[Douluo] Xinghe Liqing

Chapter 16 Battle against absolute offensive and defensive combinations

Today's class was arranged by Master and Flender in the evening. He led everyone to the Great Soul Fighting Arena again.

"Everyone still remembers the graduation standards. I have set two stage goals for you now." After speaking, the master raised his hand and made a two-digit sign: "First, participate in the underground spirit fighting competition in the big spirit fighting arena and win the competition bonus. Pay off your debt for what you damaged during last month’s training.”

Everyone: "..."

A Li secretly complained in his heart about when the master became as money-crazed as Flanders. I remember that although Shrek won this competition, he still suffered a lot.

"Second, rise to the Silver Fighting Spirit level and obtain the badge. So, you can understand what the goal I set for you means, right?"

"..." Everyone fell into deep thought.

The master clenched his fist, put it to his mouth and coughed twice, recalling everyone's thoughts: "Ahem, I remember you are still at the iron fighting spirit level. To reach the silver fighting spirit level, your scores are still far apart. In order To accumulate points faster, I want each of you to participate in team battles, and do it every day. Therefore, you can divide yourself into groups, or you can form the same group as before. It is best for your team to be of a similar level. If the difference is too big , you will suffer a loss, the organizer will arrange your opponents according to your highest level, so you'd better be cautious."

After hearing what the master said, everyone quickly formed a team. Just like last time, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were in a team. Dai Mubai and Oscar are in a group. Xiao Wu and Tang San were in a group. Ma Hongjun and A Li also participated in one-on-one.

The master took out eight masks from behind and handed them to everyone: "Since you have all decided, I have two more requests. First, Tang San is not allowed to use hidden weapons, and second, do not expose your masks during the battle. The true appearance and name are all revealed by code names."

"Why? I understand that you said you can't use hidden weapons. You want Third Brother to speak with his strength, but why do you hide your face and name?" A Li asked doubtfully. He has been in this world for so long and he can't remember it. How much content has been cleared?

"That's because there are too many issues of power and money involved. One more thing is worse than one less thing! I'm afraid they will cause trouble later, do you understand?"

"Understood...understood." It turns out that this world involves various forces, and it is very complicated. Various sect forces, various palace nobles, no matter which one they are, it will be difficult to get rid of them, and they will even be hunted down. .

The master nodded: "Now that I understand, let me move on to the next one. You can think of the two-on-two combination yourself, but I have already thought of the code names for each of you."

"Dai Mubai: White Tiger with Evil Eyes."

"Oscar: The God of Cookery Exclusive."

"Tang San: Thousand-Armed Shura."

"Ma Hongjun: Evil Fire Phoenix."

"Xiao Wu: Soft Bone Charming Rabbit."

"Ning Rongrong: Seven Treasures Glaze."

"Qianxingli: The wonderful life of Jiehua."

"Zhu Zhuqing: Netherworld Civet."

.........The Thirteenth Venue of the Great Soul Fighting Arena

A group of people wearing masks walked down the street and were watched by passers-by. A pair of little sisters held hands and said excitedly: "Wow, they are so handsome wearing masks, so mysterious."

Now the boy next to them is not happy: "Tsk, what are you pretending to do?"

Seeing everyone talking about it, A Li felt so embarrassed. If I hadn't been wearing a mask, I would have been so embarrassed that I could wear the entire Douluo Continent.

Dai Mubai walked towards the registration window and said, "Hello, we want to register a team of eight people."

There was a man inside the window, saying: "Okay, please state your name."

"Name?" Dai Mubai's head suddenly stopped. I remember what it was called? I really couldn't remember, so I looked at the others: "What's the name of our team?"

"No, Boss Dai, you can forget this. Sure enough, people's memory is not good when they are old." Ma Hongjun snickered.

Ma Hongjun didn't give him any face and laughed at him. Dai Mubai punched him angrily: "Damn fat man, you know what you said!"

Ma Hongjun covered the place where he was hit and said, "I...I should have known it, Shrek Eight Monsters!"

"Tch." Dai Mu rolled his eyes at him.

The first group to play today is Dai Mubai and Oscar. Before he even came on stage, he could hear the deafening cheers in the venue, and the other eight monsters were already seated in the audience.

In the waiting area, Oscar was still there alone and excitedly thinking, I am finally the first to take the lead, I must let Rongrong see my heroic figure, when the time comes...hehehe~

Snapped! !

Dai Mubai slapped him on the head without any shame and woke him up: "What are you muttering about? It's our turn!"

Oscar rubbed the head that was hit and said: "It hurts~ Boss Dai, you have to be nice to me, I will still help you when the time comes."

Dai Mubai adjusted his mask: "Hmph, it would be nice if you don't hold back."

Hearing what Dai Mubai said, Oscar instantly ignited his fighting spirit: "Huh, it doesn't matter who is holding you back. Whoever is holding you back will have to crawl around the big spirit fighting arena three times."

"Okay, it's a deal!"

The host was ready, holding the microphone and excitedly said: "Now we invite a new combination - "Double Winged White Tiger" to fight against the super soul combination - "Absolute Attack and Defense"! Let's see if this new combination can win their first victory. Well, let’s wait and see!!”

A man in the audience said excitedly: "Look, look, I'm betting on this new couple. The odds are high."

Another man next to him said: "You are looking for death. Don't you see who their opponent is?"


"Don't you know, with an absolute offensive and defensive combination, one absolute attack and one absolute defense, they have won ten games in a row. Since you dare to win against the two-winged white tiger?"

"What!!! Then I'm going to lose, right?"

All the conversations between these two people were heard by A Li and the others, who happened to be sitting behind them.

Ning Rongrong said with some worry: "A Li, what should we do? According to what they said, Xiao Ao and the others will definitely lose."

Although A Li was a little worried, he still believed in them. After all, they also have the halo of protagonists: "Not necessarily, Boss Dai is not a vegetarian."

On the fighting stage, both sides released their respective martial spirits. The opponent was two men. One's martial spirit was called Lan Chi Frog. It looked like his martial spirit, like a frog. After turning on the martial spirit, it looked more like a frog. Frog-like webs instantly grew on his feet, and the other person's martial spirit was a snail, an armored snail, wretched and fat, with a snail shell on his back.

Xiao Wu touched A Li and said, "Hey, A Li, I found that snail is even more obscene than Xiao Ao."

"Hahahaha, Xiao Wu, if you didn't tell me I hadn't noticed it yet, but when you said it, it seemed like that was the case, hahahaha..." Once he accepted this setting, A Li felt that the more he looked at it, the more obscene it became.

The frog was the first to attack. Dai Mubai was already prepared for the attack, but to his surprise, the frog skipped him and rushed towards Oscar. Facing Oscar's face, he stuck out his long tongue. Oscar was so frightened that his face turned pale and he spoke incoherently: "You, you, you, what are you doing!"

The frog didn't lick Oscar, but just ate the fly in front of him. He smiled sinisterly and said, "Sorry, I can't help myself when I see little bugs..."

A Li, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing: "... vomit... disgusting!!"

A Li covered his mouth to prevent him from vomiting out today's dinner: "Ugh...that's so disgusting, Xiao Wu, I've never seen anyone meaner than Xiao Ao, it's so damn disgusting..."

After disgusting Oscar, the frog snarled at the two of them: "You two little bugs, I, Lord Wu, can bite one at a time."

When the frog returned to the snail, the snail asked in a low voice: "You, do you want to kill someone? Killing, killing is wrong..."

The blue-red frog shrugged nonchalantly: "I just said that I wanted to eat them, not that I wanted to kill them."

"That, that's not the same, no, no, it's a foul."

"Oh, what are you afraid of? It's not like I haven't killed anyone before."

While the two were talking, Oscar said: "Cute, fragrant and tender tofu. Boss Dai, continue."

The snail said with a gloomy face: "You, you have to, make, make, cause accidental death."

The host spoke: "The game starts now!"

"The first soul skill of the Blue Red Frog: Poison Tongue Rolling Food." A long tongue came towards Dai Mubai. Dai Mubai tilted his head and dodged, but Oscar who was behind him suffered a disaster and was directly rolled up by the tongue. When I got up, there was sticky saliva on my tongue, which smelled very bad.

Dai Mubai: "You're done, you're going to be scolded again."

Oscar was also helpless: "Hahaha, I didn't pay attention for a moment..."

Master: "Humph!"

The blue-red frog's tongue suddenly contracted and pulled Oscar over: "Come on, my cute little insect, let me love you!"


"God of Cookery!! You careless guy." Dai Mubai stepped forward to hold him, but suddenly the armored snail rushed over from the side and knocked Dai Mubai away. In this way, Oscar was brought to the Blue Red Frog. .

The armored snail looked at him mockingly: "Too, too weak."

Oscar tremblingly handed his tofu to the blue red frog: "Let's talk, can you get some of my stuff, and I'll treat you to my tofu."

The blue-red frog stuck out its tongue, took away Oscar's tofu, and said with a sinister smile: "The tofu is good, but I prefer meat." After that, he licked Oscar's face.

Oscar was almost frightened by him: "Boss, save me, this guy is too perverted."

"Don't worry, I will take revenge on you."

"You meow, people are dead, so why take revenge?"

Blue Red Frog: "Hahaha, stop struggling. If I accidentally kill you, I won't break the rules."

Seeing Oscar like this, Ning Rongrong urgently asked Tang San for help: "What should we do, third brother, think of a way to save Xiao Ao."

Looking at the arena, Tang San frowned and comforted: "...Don't worry, Boss Dai may have a solution..."

Dai Mubai took his time and stretched out three fingers to the two people opposite him with a relaxed expression.

Blue Red Frog: "!!What do you mean!"

Dai Mubai said deliberately: "Three, haven't you ever studied mathematics? Three moves! Three moves to deal with you two perverts, okay?"

Lan Chi Frog was furious: "You brat, come on if you have the guts."

"The first move, White Tiger Protective Shield" is superimposed with "The second move, White Tiger Vajra Transformation. Hi...ha!"

The armored snail immediately used his first soul skill "Spiral Shield". A snail shell appeared in front of him and spun vigorously. Dai Mubai punched it and it bounced away.

"Huh, no, it's just that, huh!"

The other eight monsters in the audience were also extremely anxious.

Tang San: "It's a bit tricky..."

Xiao Wu also said angrily: "Hmph, what is absolute offense and defense? Isn't it just a frog and a snail? What are you talking about?"

Ma Hongjun held the snack and said, "I should be the one to take part in this one. The braised bullfrog must be delicious." After saying this, he drooled.

A Li, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing collectively gave him a thumbs up: "Uh... cow, you dare to eat this, aren't you afraid of being poisoned to death?"

Dai Mubai didn't panic at all, a ball of white light lit up in his hand: "Very good!"

The blue-red frog suddenly had a bad premonition: "What, what is this guy doing?"

The armored snail's expression changed greatly: "No, it's not good. He, he, he, he can actually control the soul power released outside the body!"

Dai Mubai smiled evilly: "Huh, you guys who have never seen the world, that is, the self-created soul skill: the power of the Wuxiang Tiangang, haha, I can kill you in about two moves!"

A Li stared and exclaimed: "Success, Boss Dai's self-created soul skill!!"

Zhu Zhuqing was also very happy: "Well, I'm disappointed that he finally didn't do anything."

Oscar was still struggling there: "Boss is mighty, boss save me..."

Lan Red Frog launched his second move: "Hmph, don't be arrogant. Do you know why we call it absolute offense and defense?"

A red frog head appeared at Dai Mubai's feet and swallowed him directly.

Tang San stood up immediately: "No! It's dangerous..."

Zhu Zhuqing clenched his hands tightly and pinched the corners of his clothes: "..."

A Li hugged Zhu Zhuqing and comforted him: "Zhu Qing, don't worry, trust him."

On the playing field, the frog suddenly gave off a very strong light.

The armored snail panicked: "Wu Qing, what's going on?"

The blue-red frog looked heavy and suddenly said, "Wow, cough..." and spit out blood.

The red frog's head exploded.

Oscar was stunned. He didn't have a soul ring skill. Is this what the master called his own soul skill?

Dai Mubai raised his right hand, and the power on his fingertips slowly condensed to form a ball of energy. He waved his hand and hit the two people directly: "Go to hell!"

The two were kicked out of the arena, and Oscar was successfully rescued.

"I declare that the double-winged white tiger wins!!!"

Xiao Wu waved her hands excitedly: "I won, that's great."

Ning Rongrong: "That's great."

Zhu Zhuqing: "He did it!"

Dai Mubai called Oscar and left: "Why are you still standing there? Let's go."

"Oh, oh!" Oscar chased after him.

Suddenly, Dai Mubai's figure tilted. Fortunately, Oscar supported him and kept him from falling: "Boss Dai, what's wrong with you?"

Dai Mubai whispered: "Hold on to me, don't make any noise, let's go down quickly. I used the Wuxiang Tiangang and my soul skills were too consumed."

"Cute, fragrant and tender tofu, here you go." Oscar laughed and said, "Fortunately, I am not useless."

"Yeah, the game is over and your tofu finally worked."

"Oh, don't say that. I see you are enjoying eating my tofu."

"Bitch, you can't live without being a bitch. By the way, remember to fulfill your promise."

"I didn't even touch your thigh, so how can I be considered as holding you back?"

Ah Li and the others had already been waiting for them at the door. As soon as they came out, everyone came up and surrounded them.

Xiao Wu: "Ah ah, Boss Dai, you are so handsome. I thought I was going to lose."

Ning Rongrong: "Yes, it's amazing. It was really dangerous just now."

Tang San: "Boss Dai, are you okay?"

Ma Hongjun: "The self-created soul skills are so cool, I want to get one too."

Dai Mubai felt happy from the bottom of his heart when he saw everyone like this. Looking at Zhu Zhuqing behind him, he said, "I'm fine."

Zhu Zhuqing smiled at him: "Yeah."

The joy and cheers of this victory belong to Dai Mubai alone. Oscar did not play a role in this game and was even suppressed by his opponent throughout the game. So he quietly climbed around the big soul fighting arena alone. In the middle of the night, there was no one around the big spirit fighting arena. Only one figure was still there.

Oscar said while crawling: "Why not just climb three times? It's just like playing... Oops, I picked up another copper soul coin." He lay down on the ground tiredly, holding three copper soul coins in his hands. The floor tiles on the ground are very rough, and there are bloody marks on the ground from the palms: "Ha... ha... I didn't expect that you can make money by climbing circles. If the fat man knew it, he would be jealous to death, hahaha."

As he spoke, Oscar covered his eyes and cried: "...ha...what's so good about being a hero? It's so dangerous, it's better to be a rotten person and feel comfortable...ha...ha..."

"Do you really think so?"

The sudden sound startled Oscar, and he stood up suddenly: "Master?"


Oscar clenched his fists, completely ignoring his injured hand, with tears still hanging from the corners of his eyes: "I... no... I want to become stronger. I don't want to be the auxiliary who hides behind and can only be protected by others."

Oscar knelt on the ground and looked at the master in despair: "Master...please...please help me, I want to become stronger!"

Hearing Oscar say this, the master smiled: "Follow me."

After the two left, a figure appeared from behind the wall. It was A Li. She had already noticed Oscar's emotional changes. Everyone only noticed Dai Mubai, but there was one person they ignored. A Li looked at Oscar. With an unwilling expression, he left alone. He was afraid that something might happen to him, so he quietly followed him out. Unexpectedly, the master was also there. Since he was fine, A Li was relieved.

A Li thought to himself, in fact, according to Oscar's talent, he is definitely the male protagonist in the novel. It's a pity that Tang San has appeared, and Oscar's edge is destined to be overshadowed by Tang San.

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