The restaurant is in a secluded area of ​​the college, some distance from the dormitories. The white tile-roofed house was filled with smoke, and Hu Liena followed the romantic young man into the restaurant. At this time, other students in the academy have gathered here to eat.

There is a spacious rectangular dining table with all kinds of dishes on it. Although these dishes are not exquisite, the ingredients are expensive and are very suitable for soul masters to eat. Hu Liena was a little surprised. She didn't expect Flanders to love money so much and be so particular about the students' food. He secretly said: If we eat this way, the wooden box repair gold collected today will probably be used up in less than a month.

"Where are you sitting?" Dai Mubai asked.

Hu Liena glanced at where the other people were sitting. She saw a spacious rectangular dining table that was too narrow at both ends for seating. Tang San and Xiao Wu were sitting on the left side of the dining table, and there were two other seats beside them. Sitting opposite them were Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun.

Seeing this, she said: "Do I have any choice?"

Dai Mubai was born into the royal family. He has been humble and courteous since elementary school, and he is even more considerate and considerate when dealing with beauties. He straightened the wooden chair for Hu Liena and set the tableware for her. Hu Liena accepted everything he did as if it were natural, because she noticed that when this romantic young man did these things, he would glance at Zhu Zhuqing intentionally or unintentionally. There is no need for smart people to express their courtesy. He helped her today, and now it is time for her to repay him.

The two of them sat in the same row as Tang San and Xiao Wu, with Xiao Wu sitting on the far left, followed by Tang San, Dai Mubai sitting next to Tang San, and Hu Liena sitting next to Dai Mubai.

The girl who had just arrived looked at the many foods on the dining table and didn't know what to eat for a while. She also lost her appetite because of the two people sitting next to each other on the far left.

Dai Mubai carefully selected several suitable foods for her. "Come and try this white jade shrimp. It's tender, silky and tastes great!" He then brought her a plate of fish, "Steamed mandarin fish, the tender meat is the best for you."

When he picked up the mandarin fish, Ma Hongjun was about to stretch out his chopsticks to pick up the fish meat, but suddenly missed it. He could only watch the delicious mandarin fish being taken away. The red-haired boy swallowed his saliva and tried to pick up a piece of crispy and juicy sweet and sour pork ribs. Unexpectedly, his beloved Boss Dai got the better of him once again. He put down his chopsticks helplessly, propped his chin with his hands, and watched helplessly as Dai Mubai brought one delicious food after another to Hu Liena, stacking it up into a small mountain for her to enjoy alone.

Xiao Wu, who was happily eating, saw that the delicious food on the table was gradually being emptied, and couldn't help but accuse, "Boss Dai, you gave all the delicious food to Nana, so what are we going to eat?"

Ning Rongrong couldn't stand it anymore and said, "That's right, Boss Dai, you are too partial!"

Dai Mubai didn't feel sorry at all, and said with a smile: "Nana just arrived at our college today. I am doing my best for you and sharing all the delicious food here with her!"

Oscar also put down his chopsticks and said pitifully: "Boss Dai, how can you call this sharing? This is clearly exclusive!"

Hu Liena ignored everyone's protests. She sat quietly and tasted the delicacies brought to her by Dai Mubai.

Zhu Zhuqing felt inexplicably irritated as she looked at Dai Mubai, who cared so much for other women. She stood up from her seat and said coldly: "I'm going to leave first, please take your time." After saying that, she hurriedly left the restaurant.

The person he really cared about left, and Dai Mubai finally stopped bringing delicious dishes to Hu Liena's table.

Xiao Wu swallowed her saliva and couldn't help but look at the delicious little mountain in front of the girl. She shook Tang San's arm, "Brother, I want to eat mandarin fish, and I also want to eat roast goose."

Tang San had been sitting quietly just now, minding his own food in the bowl. He saw Dai Mubai's behavior and ignored it. After listening to Xiao Wu's words, she turned her head and glanced at the dishes in front of Hu Liena's table and the mandarin fish on the plate that she was chewing slowly. She looked back at the plate of meat buns in front of her table, picked two of them and put them on the table. In the small dance bowl, "Eat, this is enough!"

Dai Mubai couldn't help but laugh, and said to Xiao Wu with deep meaning: "Xiao San is right, you really should eat more steamed buns."

Xiao Wu looked at him blankly, not knowing what he meant. "Why?"

The romantic young man intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the flat piece of Xiangfei-colored fabric under her jade neck, and joked: "You see, you usually like to eat nutritious food, and you won't grow up."

When Oscar and Ma Hongjun heard this, they almost spit out the food in their mouths, and it took them a long time to hold back their laughter. Ning Rongrong buried her head in her food in shame and said nothing. Hu Liena burst into laughter. She stood up gracefully and said to everyone, "I'm full, please take it easy!" Then she left the restaurant in a happy mood.

Only then did Xiao Wu realize the meaning of Dai Mubai's words. She became furious, put one hand on her hips and pointed at Dai Mubai with the other, and said angrily: "Boss Dai, you have gone too far. I will never pay attention to you again."

Dai Mubai gave her a fearless expression, then sat down to eat elegantly.

After Hu Liena left, Oscar and Ma Hongjun moved the delicious dishes that Dai Mubai brought to her table back to their original places. They moved their index fingers and started eating.

Xiao Wu saw that the two of them made a mess and even lost her appetite. She pursed her lips and walked away angrily.

The night sky is clear and blue, the moonlight is like water, and the stars are bright. Hu Liena lit an oil lamp in the house and placed it on her desk. She took out pen, ink, paper and inkstone to plan what she would do next.

After an unknown amount of time, she burned the white paper and smelled the sweat on her body, hoping to find a clean place to wash away the dust she had collected today.

Shrek Academy is not big, and the bathhouse is not big either. There are two bathhouses in the east and west, separated for men and women. Hu Liena moved outside the women's bathhouse and saw a red sign hanging on the wooden door, indicating that someone was already taking a bath inside. She thought for a while, and instead of waiting here, she left the academy alone and walked up the mountain.

Tang San had the habit of practicing at the highest place in the academy every night. The young man in blue who was meditating and practicing under the starry sky noticed a strange aura leaving the academy. He suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes glowing with a faint purple light, and saw from a distance the girl who had joined the Spirit Hall walking out of the academy. The young man became suspicious, so he jumped down and followed secretly.

All the way to the depths of the mountain forest, the pines and cypresses are green and tall, and the harmonious chirping of warblers everywhere on the mountainside is heard. Along with the night breeze, the slightest coolness removes the heat and refreshes the heart and mind. The girl's circuitous route seemed to have no destination. The boy secretly wondered if she was aware of his whereabouts and deliberately took a detour. After continuing to follow him for a while, he found that this was not the case. The girl seemed to be going around just because she was not familiar with the place.

After searching for a long time, the girl finally found a suitable pool under the cliff. This pool is not big, and the surrounding stone walls are covered with moss. The sound of gurgling water slowly flows out from the cracks in the rocks that are half a man high. The spring water is so sweet that even the immortal saints here drink it, not to mention bathing.

Seeing that the girl did not continue moving forward, Tang San also stopped following her and hid under a large tree with lush branches and leaves. Two rays of purple light appeared again, trying to see clearly why Hu Liena stayed here. Tang San, who followed the girl all the way, kept wondering whether she had left the Spirit Hall or had some other purpose in coming here.

When the Purple Devil Boy saw the girl undressing and undressing in the moonlight, revealing her shoulders as white as snow, he immediately turned around and did not dare to look in that direction again.

Could it be that she walked in the mountains for most of an hour just to find a place to bathe? Tang San was confused. At this moment, his heart was beating wildly. He was not very calm and could not continue to think about these problems. Just as he was about to leave, a cold light suddenly reflected from the direction behind him. The boy in blue stopped moving forward and asked secretly: What is this? After hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but look back to see what was going on.

Under the moonlight, the girl had untied her green green gauze and descended into the clear spring water. Her delicate body was half exposed, and ripples swayed in all directions from the girl's smooth and crispy chest. She raised her lotus-rooted arms high, holding a piece of jade as clear as water in her slender and soft body. The girl raised her eyes to look at the bamboo-shaped jade in her hand, looking at it carefully, with confusion in her eyes. The moonlight shines through the jade and falls on the girl's sharp face, like a bright lamp, illuminating her in the dark night.

Tang San was very torn. He wanted to see clearly what the girl was holding and why it could reflect the cold light that made people's backs feel cold, but he didn't dare to desecrate the girl's delicate body. After struggling for a long time, he finally couldn't resist the temptation of the jade stone. The young man's deep eyes once again glowed with two rays of purple light. The extremely purple demonic pupils observed things in detail, able to detect things that ordinary people could not, and to see things that ordinary people could not see.

Observing the bamboo jade in the girl's hand carefully, he was surprised to find that the jade as clear as water was constantly absorbing the light shed by the clear moon. The moonlight was absorbed by it, but the jade did not change at all, which he was also extremely confused about.

Hu Liena was completely unaware of what Tang San saw. Not only did she not know that the martial spirit in her hand was absorbing the moonlight, she also didn't know that the boy in blue was standing in the distance and carefully observing her other martial spirit. The girl let out a breath of frustration and suddenly stood up from the cold pool. The scenery was beautiful and she was full of joy.

The boy's body suddenly froze, and he was extremely surprised. He did not expect that the girl would suddenly stand up, and the sultry spring light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Although the moonlight was dim, he could see the girl's delicate body under the two purple lights in the boy's eyes. Dazed for a moment, the young man immediately turned around and tried to escape from this place. He was a little panicked. As soon as he raised his right foot, he stepped on a dead branch and made a "snap" sound.

"Who is it?" Hu Liena shouted sharply when she heard the sound. He suddenly jumped up from the pool, pulled a piece of gauze from the rock and threw it around his body, then galloped towards the suspicious place where the sound came from.

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