Hokage's Fountain

Chapter 16 Chapter 16

Since I started school, there have been half a dozen more top students in the class. I have never been shy in theory. I have an extremely low amount of chakra. I am afraid of pain and I am pampered by my sister. I always fly low in ninjutsu and taijutsu classes. .

But no one dared to blatantly find fault with Shui. First of all, Shui was a kawaii girl, and secondly, her little sweetheart, Uchiha Sasuke, wanted to be beaten.

In the early morning, Sasuke got up, folded the quilt, washed up, picked up the key to the house next door, and walked into Shui's room openly.

Looking at Shui who was sleeping soundly, in order not to be late for school, Sasuke pinched Shui's nose without any hesitation so that he could not breathe through his nose.

Shui, whose nose was pinched, shrugged, feeling uncomfortable, frowned, closed his eyes, reached out to push Sasuke's hand away, and then hid under the quilt.

Looking at the water hiding under the quilt, Sasuke shouted: "Get up quickly! Water!"

She heard the sound, but couldn't get up due to the water under the quilt. The few minutes in the morning were the most comfortable for her. With a nasal voice, she said to Xijiao: "Let me sleep for a while, Sasuke! Besides, My sister will send me to school in a blink of an eye."

But Sasuke told the cruel truth: "Uchiha Izumi is not here today!" If you don't get up, I will send you to school with the quilt!

Water: x~x! ! !

The water in the quilt sighed. He couldn't sleep in today, so he had to climb out of the quilt.

Rubbing his eyes, he said to Sasuke who was standing next to the bed: "Hey! I understand, you go out first, Sasuke!"


Shui became a little angry and shouted: "What! Has Sasuke become a pervert who wants to watch girls change clothes now?"

Pervert, Sasuke did not accept this title and retorted: "What a pervert? It's obvious that every time I walk out of the door, the water will continue to fall asleep, and then the two of us will be late together!"

This is indeed true, water has nothing to say.

She picked up the clothes at the foot of the bed and huddled under the quilt again. Sasuke also turned around in time, not looking behind.

After the two of them finished changing their clothes, they took two cartons of milk, two pieces of bread, and a few rice balls from the refrigerator, and then took their ninja bags with them to go to school. One of them yawned, and the other walked on the road expressionlessly. .

Because it was Sasuke who woke him up today, the water came very early and he didn't get it as usual. Water is Sasuke's relative. In order not to cause disputes about seats, the girls in the class reserved the seat next to Sasuke as exclusive for water.

After staying up all night, Shui couldn't help but lie down and close his eyes to rest as soon as he sat down in his seat. Until he heard Naruto's shout, Shui immediately sat up straight and got ready for class.

Shui looked at Naruto and quickly changed his gaze. Protagonist = trouble. As an Uchiha, he has been monitored enough. If he offends the human power pillar again, if the annoying Danzo wants to beep, he will be in trouble.

Don't want to cause trouble, don't want to get close.

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