Arriving at a corner alley opposite a house, Luo and Bai Zhi hid in the dark and spied on a group of pirates diagonally ahead.

The pirates' faces turned pale, and everyone gathered around Buluo. Thinking of the man's methods, everyone was frightened.

"Captain, who is that guy?"

After escaping from the tavern, they retreated into their own territory and did not dare to wander out again, for fear that they would meet the man from before again.

"That is the supernova pirate who recently emerged from the extremely evil generation and has a bounty of over 100 million - Trafalgar Law."

Hearing the man's name, the younger brothers were shocked and subconsciously shouted: "Isn't that what the young master wants?"

"That's why I can't do it easily."

Bullough's face was solemn. He looked around at the faces of all his men and laughed at himself: "I have been here for two years, and I almost don't recognize the rookies now."

The phone bug in his hand was stroked back and forth, but no dial was made. He just stared blankly at the sunglasses on the snail's long eyes, stunned.

He was one of Doflamingo's subordinates who had been following him for a long time, and he had been managing the slave auction house for the young master secretly. He had also heard about some of the family's secret history, and had even been given special instructions.

Luo, it's not something he can make easily.

"It's better to wait for Lady Diamanti to come. It will only be available for a few months."

After hesitating for a while, Bullo dropped the phone and did not dial.

Except for certain months of the year when the island is exposed to the sun, the rest of the time it is like an isolated desert island, blocked from the sky and the phone bug has no effect at all.

Otherwise, why would he wait for someone to come.

"Are you a pirate?" Bai Zhi, who was eavesdropping, turned her head in surprise and asked softly in a lowered voice.

She looked at Luo beside her and subconsciously thought of Luffy's silly face. She thought all pirates were like this.


Luo glanced at it, and then quickly focused his attention diagonally forward. He didn't seem to want to answer such a stupid question, and didn't even look at her. The magnetic voice was full of sarcasm.

"You are different from the pirates in my impression. You are very vicious!"

She clenched her fists hard, very dissatisfied with his condescending attitude, and said in a serious tone: "Very, very vicious!"

He was so vicious that he dug out her heart and chopped off her feet, and yet he had to work hard for it!

There was no unnecessary expression on Luo's face. Even if he was scolded by her, he still had a contemptuous smile on his face and didn't take it to heart.

However, the words that came out of his mouth were completely cruel and made people feel intimidated.

"I'll cut you into pieces one by one and roast you on the fire. Sprinkle with cumin. It will taste delicious."

After saying that, he licked the tip of his tongue around his mouth, staring straight at her, as if he was tasting delicious food, and smiled evilly.

Bai Zhi half-opened her mouth, and her eyes suddenly turned black.

She was trembling with fear, as if she was going to faint in the next second.

I dare not say anything anymore, the person in front of me is scarier than the demon cultivator! They can all be regarded as evil cultivators with no humanity! Besides, he might eat her alive in the next second.

Bai Zhi looked forward quietly and stayed beside him obediently. If we keep it this way, it will be good for everyone.

Luo took in all her reactions, and felt relieved that Panasonic's frowned brows finally calmed down.

But she was not happy for a long time. Unable to bear the dull atmosphere, Bai Zhi once again chatted without fear of evil.

"Why are the circles under your eyes so dark?"


Luo looked at her speechlessly, his eyes were very light, and the smile on his face stopped suddenly. He really wanted to consider cutting her into pieces.

How could this girl have such a wild temper? She was said to be brave, but she gave in after being easily frightened. She was said to be timid but still dared to continue talking to him. She was simply a god.

His sudden change of expression made Bai Zhi a little stunned, and she didn't know what to say next. He smacked his tongue for a few seconds and then ignored it naturally.

"You know, there is a kind of bear in my hometown that is born with a face with dark circles under the eyes. It is black and white all over. It is extremely cute."

Glancing at the expressionless Luo, she continued firmly: "You look like a bear in my hometown, with a plush hat and a pair of black eyes. Otherwise, I would call you a bear man, right?"

Bai Zhi smiled sweetly, her smile full of hidden sarcasm.

She couldn't scold him openly. She didn't know how to talk about yin and yang. She couldn't believe that she couldn't express such a bad breath. She really couldn't take him away with a magic trick. Yin people, she was a professional.

Thinking like this, she smiled even sweeter.

Luo stared at her face quietly and said nothing. The crazily beating blood vessels on his temples revealed the calmness on his face. Without thinking for long, he kicked Bai Zhi out of the darkness and watched her fall into the pirate base with his own eyes.


The sudden sneak attack made Bai Zhi scream. All the pirates' eyes focused on the source of the sound. She fell to the ground like a dog and appeared in front of the pirates.

Somewhat embarrassed, he stared at the group of people in front of him and laughed dryly: "I was just passing by."

Bu Luo was stunned for a while and then reacted.

With a speechless expression on his face, he helplessly ordered his men: "Tie her up!"

Seeing the pirates who were tying her up, she ignored the pain on her body. She got up in embarrassment and cleaned up her image. She struggled fiercely and yelled, but in fact she didn't move. "I'm really just passing by! You have to believe it." me!"

"Shut up! Who are you trying to fool! You should resist when you say this!"

Bullo yelled so aggressively that she was silenced and unable to refute. Luo, who was watching secretly, covered his eyes with his hands, no longer wanting to see this idiot again.

He pointed to another subordinate and arranged: "Search her for phone bugs."

"What are you doing, don't touch me!! It's disgusting! Get your dirty hands off!"

Bai Zhi struggled hard and avoided the hands that touched her body several times, but it was too small to avoid being searched.

The men looked at him and shook their heads, "Captain, no!"

"Captain, this seems to be the girl who was flirting with Trafalgarro in the tavern just now. This should be his woman!"

A pirate looked at Bai Zhi. He had only seen such a beautiful woman once.

"I know."

Buluo knew very well that this woman was the wolf who came to his door.

Bai Zhi glared at the dumb pirate in displeasure, and said in a noisy manner: "Nonsense! Who is his woman!"

"That's my concubine."

"I am his woman."

Bai Zhi curled her lips and reluctantly gritted her teeth and agreed, at least it sounded better than her concubine.

"Tell me, why did Trafalgarro ask you to come here?"

Buluo sat on the stool, looked at her knowingly, and spoke unhurriedly.

"Oh, he didn't ask me to come, I came on my own."

She frowned, and the hemp rope tied around her body made her tied skin red and painful, which was really uncomfortable.

"I just said I was passing by."

In the crowd, an unknown pirate interjected.

Bu Luo raised his eyebrows and looked at her without saying anything.

"Ahem, isn't this the wrong way to appear? I want to start over."

Blow: ""

Bai Zhi's face turned red, and she continued as she had agreed with Luo: "I heard that you are Doflamingo's subordinate. I've had enough of the bear man, and I want to get over to that adult from you. All you have to do is introduce me to him. , your benefits will be indispensable when the time comes.”

"Oh, do you think I will believe it?" Buluo laughed mockingly, thinking that he was a big injustice.

Having expected that he would say this, Bai Zhi raised her chin slightly and looked at them calmly.

"I can help you catch Luo, I know where Luo is!"

In order to increase her credibility, she lowered her head and bit open the shawl on her chest. Under the bra, a square black hole at the heart was exposed to everyone.

"He has ripped my heart out. Why should I help such a heartless man!"

The grief-stricken atmosphere was just right. She pretended to look like she wanted to eat his flesh, drink his blood, cramp his muscles, crush his bones and throw away his ashes. Almost everyone present believed him.

"What else do you want?" Buluo clicked his tongue a few times. Women who have been hurt by love are the worst to mess with, so this was betrayal.

As expected, Bai Zhi changed her previous expression of hatred and looked at the surrounding environment with a smile. Like a victorious fox, she arrogantly said to the pirates: "Quickly untie me, dad!"

Everyone looked at each other, and no one came forward.

Bullo choked a few times at her words, gritted his teeth and ordered: "Untie her."

After hearing their captain's words, the pirates obediently stepped forward.

"By the way, bring me a stool again, grandpa, I'm exhausted from standing all the time."

Rubbing her arms, it was not enough for Bai Zhi to take advantage. When it was her turn, she had to work hard to ensure that her suffering would not be in vain.

"Remember to bring some fruits. Apples need to be peeled and cored, and strawberries need to be seeded. Well, those are the requirements."

She waved her hands with unfinished meaning, and that was it for the time being, as she was afraid of causing too much trouble.

Blow endured it again and again, looking at his subordinates who were still in a daze, feeling furious in his heart, and scolded: "Why are you so stupid, why don't you go quickly!"

"oh oh"

The scene was chaotic for a while, and everyone was in a hurry. By the time the arrangement was settled, Bai Zhi was already lazily leaning on the soft back chair, raising her thighs gracefully, eating a peeled apple with one hand, and filling her mouth with seeded strawberries with the other.

She moved her back and found a comfortable place to lean on: "This chair is still not soft enough, Xiaobu, your subordinates are not good enough!"

Bullo clenched his fist tightly, his chest rose and fell, inhaling and exhaling, for fear that he would not be able to help but go forward and beat him.

"Young Master has no shortage of beauties, nor does he value beauty."

He stared fiercely at the woman in front of him. If looks could kill, she would have died many times.

"It's harmful! That's because your young master didn't meet a beautiful girl like me. I want to become the most beautiful woman in the world, and I will definitely win the young master."

"Besides, isn't it a great achievement to capture Luo and give it to the young master? You know how important Luo is to the young master."

Bai Zhi rolled her eyes carelessly, with a bit of arrogance, a bit of confidence, and a bit of pride. Such a confident look infected Bu Luo, who completely believed in her.

If nothing else, she really knows the word "beauty" well.

Bullough looked calm on the surface, but in his mind he was already dreaming about the future, and he was very excited inside.

"Then it's settled, catch Luo, and when you become the eldest sister, remember to say a few kind words for me."

Bai Zhi glanced at him and secretly scolded him as an idiot. She had not forgotten the character of Ao because of love and hatred: "I have one more request. When the time comes to get my heart back, I will live a life worse than death!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the lights in the room went out, and the gentle expression on her face suddenly turned gloomy and fierce.


Bullo smiled with satisfaction and took her to the rest room.

"In a few days, it will be the day to hand over supplies to Lord Diamanti. If you deal with him, you will become the young master's woman, which is half the battle. You can stay here for a few days and I will take you there then."

Bai Zhi nodded indifferently and threw him a key unceremoniously: "Go and check out the hotel room. Remember to ask him for the deposit back."

After saying that, he stepped directly into the room, closed the door and thanked the guests.

Blow stood at the door with a gloomy expression. The next second the key in his hand was crushed and turned into ashes.

He snorted coldly and returned to the hall where the previous conversation was held.

"Captain, do you really want to take her to see that adult?"

The pirates looked at the man sitting on the table and asked reluctantly.

"How is it possible? Such a stupid woman can't catch the eyes of the young master at all, but as long as she cooperates with us to catch Luo, we can make a lot of money by selling her to the Tianlong people."

"As expected of Captain Bullough, you are so wise!"

"Ha ha"

In the room, Bai Zhi was sitting on the bed, and the conversations of the pirates were constantly coming from the eavesdropping line. As early as the beginning, she had already hidden the black phone bug given by Luo in the hall so that she could monitor messages.

"You still want to sell me, I'll sell you first!"

She muttered angrily, and beside her stood Luo who sneaked in.

"Okay, be careful these days, I will protect you secretly." After a few words of warning, he flashed out of the room.

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