The night in the Gobi Desert in the Middle East was extremely cold. Iger was frying steaks in a pan. He really wanted to make some big mouths for himself. He should have thought that if he could pull him over, he would have to keep it a secret. Yes, whether he asks or not, the phone must be confiscated, otherwise the information will be revealed and it will affect many things.

Therefore, he had truly achieved the achievement of making a million mistakes. If he wanted to get this opportunity again, he might have to wait until Stark announced the closure of the weapons department, but at that time, he might not have that much money to buy their stocks.

According to his calculations, by that time, he might have already converted the money he had into demon-raising materials, and he might even have to go into debt, and it would be impossible for him to have the money to buy stocks.

He spent a lot of money on this demon-raising plan, not only for his own pet shop, but also for two surrounding shops.

Why not find a new place to build? He can only say that the legacy left by his parents is really good. It is impossible to build such a perfect monster-raising array with his own three-legged cat skills.

To sum up, do everything you do to be the second generation to save time, effort and worry. Don’t say you have to rely on yourself. That is just causing trouble for yourself.

Egger turned the steak over on the pan to make sure it was fully cooked. Although the pan said it could handle such a small thing, in order not to look so different, Egger still chose to do it himself.

"Egg, what are you eating today?"

Colson walked towards him with a smile on his face. He felt that he had gained five pounds recently, but he didn't expect to gain weight while out in the field.

Mainly because the dishes cooked by Egg are so delicious. Pan-fried pork chops, pan-fried steaks, pan-fried pork belly, any dish that can be fried is so delicious.

Fortunately, Americans are used to fried dishes, otherwise Iger would be really hard to fool. He only has one pan. If he brought all the kitchen utensils, he would definitely give them a full banquet.

Of course, the premise is that there must be ingredients, but this will not trouble SHIELD, because Coulson is holding half a mutton chop in his hand just for him.

"Today we only have fried steak. If you want to eat delicious food, please come early tomorrow."

In addition to training those stupid dogs, yes, those stupid dogs.The reason why they are interested in strip-shaped objects on people's bodies is actually an instinct. The reason why they were not interested before was because they used to stay in the store and had no chance to go out.

It's also his fault, because he is too poor to go out to walk the dog. You have to know that in a place like Hell's Kitchen, there is a high probability that both humans and dogs will be lost if you do so.

Based on the principle of safety first, he will never go out to walk the dog. Even now, he will not go out.

Because he showed off his cooking skills and the credit of Pan Demon, everyone in the search team would inadvertently send some food to his tent. As a polite Chinese, it was naturally impossible for him to come and go without leaving. Hence the current situation.

"Cut the lamb chops for me, just this long, otherwise I won't be able to fry them in the pan."

Without Colson having to do anything, the team members next to him immediately came over and cut the lamb chops into pieces according to Egger's request.

It’s not that they haven’t tried letting Egg cook in several pans at the same time, but it’s a pity that if you want to eat delicious food, you can only use the pot he has.

Fortunately, Iger was very quick and dinner for dozens of people could be finished in half an hour.

After finishing dinner, Iger watched them happily eating the lamb chops, and couldn't help but feel quite satisfied. After all the kitchenware demons are cultivated, they can open a restaurant and they should be able to make a lot of money.

"woo woo woo woo!"

"Sir, we have someone approaching."

The equipment in the tent made a whining sound. This had happened many times.

Colson nodded, finished the lamb chops on the plate in two or three mouthfuls, ordered everyone to be on guard, and asked Egger to let the dog out.

Although I dislike their bad habits, in this situation, these dogs are the best scouts.

The helpless Egg had no choice but to put down the plate in his hand, ran to loosen the dog leash, slapped their butts, and asked them to go out and take a look.

These dogs are equipped with tiny cameras that allow them to capture what's going on outside without getting too close.

Normally in this situation, reactionary armed forces come to deal with them.

After all, SHIELD is here to save people, and because of Egg's dog, many of their strongholds have been destroyed. If they don't give SHIELD any color, they still have no need to hang around here.

After letting the dog go, Egger went back to clean the pan, then held it in his hand and bent it to move forward slowly.

At this time, the most fearful thing is that the opponent will shoot randomly. If you are hit by a stray bullet, you can only admit that you are unlucky. If you are unlucky and the shot enters the soul, then just GG.

This is also Egger's biggest feeling when he comes out this time. He must raise two monsters that can be carried around but have enough power to fight.

Just like Stark's suitcase armor, although it can't compare with the full version, it can at least wait until other armors arrive.

The dogs quickly took pictures of the situation in front of them. This time there were more than thirty people and seven or eight jeeps. There were machine guns and other things on the vehicles. No rocket launchers were found so far.

"What are we going to do? Let him in and beat him?"

"If you don't let us in, how can you do it from such a long distance? Do we have any super long-range weapons?"

Egg looked at the pan in his hand. It was not impossible to achieve ultra-long distance, but he was afraid of scaring them.

"Don't make any sound, they are coming."

The sound of the car was getting closer and closer. Looking at the yellow sand flying in the sky, Egger held the pan tightly and waited for this to rely on this to fight.

It's not that he can't use a gun, it's just that he doesn't have Tianmeng's coordination. The shooting skills are really impressive. Plus, if he were to practice, he wouldn't be able to do anything in a short time, so he chose the simplest and most effective weapon.

"You go over there and play it by ear."

Egg nodded and quietly touched the back of a tent.

"Da da da da da!"

First there was a burst of shooting, and then they drove in. This is the usual tactic of the reactionary armed forces.

If someone from SHIELD were to shoot at them from a distance, they would shoot twice and run away.

In order to find Stark early, SHIELD needs these people to lead the way, and naturally it is impossible to let them go.


Jeeps rushed into the camp, and SHIELD people shot out the tires, forcing several vehicles to stop.

A car stopped next to Iger. When the four people on it got off, he went over and hit one person with a frying pan, knocking one person down. The other three people shot and retreated.

After Iger finished shooting the person, he ran behind the car, and bullets whizzed past him.

The reactionaries were shooting and shouting something. Egger took a look from behind the car, swung his arm and threw the pan towards one of them.

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