Douluo's Blue Silver Spear God

Chapter 30 Gu Yuena (welfare chapter 2nd update)

Soon, the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake brought Tang Yin to the core area. Because of Tang Yin's relationship, the journey was very smooth, and no other soul beasts came to stop it.

Standing high in the sky, Tang Yin shouted down: "Brother Ditian, please come out."

If he asks for help from others, he won't be like a fool who doesn't understand respect.

In case Ditian couldn't hear, Tang Yin even used his soul power when he shouted.

Sure enough, a black dragon flew out. The moment he looked at Tang Yin, his pupils dilated, as if he had seen something incredible.

A deep and exciting voice sounded: "Are you...Dragon...God...Sir? But why is your strength so..."

Tang Yin didn't know how to answer: "I don't know how to say it. I only know that it was like this after I woke up. This ring guided me here."

Ditian looked at the ring on Tang Yin's right index finger and understood, because the Silver Dragon King also had such an identical ring on his finger.

"I don't know about this kind of thing, so please sit down first, Lord Dragon God, and I will go find the Lord." Di Tian was not sure about this kind of thing, so he let Tang Yin sit down first.

Tang Yin nodded and touched the crested crested snake under him again: "He is my friend, can I take him with me?"

"of course."


After Di Tian left, Tang Yin came to a cave, found a place to sit down, and stretched out against the body of the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb.

My hands have been stroking the body of the cockscomb, and the cockscomb has a look of enjoyment on its face. Even a snake has a cute side o(*≧▽≦)ツ~┴┴

"Oh, I don't know when Ditian will come back, and I can't tell you exactly, so I just left like this. Really, but fortunately you are here, little snake." Tang Yin said while looking at the crested snake.

"From now on you will be called Little Snake, my friend."

The phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake nodded, stretched out the snake letter, licked Tang Yin's hand, closed his eyes with satisfaction and fell asleep.

Tang Yin didn't bother him, just lay on him and fell asleep slowly, just think of it as a holiday!

After a while, Ditian walked in alone, looked at Tang Yin who was sleeping, and thought for a while but still did not wake him up.

"Bigi, take care of him first and call me when he wakes up. He is the one the Lord wants."

When the Lord was mentioned, Biji looked at Tang Yin differently. Said: "You go and do your work first! I will take good care of this little guy."

After a while, Tang Yin woke up, looked at the beautiful woman next to him, and guessed: "You should be Aunt Bi Ji!"

Brigitte was stunned for a moment, not expecting that this child actually recognized her, but she felt relieved when she thought that the other person was the person her master wanted.

"Yes, now that you're awake, I'm going to call Ditian, and you'll have to wait for a while again." After saying that, Biji left.

Tang Yin saw himself lying in the little snake's arms and rubbed his eyes: "I didn't expect that after waiting for a while, I actually fell asleep, ah~" stretched out.

The little snake also woke up and saw Tang Yin in his arms. He fell down with satisfaction and continued to sleep.


Soon a man in black appeared, and Brigitte stood behind him respectfully.

This should be Di Tian. I saw Di Tian in his dragon form before, but now I see him in person.

Ditian bowed like Tang Yin: "The Lord asked me to ask Lord Dragon God to speak."

Bi Ji was stunned, how could this child be the Dragon God, but with Di Tian's temperament, Di Tian would not joke around.

Brigitte left wisely without disturbing her too much.

"No, don't call me Dragon God. After all, I don't know. You should just call me Xiao Yin!" Tang Yin was not used to Di Tian's behavior.

Di Tian nodded, but obviously didn't listen. One dragon god after another still called him.

Following Di Tian, ​​Tang Yin was brought to a strange space, where Tang Yin felt a strong spatial element.

Di Tian sent him here and stopped moving forward: "The Lord said that I will only talk to you alone, and I will not go in."

Tang Yin was a little silly, and he didn't know why the Silver Dragon King wanted to talk alone.

Feeling the spatial elements that attracted his body, Tang Yin began to like this place. It was so comfortable to stay without him.

"come over!"

The woman's voice was as beautiful as an oriole, as if every word could draw away a person's soul. Tang Yin walked forward without stopping too much.

Not long after walking, Tang Yin saw a woman who was very beautiful, and her appearance was not even half as good as hers. Even if you "overwhelm the country and the city"

Tang Yin felt that even the four great beauties in ancient times were not even half as good as each other, with such suffocating beauty.

Tang Yin was stunned. Seeing this scene, the woman smiled and said, "Does it look good?"

Tang Yin nodded foolishly, but quickly came out of the state he was in. This made the woman a little surprised. After all, not everyone could recover so quickly in front of her.

Of course, Tang Yin was not interested in this kind of thing. He came here for who he was, not to see beautiful women. He was beautiful enough himself, but not as good as the other person.

"Okay, you passed my first test, and there are two more tests. You will be rewarded after the test." The woman's playful voice made Tang Yin a little unbearable, and she felt like her ears were pregnant.

But holding back his will, Tang Yin said: "I dare you to ask if you are the Silver Dragon King!"

The woman nodded: "Let's start the second test. Are you ready?"

The Silver Dragon King's voice entered through his ears, including the other person's breathing, as if he was speaking next to his own ears. (It really is!)

"You can call me Gu Yuena! You can also call me Na'er!"

Tang Yin said stiffly: "Na...Na'er."

Gu Yuena's voice came from her ears again: "Yes, it's Na'er!"

Gu Yuena clapped her hands, and a pool of light blue water appeared in the space in front of her: "Take off your clothes and take a shower first! Your third test will begin in a moment!"

Tang Yin blushed: "Why do you need to take a shower? And what is the second test? Why is it suddenly the third test?"

But Gu Yuena didn't respond to Tang Yin, and Tang Yin didn't know what to do.

After waiting for a while, Tang Yin looked around and saw that there was no one around. He put his clothes on and submerged himself into the water, burying his head deeply in the water, as if this could cool down his heated brain.

Suddenly he felt something in the water. He opened his eyes with difficulty, and his eyes suddenly widened. Then his nose began to bleed uncontrollably, and then...he fell into a coma.

Before she fell into coma, Tang Yin saw Gu Yuena's perfect body without any clothing. Her body was as perfect as a sculpture. Not to mention... calling it a sculpture would also belittle Gu Yuena.

Gu Yuena blushed, but it quickly dissipated, and a silver dress appeared on her body, but the skirt had a Q version of Tang Yin printed on it.

Slowly picking up Tang Yin, she raised the ring on the index finger of her right hand, which was the same as the one on Tang Yin's hand. Looking at the ring, Gu Yuena murmured to herself: "No one can touch my man!" As she spoke, she leaned down. Touching Tang Yin's lips.

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