walls everywhere..." Harry said helplessly.

"But he's right, Harry," said Hermione, "you still have two projects to finish. You really should take a look at that golden egg and wonder what it means..."

"Hermione, it's still early!" Ron dismissed her. "Want to play a game of chess, Harry?"

"Okay, no problem." Harry said. He saw the look on Hermione's face in a blink of an eye, and said quickly: "Okay, okay, how can I concentrate on thinking in such a mess here? I can't even hear the sound of the golden egg among all the noise."

"Harry, can you lend me the invisibility cloak? I have something to deal with..." Winter said.

"You're not dating Cedric, are you?" Ron asked suspiciously.

"No! I swear not, please Harry, I have to go see something." Winter persuaded her, swearing repeatedly that she was not going on a date with Cedric, so Harry lent her the Invisibility Cloak.

Winter took the invisibility cloak and ran back to the dormitory.

"Severus?" Winter ran to Snape's door wearing an invisibility cloak.

"Come in. Where are you?"

"Dang, dang, dang!" Winter took off his invisibility cloak, revealing himself in a dress underneath. "I was afraid that you would be embarrassed to dance with me on Christmas, so I put it on in advance to show you. How about it? You are the first to see it. The person in this dress.”

"How about you give me an evaluation if it looks good or not?"


"Mr. Severus Snape, can you dance with me?" Winter walked up to Snape and took Snape's hand without caring about his answer.

"I think we need some music," Winter clicked on the radio in Snape's room, and beautiful music came from it, "And, Mr. Snape, you should put your hands on my waist." Te grabbed Snape's hand and gently placed it on her waist. The girl's soft waist made Snape unable to calm down.

Two people danced this meaningful dance in a small office.

The music came to the last few bars, but the emotions of both parties reached their peak.


Snape finally took that step this time. His knuckled hands held the girl's face as if it were the most precious gem in the world. He offered his kiss, his love and soul. .

After the last note of the music was played, the two reluctantly left each other's lips.

"I..." Snape looked at Winter, suddenly feeling that he had made an extremely offensive act. "I'm sorry, Winter."

"You don't need to apologize, Sev..." Winter stood up on tiptoes and hugged Snape. "Okay, I have to go back. See you tomorrow." Winter let go of Snape and held Snape's hand with both hands. Nep's elbow, "My first dance is with you." Winter put on the invisibility cloak again and quietly left the lounge.

The next day, Christmas Day, Harry and Ron met Hermione and Winter in the common room and went downstairs for breakfast.

They had spent almost the entire morning in Gryffindor Tower, and then they returned to the Great Hall for a sumptuous lunch, including at least a hundred turkeys and a mountain of Christmas puddings, as well as mountains of shortbread biscuits. .

In the afternoon, they went outside to the field. The snow was white and almost untrodden, except for a deep footprint made by the students of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons when they returned to the castle.

"Let's have a snowball fight, girls!" the Weasley twins invited them.

"No, we can just watch." Neither Winter nor Hermione liked snowball fights.

It's five o'clock, "Oh, Hermione, we have to go back early to prepare."

"That's what I meant." The two girls hit it off and ran back to the lounge to dress each other up.

"Hermione, put your dress on first, otherwise it will ruin your hairstyle," Winter put Hermione's blue dress on her body, picked up a bottle of hair softener and sprayed it on Hermione's head.

"Okay, Winter, go and do your own business!"

Winter also changed into a dress, applied a radiant spell on herself, and put on lipstick.

Winter was suddenly very glad that she and Hermione chose to prepare three hours in advance, because when the two of them were really ready, it was already past seven o'clock.

Winter and Hermione hurried to the common room and found that there were not many people in it. As soon as they went out, they saw Cedric and Krum waiting at the door. After they saw their female companion coming out, , all breathed a sigh of relief, as if they were glad that they could finally stop this awkward chat.

"You...are so beautiful today." Cedric said sincerely.

Although Winter is usually pretty enough, after being carefully dressed up, her beauty has successfully risen to another level. The white dress on her body glows with silver, making Winter look like a fairy who is passing through the world to attend a ball.

"Let's go, we're almost late." Winter and Hermione took their dance partners to the auditorium.

The outside of the auditorium was decorated extremely beautifully. Winter was enjoying the beautiful scenery, and Cedric was admiring Winter. Not only Cedric, but many people passing by were marveling at Winter's beauty today.

At this time, Professor McGonagall's voice sounded: "Please come here, warriors!"

Winter saw Harry and was about to say hello to him when he noticed that he had moved his gaze away from her, but Winter was not angry because Harry was now looking at Hermione next to Winter with his mouth wide open.

"Hello, Harry!" said Hermione. "Hello, Parvati!"

Parvati stared at Hermione with undisguised suspicion. She's not the only one doing this. When the door to the Great Hall opened, the members of Krum's Starstruck Club strode past in the library, all giving Hermione looks of utter hatred. Pansy Parkinson walked by, holding Malfoy's arm, glaring at Hermione. As for Ron, he walked straight past Hermione without even looking at her.

Hermione saw these looks and looked at Winter shyly.

After everyone was seated in the auditorium, Professor McGonagall asked the warriors and their dance partners to line up two by two and follow her in. Winter held Cedric's arm, and the two of them walked into the auditorium with smiles.

The warriors arrived in front of the guest of honor, Dumbledore smiled happily, Karkaroff was staring at Hermione, and Winter found that Mr. Crouch did not come. Sitting on the fifth seat next to the table was Percy. Apparently, Percy was looking at Winter, and Winter smiled at him to say hello.

The warriors and their dance partners came to the table, and the warriors all sat down. "I have been promoted," Percy said eagerly to tell Harry and Winter about his promotion path, "I am now Mr. Crouch's personal assistant." Yes, I’m here on his behalf.”

Percy and Harry were chatting, and Winter was whispering to Cedric, both of them giggling happily.

There was no food on the shiny golden plates yet, but a small menu was placed in front of everyone.Dumbledore looked at his menu carefully, and then said very clearly to his plate: "Pork chops!"

The pork chops came out immediately. Others at the table suddenly understood and followed suit, ordering their own favorite foods on their plates.

Hermione and Krum were chatting, Fleur had been criticizing every detail of Hogwarts, and Roger Davis was watching her talk with a mesmerized look on his face, holding his fork crooked several times.

Winter and Cedric were the quietest looking couple in there, because Winter was busy eating, and although she was eating very reservedly today, she was still eating.

"Oh, miss, you don't have Veela blood, do you?" Ludo Bagman suddenly looked at Winter excitedly. "Yes, Mr. Bagman."

"That's even more rare! I think your family must have Merlin's biggest preference!"

Winter lowered his head shyly, Cedric looked at Winter's red face lovingly, and both Fleur and Harry looked a little unhappy about this.

At the staff table, Snape was arranged next to Moody. They both looked at the guest of honor. Moody looked at his pocket watch impatiently many times, as if he wanted to leave as soon as possible.

After everything was finished, Dumbledore stood up and asked his classmates to stand up as well. Then he waved his wand and all the tables flew to the wall, leaving an open space in the middle. He created a high stage again and placed it against the right wall. At this time, the weird sisters rushed onto the stage together, and the audience burst into thunderous applause.

The Weird Sisters play a slow, melancholy tune. Winter and Cedric walked onto the brightly lit dance floor. Cedric put one hand on Winter's waist like a gentleman, and the other hand held Winter's hand tightly.

The two of them slowly spun around in circles and began to dance. Soon, many people also entered the dance floor, and the warrior was no longer the center of everyone's attention.

Mad-Eye Moody awkwardly danced a two-step with Professor Sinistra. Professor Sinistra nervously avoided his wooden prosthetic leg, while Snape sat on a chair, staring closely at Cedric and Winter.

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