[HP]Hogwarts famous beauties

Chapter 48 Winter is Severus’ Camellia

Only then did Winter realize what had happened. Hermione cried and said, "It was Malfoy's father who asked them to do this...you know those people..."

Ron said angrily, "You don't have to do all the work alone this time, Hermione. I'll help." "Oh! Ron." Hermione threw herself into Ron's arms.

Winter and Harry just looked at them, both of them feeling a little embarrassed.

Winter and the three of them decided to talk to Hagrid in the Care of Magical Creatures class. At the end of the get out of class, several people met Draco who was laughing at them loudly, and then added, "Oh, Misson, why, you too Do you want to go and watch it live?”

Hermione rushed forward and used all her strength to give Malfoy his favorite mouthful.

"Wow..." Watching this live, I was still a little shocked.

Hermione magically disappeared on the way back, and Winter finished her lunch in silence without saying anything. "Winter, is Hermione okay?" Ron asked anxiously.

"Go back to the lounge and have a look. It should be there."

Sure enough, when they returned, everyone saw Hermione lying on the table and falling asleep. Ron warned her "kindly": "If you continue like this, you will collapse."

Today was her first crystal ball divination class. However, from the last class, she had already experienced Professor Trelawney's nagging. She grabbed Winter's hand and said that her lifeline was extremely messy and that there might be more than one soul in her body. Ron asked Winter to be special. Pay attention to her. (Wendt feels that he is actually right)

Professor Trelawney asked two people to form a group, and Winter naturally took Hermione to a group, which made both Ron and Harry a little disappointed.

"Fate has informed me that your exam in June will be related to the sphere, so I am eager to give you enough practice." Trelawney said in her usual mysterious tone.

Hermione snorted, "Who came up with the exam questions? She herself! Can this be considered a prophecy?" She deliberately did not lower her voice, which shocked Winter, "Shhhhhh! I was heard!"

Sure enough, Trelawney was giving Harry prophecies again during this class.

"Oh, don't be that unknown again!" Hermione said loudly.

"I regret to say that from the time you arrived in this class, my dear, it has been evident that you do not possess the qualities required for the noble art of divination. Indeed, I do not remember that I have ever encountered a student whose mind was so worldly. "


Winter looked left and then again, thinking that Hermione would not be in class so soon, so who would she be paired with? ?

"Okay, I'm leaving!" Hermione put her schoolbag on her back, kicked open the door and left.

"Professor! You once predicted that someone would leave us forever around Easter, right?" Lavender said excitedly.

"I'm here to join you two." Winter ran to Harry and Ron, and the two of them acted very enthusiastically. "Hermione is a little impulsive, isn't she?" Ron looked at Winter cautiously, but Winter only talked to Harry, "Harry, it's okay, I don't think it's anything ominous."

Harry gave her a wry smile.

The Easter vacation is here, and besides dealing with homework, Winter prefers to chat with Snape.

"Severus?" Winter knocked on the door and stuck a small head through the door. "Come in," said Snape.

"what are you doing?"

"Prepare things for next class, why are you here?"

"I came to see if there is a portrait of me in the Potions Professor's room." Snape's eyes quickly glanced at a corner of his desk, which was keenly noticed by Winter. "Aha, let me take a look."

Snape grabbed something and was about to put it in the drawer, but unfortunately he was a step too late. "What is this? The eternal flower?"

"It's camellia..."

"Camellia? Then what are you hiding? I thought it was my portrait, but it's quite beautiful." Winter looked at the red camellia in front of her and liked it very much.

The red camellia is a flower that blooms in the cold winter. The language of flowers is natural beauty. Snape would often look at this flower when the girl was away.

Snape was glad that Winter didn't ask further.

"Sev, I also think you were too kind to me in class. Why don't you punish me in solitary confinement next class? I can come and keep you company." Winter kept staring at Camellia.

"...If you like this, I can give it to you." Snape said.

"Ah? Are you really willing to give it to me?"

"Well...I...don't need it now." Snape's eyes fell on the side of Winter's face.

"Harry!" Winter went to the Quidditch lounge one day with a bunch of food to find Harry. "Why are you here?" Harry was surprised that Winter would appear here. "Of course you're here to see our Seeker (my godson)!"

Fred and George squeezed Harry in the middle, and the three of them looked at Winter together: "Why didn't you come to see us?" "The batter is equally important."

Wood rushed over from behind, obviously annoyed that someone had interrupted their discussion of tactics. "Miss, we...oh, it's you." His tone softened a little when he saw it was Winter. "We were just discussing tactics," Wood said.

"Oh, it's such an unlucky thing that I came here. Then I'll leave the food here and leave first. Remember to eat, I brought a lot." Winter waved to everyone and left with brisk steps.

After the Easter break there was a Quidditch game, and this time the tension between the two sides had escalated into a conflict between the two houses. Winter's life was very easy. Everyone in Slytherin knew that their headmaster was partial to this little girl, so they didn't dare to do anything to her. Harry's life was a little sad. He had to be punished by Slytherin almost every day. A person stumbles once. Wood issued an order requiring Harry to be accompanied wherever he went. This was great. Every time Harry was surrounded by no less than five people.

On the eve of the game, the entire Gryffindor lounge was filled with a tense atmosphere. Fred and George kept telling jokes loudly. After watching for a while, Winter spotted Wood in the corner, "Hey!"

"Ah!!" Wood yelled, but was drowned in the laughter of Angelina and the others. Winter also laughed, "I just came to see you... to scare you." Wood scratched his head, "I get scared easily when I focus too much, I'm sorry." Winter patted Wood's shoulder hard, "Seriously, you are too nervous. Relax and you will definitely win."

Wood hummed and then remembered something. "Team, sleep!!" This time it was Winter who was frightened. "Sorry, I have to let them sleep. I have to ensure that I have the most energy tomorrow. Good night!" Wood ran back to the dormitory with his Quidditch minion.

Winter also got up early the next day to watch Harry play Quidditch. She was not so interested when James played Quidditch. Could this be called a kiss from another generation?

Winter and Hermione sat opposite Harry, "I wish you good luck, Harry." Qiu Zhang from Ravenclaw passed by and said blessing to Harry, oh, Qiu Zhang is so beautiful, and Harry also smiled. Express response.

"Do you also think she is beautiful?" Winter asked Harry gossiping.

"Ahem...!" Harry choked on his porridge, and Winter laughed loudly.

The game was about to start. Winter, Ron and Hermione ran to the stage to find a good seat. Winter spotted Snape walking towards this and decided to tease him, "Wait for me! Help me occupy the seat." A place!”

"Hey! Professor!"

"Winter, don't you watch the game?"

"Let's take a look at you first. What are you bringing?" Winter looked closely at the Slytherin team badge pinned to the left side of Snape's chest. "Let's make a bet, Sev, if we win you're going to treat me to ice cream."

"So what if we won?" Snape looked down at Winter.

"Then you don't need to invite me!"

"Okay... there are too many people here, you should go back first." Snape said a little unnaturally.

"Okay, okay, let's look forward to the result of the game." Winter ran back to the stands. Unexpectedly, Ron saw the scene just now with a telescope. "How on earth did you subdue Snape? Why did he never scold you?"

"Well... he... he usually teaches me a lesson in private... so that no one will find out... he is very fierce."

"Oh, that's right, that's him, I'm telling you." Ron took the binoculars and continued watching the game.

This game was the dirtiest game Winter had ever seen. All the Gryffindor supporters present, including Lee Jordan and even Professor McGonagall, shook their fists angrily and started shouting.

Winter thought to himself, the last time he went to school, they were not so dirty. They must be, otherwise James would have started fighting with them.

I remembered again the way James and Lily smiled at Winter. Winter's depression seemed out of place with the anger of the other Gryffindors.

"Harry Potter caught the Golden Snitch! Gryffindor won!" Li Jordan's shouts and explosive applause brought Wintra back to reality. "Ah!!" Winter also shouted excitedly, but it was obviously not as crazy as one-third of the people around her.

The moment Harry picked up the Quidditch trophy, Winter felt truly proud of him.

Winter specially ran to Snape's office the next day, ready to piss him off, "Hello, my Potions Professor. My ice cream, is there someone..."

"Okay, what does it smell like?" Snape said with a long face as he went to get the floo powder.

"Vanilla, hazelnuts, chocolate chips, and raspberries!" Winter said a lot excitedly, and added sweetly, "Thank you, Sev!" Snape's expression relaxed a little, and he got in He came out of the fireplace after a while, holding an ice cream in his hand, "Here, it's for you."

"Why don't you eat just one portion?"

"Miss Winter, I am over 30 this year."

"Come on, if you don't want to eat, I'll eat it. I want to sit here and eat it, so they don't ask me where I came from." Winter sat on Snape's stool and pushed Snape to sit opposite him, swaying and eating. sipping his own ice cream.

"Take one bite, take one bite, try it!" Winter was stuffing a mouthful of ice cream into Snape's mouth. Snape's head was swinging from side to side to avoid Winter's attack, but in the end he didn't turn around, barely. Take a small bite.

"Professor Snape?" The voice from outside the door broke the peaceful atmosphere in the room. Winter recognized that it was Lupin and immediately stood up to leave. "Come in." Snape straightened his clothes.

"...Winter, you are here too." Lupine looked at the little girl holding a bowl of ice cream in front of him, and tried his best to put on a bright and flattering smile.

"Yeah." Winter left the room and returned to the auditorium for lunch.

"Where did you get your ice cream?" Ron stared at the half-bowl of ice cream left in Winter's hand. "Um...I asked the kitchen elf to make it for me."

"Oh, I must go and see it if I have the chance!" Ron's eyes were still staring at the ice cream.

"You...want to take a bite..." Winter looked at Ron awkwardly.

"Thank you!!" Ron scooped out a big spoonful of ice cream and put it on his plate. Thank God, he didn't put it directly into his mouth, so he didn't have to tell him that the mouth on the spoon was that of Professor Snape and not Professor Snape. Her facts.

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