(HP + Sword 3) Hogwarts school girl’s bound milk

Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Outstanding and Mediocre

"Speaking of which, since Hufflepuff gave Gryffindor a Potions lesson, then what lesson will we take with Hufflepuff and Gryffindor?" Step by step, we started taking flying lessons outside the castle. Walking on the grass, Emily quietly took out a few butter cookies that she had taken away during lunch. After giving them to Ji Ciyuan and Leah, she stuffed the largest, soft-cheeked piece into her mouth. It was puffed up like a hamster by the cookies and looked unusually soft.

"I think we're going to see each other soon, right?" Leah said, slightly raising her head and looking towards the grass. Although there was no one here now, except for a few sparse rascals with raven badges. Vinclaw, no emblems belonging to other houses are visible.

"Huh? You mean, it's a flying lesson?" After swallowing the cookies in her mouth, Emily turned to look at Leah, with confusion in her big eyes.

"We have almost taken all the other classes, haven't we?" Ji Ciyuan said, quietly putting the biscuit in his hand under the cover of his sleeves along the invisible kink of space into his own pet space.

"That... we are really lucky!" Emily said. She had long heard and witnessed the handsomeness of the little prince Gryffindor. Although after these days, she knew that a Black would not be like her. Even though she has always been very confident about her appearance, who wouldn't like a blond and blue-eyed little angel? She fully realized the convenience this face brought to her in Muggle school, and of course, it was not bad in the wizarding world either. It's just limited to those who are not crazy about the word 'pureblood' and don't hate Muggle wizards. Obviously, the name Black is not among them, but so what? This does not prevent me from appreciating beauty, not to mention that I only appreciate the feeling of beauty in Blake. Moreover, such a face, in A Yuan's words, is a pure beauty. Who doesn't love beauty?

Turning their heads, Leah and Ji Ciyuan looked at each other, not looking at Emily who fell into a slight nympho mode at that moment. You know, for them, the four people of Gryffindor, of course the most important ones are Potter and Black, they can already be called 'famous'. As for the reason for the temporary change of classes, Leah actually heard some stories from those Ravenclaw seniors. It seemed that it was because Potter deliberately threw potion ingredients into other people's cauldrons during class, causing the explosion. The crucible. Coupled with the coincidence of that day, it seemed to have caused quite a stir. For several days in a row, when passing the hospital wing, one could see it full of Slytherin and Gryffindor students. Although they also paid a price of more than ten points, Professor Horn seemed to be a little determined and vowed to change the house of Potions class to ensure the safety of their Slytherin students.

However, perhaps such an accident will not happen in flying lessons. After all, flying lessons do not require dangerous potions and cauldrons. All they need is to get on the broom and practice flying.

After a while, when Ji Ciyuan and Leah had wiped out all the cookies Emily had brought, they heard the voice of Gryffindor.

"Sirius! I can guarantee that I will definitely join the Quidditch team next year. Brother, can't you give up your little persistence and defeat those Slytherins with your dear James? ?”

Before I saw the person, I heard his voice first. This is not an exaggeration when it comes to Potter. At least now, although they can only vaguely see the passionate red color belonging to Gryffindor, Potter's energetic voice has already reached their ears. , and can be heard clearly.

Although they were mentally prepared, when the facts were placed in front of them, the moment those trivial hopes completely disappeared, they still felt a little uneasy or disappointed. After all, compared to the quiet Hufflepuff, Gryffindor is too enthusiastic and unexpected. No one will know whether there will be any 'accidents' during their flying lessons, especially Gryffindor and Potter. exist.

"Hey! A Yuan!" James's eyes lit up twice when he looked up and saw Ji Ciyuan. He dragged Sirius and Remus and rushed to Ji Ciyuan's side. "Praise Merlin! This is a flying lesson, do you want to have a try?" James said. Although his flying skills in Gryffindor were basically invincible, in Ravenclaw he could not I haven't tried it, especially since there is Ji Ciyuan who can fly.

Merciful Empress Nuwa, if I am guilty, please let the loss of the battlefield punish me, instead of letting this James Potter torture me!

In the corner where no one was watching, Ji Ciyuan rolled his eyes in an indistinct manner, and then looked at Potter with a perfect and even formal smile. "Then I can't compare to you. After all, my flying is just a method, and it can't be as flexible as you who are so familiar with brooms."

Although there was no competition yet, such compliments still made James very happy. If he had a tail, it would probably be standing tall.

It is true that James is indeed very interested in Ji Ciyuan's flying. Although it seems that he can't learn it now, he still can't stand the existence of those hopes. However, compared with not being able to learn flying for the time being, discussing with his good brother, Sirius, what to do in this flying lesson or what Quidditch moves to practice is his first priority, so before fighting with Ji Ciyuan After saying hello, James turned back to discuss with Sirius.

"It's rare that you can tolerate his out-of-the-box personality." Remus said, standing aside and turning to look at Ji Ciyuan with a smile.

"But I think it's best to return this sentence to you." Ji Ciyuan said. Obviously, compared with James, who often has some whimsical ideas, Remus' slightly quiet personality made Ji Ciyuan more attracted to him. It was more comfortable, and since Remus was the first person of the same age she had met in the magical world, Ji Ciyuan still had a good impression of him. "After all, even in Ravenclaw, I heard that Mr. Remus Lupin is among the four Gryffindors, isn't it?"

After hearing this, the smile on Remus' lips widened a little, and he turned to look at James, who was chatting with Sirius, and Peter, who was holding his hands next to James, and his small eyes seemed to be bursting with light, as if Even breathing became much easier. "He's nice, you know, even with me, they consider me a real friend, which is great, isn't it?"

Blinking, Ji Ciyuan turned to look at Remus, feeling more and more that something was wrong with him, including on the Hogwarts Express. As a non-Muggle wizard, he had no idea that he could go to Hogwarts Express. Gwartz has too many honors, as if...as if he should not or should not be allowed to study at Hogwarts, but this is obviously wrong. After all, he should be more familiar with Hogwarts than himself. Yes, neither he nor Emily, who is a Muggle, feels this way. Why would Remus, who is from a wizarding family, feel this way?

"Remus, you..."

"A Yuan!!!" A person suddenly rushed in front of Ji Ciyuan and turned around to get rid of the person who should have jumped into his arms. Ji Ciyuan then turned to look at the person standing in front of him, It was Trina Edmund who was in the boat that day.

"How can you escape?!" Being a little sad by Ji Ciyuan's unintentional actions, Trina jumped forward half a step. Only then Ji Ciyuan, who was prepared, had to control himself and stand still. Received this overly enthusiastic hug. "That's right!" Trina said, contentedly letting go of Ji Ciyuan, and then she pulled her friend over and ran over again. They were her roommates, two of the same Gryffindors.

"Lily!" Before Trina could introduce him, James was so frightened that he swallowed the introduction that Trina had already spoken and the words that the girl was about to blurt out. "It's rare that I haven't seen you and Snotlout standing together."

The red-haired girl weakly pressed her eyebrows, and then pulled Trina half a step back, hoping to be farther away from James, but this step back directly pushed Ji Ciyuan aside, and found that As she did, Lily quickly turned her head, showed a slightly apologetic smile to Ji Ciyuan, stretched out her hand, and put James' shout behind her, "Hello, it's A Yuan, if you don't mind me. I call you that?" Lily said, her almond-shaped eyes like green leaves blinked, and she took Ji Ciyuan's hand and shook it up and down twice. "I'm Lily, Lily Evans. You know, Trina talks about you in the dormitory almost every day."

"Oh, my dear Trina." Mary clasped her hands together and glanced at Trina, pretending to be sad, and then turned to look at Ji Ciyuan. "If I had known she was hiding such a cute little girl, I would have rushed over here earlier! Mary McDonald, you must call me Mary, the future Lady Flower of Ravenclaw."

"The future...Flower of Ravenclaw?" Ji Ciyuan frowned and looked at Mary and Lily with some confusion. Apparently they had heard about it a long time ago. He was looking at Ji Ciyuan smiling happily.

"You don't know yet?" Emily said, reaching out and hugging Ji Ciyuan, "This news has almost spread throughout Ravenclaw. I dare to swear that Senior Fox also said that when you go to the third grade There will definitely be many people in your grade, fourth grade at the latest, who will confess to you. You must know that even now there are many seniors who are eyeing you."

"How come I don't know?" Ji Ciyuan said, obviously a little strange about these seals that were stamped by someone without knowing it.

Silently moving to one side to avoid the overly enthusiastic James, Lily had a headache, but class was about to start here again. In the confusion, she could only use Mary and Trina to block it. After all, she couldn't skip class for James, etc. When Mrs. Hodge comes over later, he will probably restrain himself a little. Thinking of this, Ji Ciyuan turned his head and looked in the direction of James. Now because of Lily's arrival, he was racking his brains to gain a sense of presence in front of Lily so as to save this good girl from the clutches of damn Slytherin. To save him, he temporarily abandoned his good brothers.

Standing aside with his arms folded, Sirius was fiddling with his wand boredly. It was very similar to his own. His wand was brown and black, with some slightly gorgeous patterns painted on it, but it didn't look too graceful. A little more special beauty. Looking up, Ji Ciyuan happened to see Ji Ciyuan looking over here with his eyes open. His long black hair was tied into a high ponytail on his head probably because this was a flying lesson, with a silver With the complicated crown tied up, it looks more than a little neat. He tilted his head slightly, as if he had never looked at this person carefully, although James would always say something in his ear. Merlin knew that since Ji Ciyuan's flight was confirmed, there was another person James often mentioned in the dormitory, A Yuan, besides Lily and Snotlout. Although he is not interested in these things, he is sure that he will not pay attention to this girl if he listens too much. Of course, although she is really cute, and you can even imagine how exquisite she will become when she grows up, but...

If she continues to remain unaware of her own abilities or even cares nothing about them, Merlin knows whether she will be able to live to adulthood. After all, as a mudblood, yes, a pure-blood advocate The Mudblood who talks about it is that being outstanding is no better than being mediocre. After all, the former is common in this magical world, but the latter seems to be much less common.

"What's wrong? Sirius?" Remus said, approaching Sirius. You must know that Sirius has been looking in the direction of Ji Ciyuan from the beginning. This state may be normal for others, but For Sirius, it was rare, even strange.

"Innocent child." Sirius said, glanced at his mouth, then put his hand behind his head, and stretched his arm slightly with his head on his hand. "I'm quite curious about her ending."

"Her?" Remus flattened his mouth and asked tentatively, "Is it A Yuan? You are interested in him. Although I think it is a bit early, it seems that James can be used as a reference. It is not surprising. .”

"You are thinking too much." Sirius said, glancing at Ji Ciyuan indifferently, and then completely withdrew his gaze. "You are not some ignorant little wizard from Muggles. My dear Lemmy, what do you think will happen to such a wizard if those Death Eaters find out about it? Oh, provided she remains as she is. look like."

"To be honest, it won't be too good." Although they now know little about Ji Ciyuan, they can even be called ignorant, but compared to others, Ji Ciyuan is still a little more strange than them. Yes, strange. Pursing his lips, Remus glanced at Ji Ciyuan and slowly breathed a sigh of relief. "But, you also know that she is at least a Ravenclaw. Even if she didn't mind before, we have also read the news in the Daily Prophet, so she should understand it."

"What's the Daily Prophet?" Peter said. Obviously, there was no such thing in his mind, and naturally he had no memory. This feeling of being a secret that only he himself didn't know made him a little uncomfortable, but naturally he also He didn't say anything, he just walked closer and looked at Remus with wide eyes. He didn't dare to look at Sirius.

"Come on, brother, when was that news?" Sirius said, reaching out and patting Peter, shrugging and not intending to explain.

Shrinking slightly, Peter bit his lip and didn't ask any more questions.

"The Daily Prophet? I always thought it was from Potter." Hearing the familiar words, Ji Ciyuan also walked over and looked at Remus and Sirius strangely, "After all, I have seen That owl should belong to Potter."

"Oh! Of course—"


Before he finished speaking, Sirius raised his wand and cast a spell. James waved his hands feebly. It took him two seconds to remember his wand, but he was speechless and couldn't break the spell, so he could only cast a spell. Staring at Sirius fiercely, his golden brown eyes were filled with rage.

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