Douluo's magic pen

Chapter 23 1 painting

After Chen Lang was dealt with, the battle was basically over. All that was left was to deal with the aftermath, and this was also one of the most difficult parts.

In addition to the dozen or so children at the beginning, there were hundreds of children in the whole den later on. It was more than they could handle with so many people.

So Shen Yi asked everyone to bring their children over to figure out a solution together.

"Let's talk about it. What will happen next?" Shen Yi said while looking at everyone.

Everyone from Shrek looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't come up with a good idea. Finally, Ning Rongrong stood up with a pale face.

He said to everyone in Shrek: "I can notify people from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect to come and deal with it. If these children still have parents, then our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect can send them back. If they are orphans without parents, our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect can send them back." Put them up for adoption, I just don’t know if they will be willing.”

Shen Yi looked into Ning Rongrong's eyes quietly and found that there was only endless sadness and pity in her eyes, and there was no sense of superiority as a member of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

So he nodded and said, "Okay, just do as you say."

"Yeah." Ning Rongrong didn't say anything, just nodded, then walked not far away and fired a loud arrow into the air. It was a special arrow that summoned the power of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Soon, her Seven Treasures Glazed Sect's People can arrive.

"Suddenly I understand what Shen Yi meant when he said "Why don't you eat minced meat" before? He is really a bad guy." Thinking of Shen Yi's ridicule before, Ning Rongrong still didn't understand the meaning, but now she understands, Ning Rongrong's There was also a faint smile on his face.

This trip made Ning Rongrong understand a lot and grow a lot, but the price was a bit high. She had never thought that there was such a hellish place in the world.

When Shen Yi saw Ning Rongrong firing the ringing arrow, he felt relieved knowing that someone from the Qibao Glazed Sect would soon come to take over.

"Now is the time to deal with this harvest. I suggest that 60% of it be used to fund the construction of the orphanage, 20% to be used for spiritual compensation of the repatriated children, and the remaining 20% ​​to be handed over to the college. What do you think? "Shen Yi said while looking at everyone.

"I don't think this is good. Our Qibao Glazed Sect is not willing to take such dirty money." Ning Rongrong walked over and said, her eyes full of disgust.

Shen Yi rolled his eyes, "How about I take 80% and give the remaining 20% ​​to the college?"

Anyway, he saved the person, so his conscience doesn't hurt with the money.

"Okay, Shen Yi, stop making trouble. Don't dislike it, Ning Rongrong. This money was originally obtained from these children. It is not suitable to use it on them. Just follow what Shen Yi said." Tang San came out to smooth things over and said.

Shen Yi's handling method is indeed good. If the money is given to everyone, no one will use it, but it is unreasonable to destroy such a gangster den without any benefit, so it is best to give it to the college.

Dai Mubai and Oscar knew that the academy was actually not very wealthy, so they acquiesced in Shen Yi's handling method.

Ning Rongrong wanted to say something more, but seeing that everyone acquiesced to this way of handling the situation, she had no choice but to walk away angrily. Oscar glanced at everyone and followed him.

Shen Yi didn't say anything about this, "Okay, let's go and see how much we can gain."

With that said, Shen Yi walked into the house just now. Fortunately, Chen Lang packed his things and was about to run away, saving them the trouble of searching.

Most of the belongings were placed in the soul guide. Shen Yi poured out all the contents. In an instant, several large boxes appeared in front of everyone.

Xiao Wu curiously walked up and opened the box, and was immediately shocked, "A lot of money!"

Indeed, in addition to some antique treasures, there are boxes containing gold soul coins. A rough calculation is at least tens of thousands. This is not a small sum. The purchasing power of gold soul coins on Douluo Road is very strong. . The money in front of you is enough to make you commit a crime.

It's just a pity that it is too dirty, covered with blood and tears.

Although Tang San was also shocked, he looked away after taking one look. Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, both of whom came from noble families, had no reaction at all.

Among all the people, Xiao Wu was the only one who seemed as ignorant as a country boy. Seeing that no one was surprised, Xiao Wu smiled bitterly, and then walked back to Tang San.


Shen Yi's eyes were attracted by one of the treasures, and he stepped forward and took it out.

It is a painting, a painting that seems ordinary at first glance. It is a picture of a woman on a grassy field with her back to everyone, praying to a big tree in the sky.

Shen Yi took it in his hand and examined it carefully, feeling a different kind of feeling in his heart.

"Look, what's different about this painting?"

It's very special, very special. There are many things in Douluo Continent that have not appeared in the original work. Shen Yi is not sure whether this painting is just for him.

"I don't think there's anything special." Dai Mubai pretended to look at the painting and said, he didn't understand this stuff.

"Very beautiful, very real." Zhu Zhuqing said his feelings coldly.

"Mom..." Xiao Wu stared at the portrait in the painting with blurred eyes and muttered to herself.

This sound shocked everyone. They didn't expect that the person above was Xiao Wu's mother. After finishing speaking, Xiao Wu also came back to her senses and explained quickly.

"Sorry, I'm not like that. I just don't know what happened. Seeing the people in this painting affected my mother."

"I also feel the same as Xiao Wu." Tang San said, and it could be seen from his serious expression that he was not lying.

"This painting and this figure give me a special feeling, as if it has come alive."

Everyone's feelings made Shen Yi slightly disappointed.

"Vulgar. You didn't notice the most important part of this painting, but you saw the least important part." Shen Yi's eyes were a little fanatical.

"Haven't you noticed that compared to human figures, this tree and this grassland are more attractive? The person who painted this painting is definitely a genius. He really made the painting come alive!"

Shen Yi could feel that this was what he had been pursuing before, giving life to the painting.

In this painting, the figure is just an image. Although it is very vivid, as if it is real, and attracts attention, it is not the best. This inconspicuous tree and grass are the essence of it. Even just looking at it, Shen Yi can feel a vitality coming towards him.

This painting is alive. If it was painted by Shen Yi, then he would be able to fully realize it without adding a second soul skill.

After Shen Yi said this, the others suddenly felt as if the painting was indeed alive. The figures were very abrupt, as if they were added later.

"I want this painting. I want to understand this painting method." Shen Yi said with an excited expression.

I didn't expect that this trip would have such benefits. Sure enough, good people are rewarded.

Naturally, everyone felt uncomfortable with Shen Yi's "greedy" behavior. This was what Shen Yi deserved.

Shen Yi carefully rolled up the painting and put it away solemnly. With this painting, Shen Yi felt that his strength might be improved to a higher level.

The next step was to sort out the harvest. In the end, everyone sorted out about 70,000 to 80,000 gold soul coins, which made everyone feel even worse.

Because the more money they have, the more bad things those people do.

"These people should all be executed!" Dai Mubai said harshly.

"Forget it, let's leave it to the authorities." Shen Yi said, a little interested and short of money, "But I didn't expect you to have such an awareness."

"What do you mean?" Dai Mubai said with a somewhat unpleasant look on his face.

Shen Yi just smiled and said, "Buying and selling are the same crime."

Then he left, leaving Dai Mubai confused and not knowing what he meant.

Zhu Zhuqing came to his senses, glared at Dai Mubai coldly, and then left.

Dai Mubai was even more confused now and quickly stopped Tang San, "Tang San, what do they mean?"

"Uh." Tang San didn't know what to say to Dai Mubai, so he patted his shoulder and said, "What Shen Yi means is that these human traffickers are just as hateful as those who buy children."

"But what does that have to do with me?"

"...Most of these children are girls, and they will eventually be bought to some romantic places..." Tang San said as implicitly as possible.

And this is when Dai Mubai finally understood. People were numb and there was no way to wash them off.

There was a loud noise outside. People from the Qibao Glazed Sect arrived and the matter was finally resolved.

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