Douluo's Blue Silver Spear God

Chapter 38 Confrontation

The first day of soul refining was over, but the master did not let Tang Yin and the others run, but let them fight against each other.

"Tang Yin, you are the strongest here, so I have stricter requirements on you. The seven of you must use all your strength to fight Tang Yin together."

"And Tang Yin, I order you not to use elemental attacks. You can only rely on your own martial arts."

Tang Yin wanted to say something, but still didn't say it.

The master looked at Tang Yin and said, "I know what you want to say. Your martial soul has elemental attributes, so... you can't use soul skills."

"Yes!" (mostly set in subsequent comics)

Tang Yin's martial spirit is a very strange martial spirit, let's put it that way! His martial soul has dual attributes of ice and fire, but these attributes are based on the soul ring.

Unless fully awakened, this so-called elemental attribute is completely based on the soul ring.

Dai Mubai was unhappy when he heard this. After all, it was unfair to Tang Yin.

"Master, seven of us are fighting against Tang Yin alone, and Tang Yin is not allowed to use soul skills and elements. Doesn't this greatly weaken Tang Yin's strength?"

Everyone nodded in agreement, this was unfair to Tang Yin.

"It's okay. If you can't get over this difficulty... why fight against the God Realm (whisper)"

Seeing that Tang Yin agreed, everyone couldn't say anything more.

"Martial soul possessed!"

The two sides distanced themselves, without much communication, and stared at each other closely. Without Tang Yin's elemental blessing, Lan Yincao was very useless at this time.

Xiao Wu rushed towards Tang Yin from the front, with Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun outflanking him, and Oscar and Ning Rongrong assisting from behind.

Tang San's Bluesilver Grass was around everyone's waist, and as long as something went wrong, he would react immediately.

Dai Mubai also followed Xiao Wu and planned to fight head-on, but Tang Yin did not intend to fight head-on.

If you really fight, you are looking for death. Tang Yin's figure disappeared so fast that even Tang San couldn't see Tang Yin's figure clearly even if he released the Purple Demon Eyes.

At this time, Tang Yin's voice came out: "Third brother, don't forget, I was able to make corresponding counterattacks based on my observation of you, so these six years will not be in vain."

Tang Yin's voice came from behind Tang San. Tang San was shocked, and then he saw Tang Yin's blue silver grass tied to the mouths of Ning Rongrong and Oscar. Leave them speechless.

Tang San's Blue Silver Grass was cut off by Tang Yin.

Tang San: "When did it happen?"

But now is not the time to dwell on this matter, Tang San was also very smart and immediately counterattacked, using Ghost Shadow Follower, his figure was like a ghost.

Tang San wanted to help Oscar and Ning Rongrong, but was it possible? Tang Yin didn't eliminate the two of them just to attract Tang San's attention.

When Tang San was ten steps away from Tang Yin, the corners of Tang Yin's mouth rose slightly.

"Don't be fooled."

Tang San realized something was wrong and just wanted to retreat, but it was too late. The blue silver grass in the sky enveloped Tang San, and Tang San didn't even have the ability to resist.

The master has requested that he cannot use the Eight Spider Spears.

Then Tang Yin eliminated the three of them. Looking at the four people below him, Tang Yin clapped his hands: "Your speed is too slow. If you can go faster, you might be able to save one more!"

Now that the auxiliary type soul masters and the control type soul masters have been eliminated, it will be much easier to fight against the agility type soul masters and the power attack type soul masters.

Without Oscar's soul power recovery and Ning Rongrong's strong increase, what would they use to fight Tang Yin! What to take?

The silver-grained blue silver grass curled up on his arm and punched the oncoming fist.

The Blue Silver Grass was shattered, but Dai Mubai was also repelled. Xiao Wu rushed to Tang Yin, looking at Tang Yin with eyes full of temptation.

However, Tang Yin didn't accept this trick. He wanted to be not as good as his wife, but he was not as beautiful as his wife. He said lightly: "Do you think such an attack will be useful to me?"

Then the blue silver grass rose from the ground and controlled Xiao Wu, and then Xiao Wu was eliminated.

When Zhu Zhuqing was about to attack Tang Yin, he quickly turned around and retreated. Attacking Tang Yin now was a very unruly choice.

"Just let me play with you! Let me also talk about the results of my training yesterday." After speaking, Tang Yin began to take off his shirt.

The strong and beautiful abdominal muscles were exposed, but when others saw Tang Yin's back, they were all shocked.

Scars, scars all over the body, the most obvious ones are the three scratches from the Ksitigarbha tiger, and the rest are caused by the training in the spirit fighting field.

At this time, Sauron's words rang in his ears: "The wound on the back is a swordsman's disgrace."

But for Tang Yin, the scar on his chest is his shame.

If you can hurt yourself in front of him, then you are not strong.

"Xiaoyin, what have you done in the past six years?"

Tang San held his hands tightly, even if his nails were embedded in his flesh and blood flowed out, there would be no reaction, if he hadn't agreed to Tang Yin going out to practice on his own.

How could this situation be caused?

Tang Yin didn't care what they thought, Lan Yincao climbed up his body and wrapped Tang Yin.

"Come on! Turn me on!"

Tang Yin's speed increased, and with a flick of his right hand, the blue silver grass rolled up on its own, and then formed a sharp spear.

The master was a little shocked when he saw it: "Martial Soul Mimicry, a genius, an absolute genius."

The blue silver gun seemed to be alive in Tang Yin.

Dai Mubai rushed towards Tang Yin again, his momentum also improved somewhat.

"Let you be the first loser of the Blue Silver Gun!"

Tang Yin's figure disappeared and his speed increased again.

Silver light suddenly appeared, and the blue-silver gun was about to hit Dai Mubai. If this blow hit, he would be defeated.

Although I really wanted to shout out the second line, but with so many people watching, should I shout or not?

Dai Mubai was thinking about how to defend Tang Yin's attack, but Tang Yin was thinking about the handsome middle two's lines.

Forget it, there isn’t much time to show off, so it doesn’t matter how handsome the second grader is.

"When the spear moves, the white dragon roars!"


The strength of his arm exploded instantly, and the blue silver gun was directly blasted to pieces, leaving a pit several meters large on the ground. Tang Yin used all his strength this time.

"You lost. With my control over the soul power, if I detonate the soul power left in the air, you will only lose worse."

After listening to Tang Yin's words, Dai Mubai, who was originally unconvinced, fell silent. It was indeed as the master said, Tang Yin was extremely powerful.

You know, without the help of the dragon pattern gun, he can rely on his control of the elements to fight against everyone below the Soul King.

The silver-grained blue silver grass slowly faded away, revealing his scarred back. Tang Yin didn't need to complain about this, he was not as relaxed as other time travellers.

He was carrying the lives of all the soul beasts. A huge responsibility weighed on him. He could not relax. The scars on his back were proof of his weakness.

After getting dressed, Tang Yin didn't stay. He spoke to the master and left.

The soul must appear as soon as possible. Even if he fails to challenge the God Realm, he can still take all the soul beasts away without affecting humans.

The divine world is open to humans. If humans cannot cultivate, then there is only death waiting for them.

It seems that the soul is not important, but it is very important, and it is related to the life and death of the loser.

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