What if a time traveler went to Hogwarts?

Chapter 24 Small details in daily life

Shimaier almost ran all over Diagon Alley without seeing Caroline and Alphard again. She could only lean against the outer wall of the Owl Post Office in disappointment. "Maybe they have gone back long ago," Shimaier murmured. .

"Who has gone back long ago?"

"It can't be us, can it?"

Caroline and Alphard were lying on the glass inside the Owl Post Office. Shimaier was startled and waved, "Come out quickly."

"You really came to us?" Alphard said, "Aren't you with Riddle and the others?" Shimaier shook his head, "You are my friends, Avery and Lestrange are not."

Caroline bumped Alphard's chest with her elbow and said, "See what I say. I'll just say that Shimael is different from them. One gold galleon, bring it." "Okay, you guys actually said that to me. "Gambling money," Shimaier hummed unhappily, "I will forgive you only if you use your gambling money to treat me to eat fire dragon roasted chestnuts."

"Okay, okay, you can eat anything. Let's go." Alphard said embarrassedly, feeling guilty that he had doubted Shimaier for a moment. "By the way, what are you doing at the Owl Post Office?" Shimael asked in confusion. Caroline had her own owl. The Black family of Alphard must also have domestic owls. There was no need for them to come to the Owl Post Office to send letters.

"I can't use my owl," Alphad lowered his eyes and said, "My parents listened to the exaggerated words of my two sisters and thought I was a bad boy." "He has been locked in his room all summer vacation!" Caroline rushed over. He said, "No wonder he never replied when I wrote to him. The last time I used a flame to get into the fireplace in his room."

It's hard for Shimael to imagine what it feels like to be confined in a room for a summer vacation. She is a free person, and she believes that Alphard and Caroline are too, so they can become friends, but her friend is imprisoned in the room. For two whole months.

"It doesn't matter, I pretended to be obedient and asked them to let me out." Seeing Shimaier's worried look, Alphard said quickly, "But it is safer to send these letters to the post office."

Shimaier nodded in understanding, and they walked to the Leaky Cauldron together.

Along the way, there were many children who came to Diagon Alley for the first time. Their eyes were full of novelty and yearning for the magical world. Shimaier couldn't help but think that when Tom saw them, would he remember the feeling of coming to the magical world for the first time? Will the future Voldemort think of his own school life when he sees the students at Hogwarts? If so, it wouldn't be Tom.

Shimaier was lost in thought and just instinctively followed Caroline and Alphard forward. He didn't look at the road ahead and suddenly bumped into someone.

The little girl was knocked staggered by Shimaier. Shimaier immediately came to his senses and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He found that it was the little girl that Tom had just brought out from Knockturn Alley.

The little boy was right next to the little girl. He glanced at Shimaier coldly and hugged the little girl tightly with his hands. "Be careful, Abby, and follow me. There are a lot of people here." The little girl hugged Hou Hou. After reading the thick book, the boy nodded and quickly left with the little girl.

Seeing that they were holding first-grade textbooks, Shimaier said, "Maybe they are first-grade students." "Yeah, but they look strange," Caroline said, looking at their retreating figures. "Isn't this very interesting?" Shimaier smiled maliciously. The boy's temper was like Tom without disguise.

They finally arrived at the dragon-roasted chestnut box outside the Leaky Cauldron. The transparent glass allowed people to see the complete production process. Just as a new batch came out of the oven, Alphard bought three bags and handed them to Caroline and Shimaier.

Shimaier took it in his hand and blew on it. The freshly baked chestnut shells were frighteningly hot. They aimlessly browsed the various shops in Diagon Alley, eating while walking. Suddenly, Shimeier remembered something important, "Oh no, my book is still over there!" He looked at Alpha again. De and Caroline's hands were also empty, which is why it took so long for them to forget about the textbooks. "Where are your books?" "We asked the clerk at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore to mail them directly to our home." Alpha De said, "How about we accompany you to get it back?" "Forget it." Shimaier was a little annoyed. "Maybe they threw it away." "Then we go with you to buy another copy?" Caroline put her hand on the poem worriedly. Maier's shoulder, but Shimier shook her head "Forget it" she didn't have any extra money, but she could go back and use the copy spell to copy Tom's book.

Shimaier no longer had the desire to go shopping, and was afraid of disturbing their interest in shopping, so he said goodbye to Caroline and Alphard. The week before school was about to start was the busiest time in Diagon Alley. Shimael quickly left the crowd and walked back to the Muggle orphanage.

When we returned to the orphanage, Tom did not come back. There were several children in the yard who were feeding the birds. When they saw Shimaier coming back, they also ran back to the house. "Are you all crazy? Why did you see me running? I'm not Tom." Shimaier kicked the door fiercely in a helpless and furious manner. The rusty iron door suddenly creaked, but Shimaier was too lazy to Realizing this, he walked into the hall angrily.

Many children in the hall were helping Miss Gian with the cleaning work. Shimaier went upstairs without even looking at them. "Miss Ge'an, why don't Sister Shimaier work with us?" A little girl of only five years old asked innocently, but Miss Ge'an quickly covered her mouth. She has not yet left the shadow of the nonsense cream soup last time. come out.

Shimeier returned to the room and lay on the bed. She thought about the chaotic day today. What she thought was a sweet outing with Tom was interrupted by Avery and Lestrange. When she was abandoned, she met Card. Rowling and Alphard, the handsome beauty rescue hero, being scorned by Avery and Lestrange, eating fire chestnuts with Caroline and Alphard, discovering that the book is missing and having no money to buy a new one, all of this The ups and downs of emotions made Shimaier feel a little sleepy. "Then let's sleep for a while," Shimaier said to himself, closed his eyes and fell asleep quickly.

When she woke up again, it was already dark, and the moonlight shone through the window on Shimaier's sheets. Because no one in the orphanage would ask him to have dinner, Shimaier didn't know how long he had been sleeping or what time it was. As soon as she was erect, Shimaier collapsed from the bed and stretched out sleepily. She was a little confused after sleeping for too long.

I accidentally caught a glimpse of a stack of books on my desk. This could never be Shimaier's own, because she didn't bother to take out the first-grade textbook and kept it in her suitcase.

With a strange excitement rising in his heart, Shimaier ran over barefoot without even putting on his shoes. Worn, second-hand—the one Shimaier left on the table outside the ice cream shop! There is only one possibility, that is, it was sent back by Tom!

Shimaier held the worn-out spell book in his arms and walked around in a circle, then jumped up and down and knocked on the door of Tom's room. "Tom! Tom?" No one came to open the door, so Shimaier Simply put your ear to the door and listen to the movement in the room. "You're not dead, are you?" Just after saying this, the door was opened, and Shimaier rushed forward before he could stand still. Fortunately, he caught it with both hands. door frame.

Standing in front of him was a sleepy Tom. This was the first time Shimaier had seen him like this. In Shimaier's impression, Tom was always an organized and shrewd person. "Why are you sleeping?" "Because now Three o'clock in the morning." Tom said coldly. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know. Thank you for bringing the book back for me!" Shimaier waved the book in front of Tom. Tom nodded, suddenly remembering something, his face turned slightly red and his eyes were a little dodgey. "Next time you go to bed, put on your clothes." "Huh? Oh" Shimaier was wearing a nightgown. "I'm wearing it well." ah."

"Perhaps what Avery said is true. You are a fool who allocates all your brainpower to magic." Tom spoke a bit too fast, so he finished speaking quickly and quickly closed the door to the room.

"Get up angry." Shimaier muttered, taking Tom's weird behavior as an upset after waking him up from his good sleep. But Tom brought his book back today, and Shimeier decided to be angry with Tom for only a minute, and then went back to his room happily.

There was no way to sleep again tonight. After dancing for a while in his room, Shimaier simply packed his suitcase, because the day after tomorrow they were going to King's Cross Station to return to Hogwarts. Shimaier touched his protruding ribs and was glad that he survived the summer vacation.

For the next two days, Tom locked himself in his room and previewed the second-grade textbook, although Shimeier bet that he had mastered most of it, even more than what was in the book. Since the last time she separated from Tom in Diagon Alley, although Tom said nothing, Shimaier felt a little embarrassed, so she followed Tom shamelessly and looked through the potion book.

"It's really troublesome." The operation of potions in the second grade is twice as difficult as that in the first grade. "I hate it." Shimaier closed the book and threw it aside. Tom was packing his luggage. In fact, it was not packing, just putting everything away. Put it in the box, after all, they didn't have anything to bring except clothes and textbooks.

"It would be great if I could always live in Hogwarts without having to study." Shimaier held his face with his hands and watched Tom clean up. "It would be like home." "Home?" Tom squatted on the ground and raised his head. Looking at Shimaier, he shook his head again, "I can't understand."

Shimaier sighed, "I'm sorry." "It doesn't matter, a home must have family, I don't have any family." Tom continued what he was doing, he was putting in the diary Shimaier gave him on his birthday. Putting it in, he suddenly thought of something. "Are you busy recently?" "No, I'm so bored that I'm picking my feet. Why do you ask?" Shimaier quickly thought in his mind if there was anything that provoked Tom recently. Know yourself.

But Tom whispered, "You didn't write a diary. Did you have no time?" "What?" Shimaier couldn't believe what she heard. She jumped off the chair and knelt down next to Tom and asked, "Say it again. Woolen cloth?"

Tom took a few deep breaths and then quickly said in Shimaier's ear, "I said, you didn't write a diary because you didn't have time?" "Oh~" Shimaier's mouth immediately grinned, "Because I can see you at any time. Yeah, we're together all day. It's not convenient when we're at school. What's wrong? Are you lonely without my diary? Do you have to look at my diary to fall asleep? Is my diary your bedtime reading? Then you Why don't you write me a reply?"

"Keep writing." Tom just said that and put the diary in the innermost compartment of the suitcase.

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