Douluo's magic pen

Chapter 13 Shen Yi’s old acquaintance

early morning.

The sky was bright and the sky was just white. Before the sun rose, Shen Yi had already opened his eyes, got up and washed up.

At this time, Dai Mubai hadn't woken up yet and was still sleeping. Shen Yi went out without asking him.

Thanks to the fact that this world does not have the technological products and entertainment games of the previous life, Shen Yi developed the habit of going to bed early and getting up early every day. If this were placed in the previous life, it would be absolutely impossible.

That era brought too much pressure to ordinary people.

The first thing Shen Yi does when he wakes up early in the morning is practice. This has been his habit for many years. He doesn't have too much entertainment. In addition, he is too young, so practice is the only thing Shen Yi doesn't get bored of. one thing.

Shen Yi, who understands what this world is like, only feels that he doesn't have enough time.

Shen Yi took out a canvas, and then took out a drawing board, laid the canvas on the drawing board, and Shen Yi began to paint.

Shen Yi's cultivation method is different from other people's cultivation methods. Others either cultivate their body or their soul power, but Shen Yi cultivates his mind, simulating that feeling and then remembering it in his heart, or Analyze the structure of a transaction and then commit it to memory.

And this is also the foundation of Shen Yi's strength.

Shen Yi's martial spirit was actually not as powerful as imagined. Just like Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, they were only powerful. Although the martial spirit was important, it was not the main thing.

Soon, a picture of a boy catching butterflies appeared on Shen Yi's canvas. The boy's painting was lifelike, with his face full of desire for beauty and love for the butterflies in the sky. The butterflies also behave differently. Some are flying loosely, while others are panicking and avoiding the pursuit of the boy. They have different mentality and are full of agility.

If it were just a painting, this transformation would be perfect, and the representation of gods and objects would be very perfect.

But Shen Yi still frowned.

"It seems that it still doesn't work. The two current soul skills are not enough to make the painted beast have some consciousness." Shen Yi had a trace of disappointment on his face.

The two soul skills that Shen Yi currently possesses are the wonderful strokes and the finishing touch. The wonderful brush strokes can embody the paintings drawn by Shen Yi, and the finishing touch can impart the spirit of Shen Yi to the embodied paintings.

But the painted beast embodied by the wonderful strokes is just a blank slate, without any consciousness in itself, and can only be controlled by Shen Yi himself when there is no finishing touch. And even if there is a finishing touch to give "god", it can only give some simple "god" consciousness.

Once it is too complicated, the pressure will be very great for Shen Yi. Therefore, Shen Yi has always hoped to make the paintings have "divineness" as soon as they come out.

But Shen Yi's many attempts failed. No matter how vivid the paintings he painted were, they still showed nothing.

Looking at the transformation on the canvas, Shen Yi waved his hand and realized it all. A garden suddenly appeared on the empty ground, with many butterflies flying on it, and a young man carrying a net below. Waving, catching butterflies in the sky, several of which have already been caught.

This is a very warm picture, but because it is all black and motionless, it looks weird no matter how you look at it.

Shen Yi sighed helplessly, and then dissipated it all. Sure enough, without "god", these are just dead things after all.

After Shen Yi finished all this, the sun had risen in the sky. Shen Yi packed up his things and walked towards the cafeteria.

Dai Mubai told Shen Yi the location of the canteen yesterday, so there was no need to worry about not finding it.

When Shen Yi arrived at the cafeteria, he realized that he seemed to be the first one to arrive, but no matter what, the first one always ate better.

Shen Yi didn't care about the others, took a piece of breakfast, sat on his seat and started eating.

At this time, a roar of battle suddenly came from the distance. It was very small, but Shen Yi, as a great soul master, heard it clearly, but Shen Yi ignored it.

Shen Yi, who is familiar with the plot of the original work, knew that this should be the encounter between Tang San, Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun, and the two sides were fighting.

It's all trivial, or it's a plot requirement, and they should come over after they finish fighting.

However, what Shen Yi waited for first was not Tang San and others, but Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

When Shen Yi was halfway through eating, the two of them came over.

After getting their breakfast, the two women also started looking for seats. Unlike Shen Yi and Zhu Zhuqing, who were a bit embarrassed by something that happened yesterday, Ning Rongrong sat directly in front of Shen Yi with breakfast, without eating breakfast, just looking at Shen Yi.

Then he said: "Shen Yi, I know you!"

It's time to come.

Shen Yi finished his breakfast, wiped his hands, then looked helplessly at Ning Rongrong in front of him and said, "Isn't this what it should be? I introduced it yesterday."

"You know that's not what I'm talking about. We've known each other for a long time!" Ning Rongrong looked at Shen Yi with a hint of resentment.

This expression should not have appeared on Ning Rongrong, and his resentment seemed to be quite high.

"Ahem, didn't we just meet yesterday? How could we have known each other for a long time? You must have made a mistake!" Shen Yi said with a guilty conscience, turning his head slightly and not daring to look into Ning Rongrong's eyes.

Because he did know Ning Rongrong, it would be strange to say that he didn't know Ning Rongrong.

Shen Yi and Ning Rongrong were of the same age, and Shen Yi's family was a historian, and he was a noble in the Tiandou Empire. He must be studying at Tiandou Noble Academy, and since Shen Yi is a genius, he must be studying at the best.

Unfortunately, Ning Rongrong was also in that school at the time, and the two of them were in the same class. You'd be damned if you didn't recognize this.

It's just that this happened a few years ago. Due to some things, Shen Yi no longer studied in that school. Unexpectedly, Ning Rongrong still remembered Shen Yi.

"I didn't expect this guy's memory to be so good that he could remember it until now." Shen Yi thought helplessly.

The two had some unpleasant encounters at that time. Anyway, Shen Yi bullied Ning Rongrong at that time. When she learned that he was Ning Rongrong, he made her cry every now and then.

At that time, Shen Yi's personality was not as good as it is now. It can be said that he was very bad. After all, he was very bored after being a child for so long, so he bullied Ning Rongrong with a few familiar people. Unfortunately, Ning Rongrong Listed. Bullying this kind of main supporting character is particularly exciting.

Although there were many people surrounding Ning Rongrong at that time, it was a pity that they were all a group of brats. Together, they were no match for Shen Yi, and they were even plotted by Shen Yi to start fighting among themselves.

It can be said that Shen Yi at that time was simply unscrupulous. He didn't care about the identity of the other party. He just went up to start a group and would never stop until he made the other party cry.

The inhumane Shen Yi dominated the entire school, not even the upperclassmen were spared. After all, Shen Yi was born with full soul power at that time. He became a soul master when he entered school. In addition, he had already developed the first soul skill at that time. He was basically invincible at the same level. He could also defeat the great soul masters of the next year. A dozen.

What's more, Shen Yi never fights with people who are stronger than him. When the situation goes wrong, he will immediately run away, and then wait until the opponent is alone and relaxes his vigilance. Then he will sneak attack and beat the opponent.

It can be said that he is the first time traveler who likes to bully children. Especially when it comes to bullying children, there is no one else who even plays tricks on them.

However, Shen Yi's behavior of kicking the kindergarten did not last long. When he was in the third grade, the school finally could not withstand the pressure from other families and kicked him out.

From then on, Shen Yi had no interaction with Ning Rongrong and put that incident behind him.

As a result, meeting Ning Rongrong in Shrek was indeed Shen Yi's mistake.

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