retired elf life

Chapter 5 Technology and Elves

Chapter 5 Technology and Elves

"I'm convinced, what's the matter?" Shi He was able to hide from the first grade of junior high school but not the second grade of junior high school, and was caught again in the Lop Nur Grand Canyon.

This time is not a newly promoted king-level trainer like Zhengyi, but the three kings of the old Yusan family, Fire King Lei Luo, Water King Yan Keqin, and Grass King Liu Shengjian.

"Why haven't you three bad old men retired yet?" Shi He looked at the three people and mocked, "You still have a few teeth, so you are fighting with others here."

"You brat, for the sake of your grandpa, I'm going to break one of your legs today." The hot-tempered Water King said, and then released his old friend, the Water Arrow Turtle, "Walk Cannon, just save your breath."

"It's so shameless to bully a junior and use this kind of fusion skill?" Shi He was also dumbfounded. He quickly threw out a barrier shield and then called for support from Wei Li, "Weird Li, fire for me! I'll let them go down with me today." Grandpa joins a table of mahjong."

The strange force above the canyon heard Shi He's shout, took aim with his thumb, and then loaded the mortar.


"Charizard, flame vortex."

"Bulbasaur, beat it down with the sun and the flames."

After Guai Li fired a few shots, he saw missile-like sunlight and flames flying towards him and jumped directly into the canyon.

The strange force wearing a glider dodged around in the canyon, carrying a mortar in his hand, and the artilleryman turned into a bomber instantly.

With aerial fire support, Shihe prepared to flee, but was entangled in Bulbasaur's vines.

"Damn it, Bi Diao dropped an incendiary bomb!"

"Bi~" Bi Diao flew across the sky quickly, and white phosphorus bombs fell from the sky one after another.

The vines on his body were ignited, and Shi He broke free from the restraints. His body was also ignited, but he did not suffer any damage.

"This brat, if you don't train the elves properly, get rid of these crooked people." Water King released all the members of his team and asked them to use surfing collectively.

The Fire King released a dancing bird and a flaming sparrow, then rode the fire-breathing dragon straight towards Bi Diao.

The Grass King directly put away the Bulbasaur. His whole body glowed with green light, and then grass sprang out of the entire canyon. The grass was covered with white phosphorus flames and shrank back. In just one minute, the whole canyon was covered with grass. The fire was extinguished.

As soon as the rangers in this area woke up from the fear of being recorded a serious demerit, the fire was put out.

"Do you have any other tricks, little bastard?" Shui Tianwang stood on Chenglong's back. Chenglong fired a freezing beam, turning the entire canyon into an ice rink, and Chenglong walked on the ice.

"Sent it, these three old guys are quite capable." Shi He didn't run far before he was caught by King Shui Tian again.

King Cao was suspended in the control, his eyes glowing green: "Those who destroy the environment will not be forgiven."

Shi He swallowed: "Second Master, why don't you let your grandson go today?"

King Shui Tian snorted coldly: "You are really a grandson. Didn't you just let me go down and play mahjong with your grandfather?"

"Ahem, children's words are not forbidden, children's words are not forbidden." Old Shi He's face turned red.

King Shui Tian continued: "Go back with me and tell the truth. The information about the God of Wild Fighting will be reported to the alliance and your sentence will be reduced."

When Shi He heard this, he was frightened. If he betrayed Huashen, his soul would be put in the frying pan.

"Don't think about it, you old man. I, Shi He, will never betray my brothers. If you can, beat me to death!" On the surface, Shi He would rather die than surrender, but in his heart, what he was thinking was: When will Hua Shen and Hua Dad come?

Shi He's communicator suddenly rang, and Hua Shi's voice came from inside: "You can think of a solution for yourself. I have two champions and five kings. You play the emotional card with that old man Yan Keqin and pretend to surrender. Delay the time.”

"Huh!" King Shui Tian sneered.

Shi He was sweating profusely, as if ten thousand Kenteros were running over his head: "Second Grandpa, listen to me, it's all a misunderstanding..."

Before Shi He could finish speaking, King Shui Tian said directly to Chenglong: "Freezing light, freeze him for me."

Bi Diao dodged the attacks of the Flame Sparrow and the Flower Dancer from left to right. Gengar set up a machine gun on Bi Diao's back and kept firing. When there were no more bullets, he took them out of his dimensional belly.



However, the fire-breathing dragon was still chasing him closer and closer, so Gengar had to take out his killer weapon and track the missile.

Gengar put his short hand on his shoulder and fired ten missiles directly.

Looking at the pursuing missile, Huo Tianwang once again distanced himself from Bi Diao in order to deal with the missile.

Gengar looked at the used tracking missiles and felt a little pity. This kind of big thing is under the control of the Dragon Kingdom. He was lucky enough to buy it at a big price.

Bi Diao swooped down and dropped a bomb, temporarily repelling the Water and Grass Kings.

Shi He jumped onto Bi Diao and ran away.

"You little bastard, the heretics are using Ting Liu. Forget it, go over there and see the God of Wild Fighting." King Shui Tian stopped the other two heavenly kings.

(End of this chapter)

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