[HP]Hogwarts famous beauties

Chapter 70 Good luck, Harry.

On Sunday morning, Winter, Hermione and Ginny had breakfast together. Harry felt sick to his stomach and waited aside.

As soon as Winter finished eating, Harry took her and Hermione to the outside grounds. They walked along the lake for a long time. He told Hermione everything about the fire dragon and what Sirius said. .

"Harry! Use a broom, a broomstick." Winter said.

"But the rule is that you can only use wands." Harry said, looking at Winter.

"You can't summon a broom with a wand! You idiot!" Winter hit Harry on the head hard with his knuckles.

"But I won't..."

"We will practice the flying spell tomorrow!" Winter said confidently.

The problem of dealing with the fire dragon was solved so perfectly. Winter admired his own wisdom.

As a result, she was dragged to the library, and Hermione said that she had to find that simple spell, otherwise she wouldn't be able to sleep.

"Oh crap, he's back again, why can't he read a book on his big stupid boat?" Hermione said irritably.

Krum walked in listlessly, glanced gloomily in the direction of the three of them, and then sat down in a far corner with a stack of books, "Let's go, let's go back to the common room."

"Hermione, you are so cold." Winter marveled from behind.

"Winter, believe it or not, his Star Club members will come here soon, chattering and annoying..." Hermione said.

Sure enough, as they left the library, a group of girls tiptoed past them, one of them wearing a Bulgarian scarf around her waist. "You're really right." Winter's eyes narrowed as he smiled.

The next day, they came for breakfast. Halfway through the meal, Harry saw Cedric preparing to leave the Hufflepuff table.

"Winter, can you call him over for me?" Harry said softly.

"A galleung."

"…make a deal."

"Ahem..." Winter cleared her throat and trotted towards Cedric, "Cedric, can you... come here?"

"Me? Okay...okay!" The classmates next to Cedric started to boo, and Cedric told them to shut up with a smile. Before leaving, a boy who was about the same age as Cedric shouted, "Best wishes. Happy Cedric!"

Winter pulled him to the place she had just agreed with Harry. "Winter...what's the matter?" Cedric's face turned red, and there was some expectation in his words.

"Ah...yes, I want to say...Oh, Harry! Why are you here?" Winter acted very naturally.

"Hi Winter, hi Cedric," Harry frowned and acted with Winter, "Cedric, I have to tell you..." Harry walked over and spoke to Cedric in a low voice, and Winter turned his back. Went to pretend to be looking for something in the school bag without eavesdropping on their conversation.

A familiar voice came from behind her. She turned around and saw Mad-Eye Moody walking out of a nearby classroom.

"Potter, come with me." Moody said gruffly, "You two, go to class quickly."

Harry looked at Moody in horror, "Professor, I'm going to herbal medicine class..."

"Never mind that, Potter. Please come to my office..." Moody led Harry away.

Just as Winter was about to leave, Cedric called out to her, "Well... Winter, what did you want to see me for?"

"I... come on for the first project, Cedric, I believe in you." Winter squeezed Cedric's hand encouragingly and ran to the greenhouse for herbal medicine class.


As soon as Winter entered the conservatory, he told Hermione everything that had just happened. After a while, Harry came back and said to Winter and Hermione in a low voice, "I need to practice the Flying Charm as soon as possible."

So they started practicing hard. They didn't have lunch (Winter was very dissatisfied with this) and went straight to an empty classroom and started practicing the Flying Curse. But Harry always dropped things on the floor.

"Concentrate, Harry, concentrate..." Hermione said.

By midnight they were back in the Gryffindor common room, which was deserted. At two o'clock in the morning, Harry finally mastered the Flying Charm. (Using Leif's experiment)

"I have to go back to sleep, otherwise I will die suddenly tomorrow. I suggest you two also go back to sleep quickly, especially you, Harry, you have to compete tomorrow." Winter felt light on the soles of his feet and returned to the dormitory in a daze. .

The next day, the school stopped at noon. When we went to the auditorium to have lunch, Professor McGonagall came over. "Potter, now the warriors have to go to the field below. You must be ready to complete the first project."

"Okay," Harry said, standing up and his fork clattering to the floor.

"Good luck, Harry," Winter whispered.

"You will succeed, we all believe in you!" Hermione said.

After Harry left, Hermione and Winter didn't have much to eat, so they simply went to the venue where the audience was watching to wait.

"Place your bets! Fire dragon and warrior! Fleur has high odds!" Winter saw the twins holding a homemade box there, with many classmates surrounding them placing bets.

After a lifetime of shrill whistles, "Winter Winter! Cedric is out!"

Cedric's face turned green. If you get closer, you can see that Cedric's teeth are also fighting. When the game begins, Cedric will face the Swiss Brachysaurus head-on. This is an extremely dangerous event. Germann's explanation made everything worse... "Oh, it's so dangerous, so dangerous."... "His move is really suspenseful!" Winter gasped subconsciously after watching it.

"This is too dangerous, Harry must be careful..." Hermione crossed her hands and prayed for Harry.

After about fifteen minutes, Cedric finally passed his dragon and caught the golden egg. "Excellent!" Bagman shouted at the top of his voice, "Now please give the referee a score!"

Cedric gets a great score.

At the second whistle, Fleur came on the stage. It only took her ten minutes to catch the golden egg. Klum seemed even faster than Fleur.

"Oh! Harry! Harry is out!" Hermione excitedly patted Winter's arm.

"He can definitely do it!" When Winter said this, he was not very confident, because the Hungarian Horntail was crouching low there, guarding its nest of eggs, with its vicious yellow eyes His eyes were fixed on Harry.

Harry raised his wand. "Fire!" he shouted.

Everyone saw his rocket crossbow rushing into the field. Stopped next to Harry. "Harry is so brave!" Fred praised next to Winter.

After a fight, the Horntail finally stood up and fully extended its wings, and Harry immediately dived down. Before the fire dragon could understand what he had done, he rushed to the ground with lightning speed, towards the nest of eggs. He let go of the fire dragon and freed his hands, just like catching a golden snitch, He caught the golden egg!

"That's great! Harry!" An astonishing sound erupted from the auditorium. People were shouting, screaming, applauding, and the sound was deafening. Even Ron, who was having trouble with Harry, couldn't care less about being angry at this time and was just crazy. pumped their fists to cheer Harry on.

"Look!" Bagman shouted loudly, "Our youngest warrior got the golden egg as quickly as possible! This will narrow the gap between Mr. Potter and the other warriors!"

Winter dragged Hermione and Ron to the tent where Harry was resting. Hermione said shrilly, "You are so wonderful! You are so wonderful!"

"Oh Harry! I'm so excited!" Winter hugged Harry fiercely, "You are great! I love you!"

"Thank you, Winter." After Winter let go of Harry, Harry was looking at Ron. Ron's face was frighteningly white, and he stared blankly at Harry as if Harry were a ghost.

"Harry," he said, looking very serious, "whoever threw your name into that Goblet of Fire... I think they wanted you dead!"

"You finally understand?" Harry said coldly, "It's been long enough."

"Pfft." Winter's well-timed laughter eased the embarrassment of the situation. Several people looked at each other and giggled again.

After laughing, Hermione suddenly started crying.

"Why are you crying?" Winter said in panic.

"You two are so stupid!" she shouted loudly, stamping her feet on the ground, tears streaming down her chest. Then, before either of them could stop her, she hugged them both, turned and ran away, sobbing loudly.

"That's crazy," Ron shook his head and said, "Let's go, they're going to grade Harry..."

Winter wanted to see Cedric who was burned just now, "You go first, I will catch up with you later."

"Okay, hurry up then." Ron took Harry out.

"Cedric, are you okay?" Winter carefully put his head over and saw Cedric behind the canvas, "Does it still hurt?"

"I'm much better...Thank you, Winter, are you staying here to care about me?" Cedric smiled, but the corners of his mouth twitched in pain.

"Hmm...Okay, I have to go listen to Harry's score. You take good care of your injuries. I'll see you then."

"It was a draw right off the bat, Harry! You and Krum!" said Charlie Weasley, who hurried over to greet them as they set off back to school. "Oh! Charlie!" Winter was surprised to see the boy again.

"It's been a long time since I saw Winter, you're wearing this hat? It's so nice, oh..." Charlie patted his forehead, indicating that he suddenly remembered something, "I have to run, I want to send an owl to deliver a letter to my mother, I I vowed to tell her everything... They asked me to say Harry, you have to stay here for a few more minutes. Bagman has a few words to say. It's in the warriors' tent. I have to first Let's go, nice to see you." Charlie patted Winter's head and ran away quickly.

Ron and Winter said they were willing to wait for him, so Harry walked into the tent again, while Ron and Winter were chatting outside.

"Hey, that's really exciting. If it were me, I don't even know what to do." Ron followed Harry's direction with his eyes.

"You are also good at brooms, but you don't believe in yourself." Winter squeezed Ron's left shoulder encouragingly.

"Charlie gave you your hat?" Ron asked, "Why didn't I!"

Winter didn't bother to answer.

That night, the four of them went to the Owlery to look for Piggy. Harry wanted to send a letter to Sirius, telling him how he had passed through the fire dragon safely. Harry recalled what Sirius had said to remind him to be wary of Karkaroff. I told Ron everything.

They watched the piglet disappear into the night sky, and then Ron said, "Well, Harry, we'd better go downstairs to the surprise party in your honor. Fred and George must have stolen quite a bit from the kitchen." It’s delicious.”

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