[HP]Hogwarts famous beauties

Chapter 63 House Elf Rights Promotion Association

After Fred and George left, Winter ran to find Harry Ron. About ten minutes later, the hole behind the portrait opened and Hermione climbed into the common room, holding a roll of parchment in one hand. The other hand held a jingling box. "Hello," she said, "I'm done!"

"I'm done too!" Ron said proudly, throwing down his quill.

Hermione sat down, put the things in her hands on an empty chair, and pulled the prophecy written by Ron in front of her. Winter also leaned over and read it.

"Ron, you've been really unlucky this month." Winter said.

"Isn't it obvious at a glance that you made this up out of thin air?" Hermione said.

"How dare you say that!" Ron said pretending to be angry, "We have been busy here all night, working as hard as house elves! Sorry, the wording was inappropriate." Ron said quickly.

"Hermione, what's in the box?" Winter asked. Hermione lifted the lid and showed them the contents. The box contained about fifty badges, all in different colors, all with the same letters written on them: spew.

Hermione continued: "It means the House Elf Rights Promotion Association, which I founded myself!" Hermione puffed out her chest and said.

"Ah?" Ron asked slightly surprised, "How many members do you have?"

"Well... there are four of you, counting the three of you." Hermione said, "I've been studying this issue in the library. I can't believe that the slave status of elves can be traced back for centuries. No one is doing anything about it.”

"Hermione, listen up," Ron said loudly, "They. Like. This. They like to be other people's slaves!"

"Our short-term goal," Hermione said, louder than Ron, (Winter and Harry looked at each other in horror) "is to ensure that house elves receive fair wages and good working conditions. Our long-term goal Goals include..."

"How can we do this?" Harry asked.

"First of all, we need to develop membership." Hermione said emotionally. "I think participants will have to pay two silver coins to buy badges. This income can be used for us to print and distribute leaflets. You are the treasurer, Ron, I There is a piggy bank for you upstairs; Winter, you are the secretary, you need to write down everything I say now as a record of our first meeting; Harry, you are our image Ambassador, responsible for promoting our promotion association with a badge!"

"Can I be an image ambassador? I don't want to write so many words!" Winter protested loudly.

Hermione looked at the three of them with joy, and the four of them had different expressions. Finally they heard a gentle tap on the window, snap, snap. Hedwig is back.

"Hedwig!" Harry jumped up from his chair, crossed the room in three steps, and opened the window.

Hedwig flew in, swept across the room, and landed on Harry's prophecy homework on the table. "Just in time!" Harry said and hurried over.

"What does the letter say?" Hermione asked breathlessly. The letter was short and seemed to have been written in a hurry. Harry read aloud:


I'll be right back. This news about your scar is the latest in a series of strange rumors I've been hearing lately.

If the scar hurts again, please go directly to Dumbledore. I heard that he has used the retired Madman Eye again, which means that he has understood the omens, even though others are still in the dark.

I'll contact you soon. Say hello to Winterron and Hermione.

Stay alert, Harry.


"What I said is absolutely correct. He didn't live in my house for long." Winter couldn't hide the anger on his face.

"I really shouldn't have told him!" Harry said angrily, slapping his thigh hard.

"Okay, Sirius is a very powerful wizard. Don't worry, he will be fine. After all... no one knows his identity, right? I mean, that big black dog." Winter comforted him. Harry.

After Winter got up the next day, she went to have breakfast with Hatch and Hermione. At the dinner table, she heard that Harry had written another letter to Sirius.

"You're lying, Harry," Hermione pointedly pointed out at the breakfast table after Harry told him what he had done. "Your scar is not psychological at all, you know that."

"So what?" Harry said, "He can't go back to Azkaban because of me."

"I think the pain in your scar has something to do with the dream you had. Do you understand what I mean?" Winter gave Harry a hint.

"I do not understand."

"It's just my guess. Is it possible that you can see the mysterious person's perspective?" Winter said listlessly.

"Oh! Absolutely impossible! That's too dangerous! Harry, you must find Dumbledore!" Hermione said excitedly, thinking this was an extremely dangerous idea, but Harry fell into deep thought.

Another Potions class, this time Snape treated Winter very badly, even after Winter made a small and innocuous mistake. "Ms. Misson, I'll be in confinement tonight."

"He actually put you in solitary confinement? I thought he liked you quite a lot. Did you provoke him?" Ron asked loudly after class, deliberately letting Snape hear it.

Evening, cellar.

"…Professor Snape."


"Why did you treat me like that and suddenly put me in solitary confinement?" Winter said.

"Don't you think this is the first time you've stepped into the Potions Office this semester?" Snape's tone was calm, but revealed a sour feeling.

"Well..." Since the beginning of school, the temperature has been getting worse day by day. Winter doesn't want to come to the cellar again. It's freezing here. "It's too cold here!"

"Were you cold when you came in?" Winter realized that indeed, she didn't feel any cold when she came in, but instead felt warm.

"Okay...I'll come to you when I have nothing to do in the future. You won't have the heart to really let me cut things for you, right?"

Snape originally wanted to call Winter to come and chat with him, so he would not let her cut those "little gifts" he specially prepared for Mr. Longbottom.

"Sev..." Winter sat next to him, "You are doing homework, let me help you!" Winter took (grabbed) the quill from Snape's hand, "I think I have worked so hard, I can Got an o, what do you think?”

"…as long as you are happy."

"No problem!" Winter happily drew a big o on his homework.

"Oh, this is Harry's, so Harry's can be given to..."


"Then what am I begging you to do?"

"At most a"

"Sev, you are such a partial teacher." Winter turned to look at Snape and said, "But it's me you're partial to, so I don't have any objection. I hope you will continue to do so." Snape did not take the evening newspaper in his hand. Stop and slide down.

When Winter returned to the dormitory, Hermione was still waiting for her worriedly, "He didn't ask you to do anything, right? I'm afraid you'll be like Neville..."

"No, he might only be like that to Neville..." Winter lay on the bed and touched the eternal flower on the bedside with interest from Snape last time.

"Classmate Misson?" The next day, when Winter and Hermione were alone alone, Winter met an unfamiliar person, Roger Davis.

"Hi? What's up?"

Roger Davis looked at Winter, "I want to make friends with you. You should know me. I am Roger Davis, the Quidditch captain of Ravenclaw."

Winter and Hermione were so embarrassed that they just wanted to run away, "Ah... well, I am Winter Misson, an... ordinary student from Gryffindor... Goodbye, I have to go to class."

"I don't like the way he strikes up a conversation, it's too old-fashioned." Hermione said.

"Same." Winter curled his lips.

On Thursday, there was Moody's Defense Against the Dark Arts class again. Professor Moody announced that he would recite the Imperius Curse to each student in turn to demonstrate the power of this spell and see if they could resist its influence.

"Professor Dumbledore wants you to feel it. Moody began to call on the students to come forward in turn and recite the Imperius Curse to them. None of them seemed to be able to resist the spell. They all returned to normal after Moody removed the spell.

"Mison, it's your turn." Winter walked to the open space that Moody had just moved away from the desk. Moody raised his wand, pointed at Winter, and said, "Soul out of body!"

That feeling, light and airy, with nothing to think about in my mind. The closest feeling is... the lazy and sleepy feeling that people have before going to sleep.

Winter felt particularly relaxed and carefree, only vaguely aware that everyone was watching her.

Winter did not resist the spell. When she woke up, she realized that she had finished dancing a ballet. Winter wanted to crawl into the ground.

"Wynter, you can actually dance pretty well." But Ron looked like he was laughing.

"...Kill me..." Winter lowered his head.

At the end of the whole class, only Harry successfully resisted the Imperius Curse.

The amount of homework they had to do this semester had obviously increased. When the students complained particularly loudly that Professor McGonagall had assigned too much homework for the Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall explained the reason.

"You are entering an important period of your magical education!" she told them, her eyes flashing majestically behind the lenses, "your OWLS exam is approaching!"

"We don't have to take the test until fifth grade!" Dean Thomas said angrily.

"Maybe so, but trust me, you need to be fully prepared! In this class, only Miss Granger and Miss Misson can turn a hedgehog into a satisfactory pincushion. Thomas, I should Mind you, your pincushion still cowers in fear when someone comes near it with a needle!”

Professor Snape forces them to work on an antidote and hints that he will poison one of them before Halloween to see if their antidote works.

When they arrived in the foyer, a large group of students crowded around a large notice erected at the foot of the marble staircase. Ron, the tallest of the four of them, stood on tiptoe and read the words aloud to them:

Triwizard Tournament

Representatives from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive at 10pm on Friday, October 30. Afternoon classes will end half an hour early. At that time, students are asked to return their schoolbags and textbooks to their dormitories, gather in front of the castle, greet our guests, and then attend the welcome banquet.

"Great!" said Harry. "The last class on Friday is Potions! Snape didn't have time to poison us all!"

"Only one week!" Ernie McMillan squeezed out from the crowd, his eyes sparkling, and said, "I don't know if Cedric knows about it. I'll tell him..."

"Cedric? Is he the guy who gave Winter the quill last time?" Ron said in confusion.

"That's him," Harry said. "He's definitely going to compete in the Tournament."

"That idiot also wants to be a Hogwarts warrior?" Ron said. They pushed past the chattering crowd and headed for the stairs.

"Don't say that, he is very kind." Winter pouted dissatisfied.

"He is not an idiot. You dislike him because he defeated Gryffindor in the Quidditch match." Hermione said. "I heard that he is a very outstanding student and a prefect." ( "That's right!" Winter agreed from the side.)

"You two like him because he's handsome," Ron said sharply.

"I'm sorry, Winter and I don't like people just because they are handsome!" Hermione said angrily. ("Huh? Oh...I will..." Winter said softly, without being heard by others.)

Ron pretended to cough loudly, his voice was weird, it sounded a lot like "Lockhart!"

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