[HP]Hogwarts famous beauties

Chapter 53 It is a traditional virtue not to go to someone else’s house empty-handed

"Okay, okay, he lives in my old house, and I have to go back there during the holidays."

"Huh? Why didn't you tell me!" Harry said in a reproachful tone.

"I didn't know he was actually going, I just talked to Dumbledore."

"Winter, I also want to ask, who are you and Professor Lupin...?" Ron stretched his head and asked curiously.

"Ah! He is my godfather!" Winter waved her hands quickly, secretly apologizing to Remus in her heart.

Winter thought no one picked her up, but as soon as she left the station, she saw a man in black, "Severus?! Why are you here!" Harry's mouth opened wide, maybe because of them Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to see their Potions Master in a place like this.

"Dumbledore asked me to pick you up, okay, let's go." Snape gave Harry a disgusted look before leaving. After Winter waved goodbye to the three shocked people, he and Snape left.

Winter pushed the cart behind Snape, "Did Dumbledore really ask you to pick me up?" "Well, he asked me to take you back."

"Okay, okay, you know my home address, right?" "Of course I know, okay, hold on to me and I'll take you to Apparition."


It had been too long since she had Apparated, and Winter was a little uncomfortable. She was now retching in front of her house. "I won't go in. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"Sev!" Snape stopped, "What's wrong?"

"Happy summer vacation."

"Happy summer vacation." Snape watched Winter enter the door before apparating away.

"Winter!" As soon as Winter closed the door, he was startled by a big dog rushing toward him.

"You scared me to death!" The big black dog slowly turned back into a human. Winter was pleasantly surprised to find that after this period of recuperation, Sirius had recovered a lot and was now quite handsome.

"Where's Remus?"

"Waiting upstairs."

Winter was about to go upstairs when Sirius pulled him back, "Explain to me first, what's going on with that fox?"

"This...you got it wrong!"

"So you are that little fox? I didn't even know about this kind of thing? Also, tell me how you became like this."

It took Winter a long time to explain the whole thing to Sirius. "It's... incredible..." said Sirius.

"There are so many incredible things." Winter ran upstairs to find Lupine. She walked into the room and saw Lupine sitting on the bed. "Are you still used to living in my house?" Winter said.

"Of course I'm used to it. This is much more comfortable than where I used to live." Lu Ping sat on the bed and expressed that he liked this bed very much.

"That's good, I'm going to rest."

As the holidays began, Winter began living with a wolf and a dog. Wherever Sirius was, there would be no peace. This was the conclusion Winter came to.

Winter still doesn't have to do anything at home. He can use magic to do housework. As for cooking, Winter's talent is obvious to everyone. Since the last time he cooked for them, they have never let Winter do it again. Touched the kitchen.

"It's not that I don't know how to do it, I just need to practice. How can I make progress if you don't let me in the kitchen?" Winter stamped her feet angrily.

One morning, "Harry received a letter, saying that his uncle's family wanted him to eat carrot sticks for the holidays." Winter said to Sirius, waving the letter in her hand.

"What? How dare those Muggles do this to my godson!"

"Let me go and send him some food. How about the cake I made by myself?" Winter asked.

"...How about buying some, what do you think?"

In the end, Winter sent Harry the food she bought in Diagon Alley, and was very angry that Sirius would not let her cook food for Harry.

"I said, Harry has always wanted to see you. Why don't you find a chance to meet him?" Winter said to Sirius.

Sirius, who was eating, put down the fork in his hand, turned to Winter and said, "No, if I meet him, there will be a risk of being exposed. After all, my current identity is still a murderer on the run."

"Okay, then I regret to tell you that this year I am going to Weasley's house to watch the Quidditch World Cup with them. I will be leaving in a few days. You two can live here and don't take my house It's broken." Sirius' voice rose a few decibels, "Why didn't you tell us in advance?"

"Don't you know it now? What difference does it make if I tell you now?"

"Oh, my God, what a difference. I thought you could... you could..." Sirius suddenly stuttered. "What can I do?" Winter asked curiously.

"I guess he thought you could stay at home with us throughout the holiday." Lupine said slowly.

"I have made an appointment with the Weasley twins. They will pick me up at our house next week. Don't miss me too much, you two."

"I want to go too."

Winter sternly rejected Sirius's request.

A week passed quickly, and that day the Weasley twins appeared in the fireplace of Winter's house, "Winter! Come on, we are here to pick you up!"

Winter put Sirius and Lupine into a room in advance, fearing that they would be discovered by the Weasley twins. "I'm leaving, you two, be good!" Winter quickly kissed each of them on the cheek and left the room.

"I'm coming!"

Winter came to the Burrow through Floo and looked at the small house made of magic in front of her. "Wow! Is this your home? It's so cool!"

"Oh! You must be Winter?" A kind woman came out of the house, "Hello Mrs. Weasley, I'm sorry to bother you during this time. This is the gift I brought to you." Winter felt that she was empty-handed. The other person's house was really not that good, so he walked into the room and took out a lot of things from the suitcase to give to the Weasley family.

"Oh my god, thank you so much. Your room is upstairs, share the same room with Ginny, okay?" Mrs. Weasley was a little cautious, fearing that Winter would be unhappy.

"of course can!"

"That's great, let me ask Ginny to show you the room? Ginny, show Winter the room!"

"Here we come!" Ginny ran down and took Winter to her room. "It's a bit small, but luckily, Hermione can stay here when she comes." Although Ginny's room is small, it is very bright, and from The windows can also see the orchard outside, which Winter likes very much.

"Hello, ladies, don't stay here, come out and play with us." Fred and George said at the door.

Winter walked out and saw several other children of the Weasley family, long-haired Bill who was dressed in a very punk style, Charlie, the middle brother who was muscular and had injuries all over his arms, and Ron, who was tall and thin. "Where's Percy? Why isn't he here?"

"Don't mention it. He is working at the Ministry of Magic now. He thinks he has a great job and writes his Crucible report at home every day." Ron said speechlessly.

"You'll see him soon, and then you won't be looking forward to it," George said.

Several Weasleys pulled Winter and started chatting. Winter especially loved to listen to Bill and Charlie telling stories about goblins and dragons. She listened attentively and would sigh from time to time, "This is too dangerous!" "Cool!"

In the evening, Percy returned with Mr. Weasley. "Hello Weasleys!" "Hello Dad!"

Winter had her back to the door, and when she heard the sound she turned to greet Mr. Weasley and Percy. "Hello Mr. Weasley, hello Percy."

"Hey, you must be Wintermison. My sons always talk about you at home." Mr. Weasley chuckled and sat on the table, "Percy?"

"Oh...Hi." Percy went back to his room to put his briefcase away.

"What's wrong with him?" Winter asked the other Weasleys in a low voice. "Probably a few more Crucible reports to write, you know, that's not fun," Bill said with a smile.

In the evening, Mrs. Weasley specially cooked a large table of dishes to entertain Winter. "Winter, eat more!" She replenished Winter's food several times, the Geminis and Ginny were playing games, and Percy had been discussing work with Mr. Weasley.

"Are you busy at work?" After Winter asked this question, the Geminis, Ron and Ginny all made a "It's over." expression.

Soon Winter knew why. Percy seemed to think that Winter liked to hear this topic, so he kept telling her about "the difficulty of work", "you have to study hard" and "the Ministry of Magic is a good job". Such topics made Winter's ears calluses. She really wondered how they could endure it...

"Percy, eat more, you are too thin." Winter's original intention was to block his mouth with food and make him speechless.

"Thank you...Okay..." Percy blushed and took the food from Winter, "You should also eat more..." For the next time, Percy really didn't speak much. He didn't even say a word to Winter. said. But while Winter was chatting with others, he was peeking.

"Why is he so extreme? Either he talks so much or he doesn't say a word?" Winter whispered to Ginny, who was secretly covering her mouth in joy.

When they were lying on the bed after dinner in the evening, Ginny seemed to have been waiting for a long time. She especially wanted to talk to Winter about Harry, "Wynter, what kind of girl do you think Harry likes? "

"I think he might like you."

"What?!" Although Black Sky couldn't see the other person's face, Winter guessed that Ginny must be blushing.

"It's normal for him to like you. You are smart and beautiful. Of course he will like you. You are too nervous to see him now. You should try to relax and he will discover your charm." Winter patiently told Ginny that this was her godson's future wife!

"Really? Oh, that's right. What you said makes sense. When I saw him, I was so nervous that I couldn't speak." Ginny held her face with both hands, looking very cute, "What about you? Which of those boys do you like?"


"Yes, you know, Fred and George have never invited girls to our home. Even Ron talks to you gently."

"Oh, they are too young. I like the older ones...just older ones, who are more mature." What Winter was actually thinking about was...well, she had several people in mind.

"So you're saying you like Bill or Charlie."

"Why didn't you say Percy?"

"Ordinary people can't stand him, so his girlfriend must be extraordinary." Ginny gave Penello a thumbs up in admiration.

Winter and Ginny fell asleep while chatting, and Winter dreamed that she was growing chocolate in the Burrow to eat.

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