[HP]Hogwarts famous beauties

Chapter 36 I don’t pretend anymore, I show my cards

Harassment? Where have you heard this word? Winter turned around and saw a boy with long blond hair, who looked like a weird version of Lucius Malfoy.

"Are you... Xenophilius Lovegood?"

"Oh, I really didn't expect you to know my name. Did the psychic bird tell you that? They usually don't make friends easily with others. Maybe they like you very much."

Only then did Winter realize that this person was really chatty, but it was quite fun. "Well, yes, I did chat with them for a while yesterday."

Lovegood thought it was the first time someone agreed with him, so he started talking. "Did you really see the psychic bird? That's great. I thought I was the only one who could see it. I'm going to graduate and look for the Snorlax. Do you know them?"

"Oh... I'm lucky enough to have heard of it several times..."

"You are such a knowledgeable girl. Okay, I have to go eat. Besides..." Lovegood leaned close to Winter's ear, "Be careful with the mistletoe, there are oyster hooks in it."

"I will, I will, thank you." Winter shook Lovegood's hands solemnly.

"What are you talking about with that crazy boy?" Sirius came over and asked. "Let's talk about how to get rid of hooks and harassment." Winter answered him clearly.

Remus poked his head out, and Winter was surprised to see that he looked much better. At least he didn't feel like he would fall to the ground at any time. "Lovegood is a very nice person, but he occasionally says something we don't understand." if."

"How do you know each other?" Winter was very puzzled that they actually knew each other. Obviously Sirius and the others were also puzzled. James was not puzzled. James had already sat down next to Lily to say hello.

"I met him in the school doctor's office before." Remus quickly sat down next to Winter and started eating. (Sirius: If you are careless, you will lose Jingzhou!)

"Speaking of the school doctor's office, did you go back to eat chocolate yesterday?"

"I ate!" "He didn't eat!" James scolded Remus harshly from behind.

"Why don't you eat?" Winter pinched her waistjpg

"I... I was too tired last night, so I fell asleep..."

"He was chatting with us, he didn't sleep!" James found another breakthrough.

"If you don't eat it, just give it back to me! I'll give it to the people in need!" Winter was really a little angry. It was obvious that he was not in good health every time before and after the full moon, but he still had to hold on.

"I'll eat! I'll eat after I finish eating!" Remus promised emphatically, and Winter let him go.

The sixth grade is really wonderful, with less classes and less things to do. The peace of Hogwarts is in obvious contrast to the undercurrent outside. Recently, even Dumbledore has been showing less time.

The full moon was about to come again. Ever since Winter learned that they had become animagus, she rarely went to accompany Remus anymore. She stubbornly believed that being with good friends was the happiest thing.

But she didn't understand that even the wolf who was no longer lonely would always miss the little fox who accompanied her.

"Remus?" Winter climbed up to the observatory secretly, but saw an unexpected person there.

"Winter, why are you here?"

"I want to come and see the scenery."

"I" "I" "You speak first" "You speak first"

"Remus, what if they break into the school one day." Remus comforted Winter, "No, Dumbledore is still here, isn't he?"

"...Indeed, what if? What if...they break into the school?"

"I think I will protect my most precious thing first, and then fight them." At this point, Remus looked down at Winter, who was looking at the stars outside.

"What is your most precious thing? The chocolates I gave you?" Winter looked up with a smile.

"Hmm...that's right? Maybe I'll eat all the chocolate first and then go fight."

Winter looked at the gentle young man in front of him, but his mind was full of his "hair that turned prematurely gray in his thirties, washed-out robe, scarred cheeks, and haggard look" and "unknown twelve years.”

"Remus, I wish I could always be here with you."

Perhaps because Winter's tone was too sad, Remus misunderstood that something had happened to Winter, "Are you going to...what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell, or is it a problem at home?"

"It's okay." Winter's nose was sore and she threw herself into Remus's arms, "I won't leave you..."

"Winter." Remus was shocked by Winter's hug, but quickly calmed down. His Artemis, why didn't he want to stay with the girl forever? If he could, if he was a normal person, he would He will definitely confess his love to the girl crazily.

Rather than like this, only under the deserted astronomy tower, he dared to indulge in a girl's fragrance and hug.

"Even if it's only once in my life, it's enough for me."

After coming down from the astronomy tower, Winter and Remus kept this secret tacitly.

But Remus keenly noticed that the girl spent more time with him, in class and in the lounge. "Remus, chat with me." "Remus, come with me to watch Quidditch training." "Remus." Mus, come with me to the library."

Winter's eyes began to stay on him more than Sirius and James. He felt that there was a place in his heart secretly applauding, but Winter's obvious favoritism caused Sirius to be extremely dissatisfied. After all, there is someone who always thinks that he is her fiancé.

Winter didn't think about that much at all. She had been thinking about finding an opportunity to confess to Lem that she actually knew he was a werewolf. Would it be less estranged to get along with him this way? She also sought Lily's advice on this.

"Lily, I have a friend in France. She discovered that her friend is actually a werewolf. Do you think she should tell her friend that she already knows?"

It took Lily a while to understand what was said, "Well...does your friend still want to be friends with her friend?"

"Obviously she meant it. She told me that no matter what happened to her friend, they would always be friends."

"Then I think you can tell her friend what you already know. After all, it's better to have a friend who fully understands you by your side than to be careful and hide it from your friend." Lily answered the question seriously.

"Well...I'll go write a letter to my friend in a minute."

So there was the matter of Winter clinging to Remus every day, but Winter never found a chance to talk about it.

Taking advantage of the last hint of autumn, Winter took Remus and ran to read a book under a tree by the lake, deciding to tell him today. Remus was leaning against the tree, while Winter was leaning on Remus' shoulder.

"Remus, why do you have to take leave every month?" Winter asked this question pretending to be casual.

"I'm...not in good health. I'm always sick."

"I already knew it, you don't have to hide it from me." As soon as Winter finished speaking, Remus' body suddenly became stiff.

"What...what..." he stammered.

"I already knew what your furry little problem was." Winter suddenly felt that James was really talented, which was quite a cute statement.

"How do you know..." Remus's tone could be heard by any passing dog, and he was scared.

"This is my secret, hehe."

Remus was very puzzled. Logically speaking, people who find out that their friends are werewolves will usually shy away. Why is Winter still smiling? "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Why are you afraid? You are my friend. I told you I will never leave you."

"Thank you, Winter."

Winter saw that Remus was still unhappy, "I can also tell you a secret, do you want to hear it?"

"If you want to talk, I'm willing to listen, and I'll keep it a secret."

Winter leaned over quietly and said, "Actually, I am the fox accompanying you."

Remus looked at Winter in disbelief, "Are you...that little fox?"

"Of course, otherwise who do you think spent so many full-moon nights with you?" Winter said proudly.

"You also practiced Animagus? But your Patronus is obviously a horse..." Remus remembered that everyone's Animagus is the same as the Patronus. The girl must be comforting herself. .

"Hey, I'm the fox anyway. If you don't believe it, I'll change it for you." Winter waved his hand.

A familiar white dumpling appeared in front of Remus. It rubbed Remus' palm affectionately, and then quickly transformed back into a girl.

"So you are really that little fox... No wonder I think it looks like you."

"Are you afraid of me?" Winter asked.

He knocked Winter on the head, "What do I have to be afraid of, idiot? I'm obviously more threatening than you." Remus took the initiative to make an intimate gesture for the first time.

Winter hugged Remus, "Great, I thought you would be afraid of me!"

Remus thought to himself, is this girl really not only not afraid of her werewolf identity, but actually afraid that he will be afraid of her identity?

It turns out that she is that little fox. No wonder that little fox feels so familiar to him. Is this...destined?

Winter looked at Remus with wide eyes, "You have to keep it a secret, otherwise we will be arrested for doing research." Remus couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Okay, okay, let's keep it secret from each other."

Winter suddenly remembered something, "Wait a minute, you named me Xiao Wen before, right? Do you want to explain?"

"I... was wrong..." The picture in Remus' mind was that he actually took the little fox into the bedroom and slept in his arms... and asked the little fox some strange questions. He just I pray that Winter will never forget these things.

"Spare your life." Winter rested her head on Remus' lap and continued reading. As she read, she covered her face with the book and fell asleep.

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