After regaining his magic power, there is no need to worry about the hand. The recent period can be said to be the most comfortable period since Gu Zhongyan traveled through time.

The only one who was a little troubled was Su Yan.

I don't know if it's because the little guy has started to grow, or because he has been transformed by the power of the devil. His appetite has increased greatly recently, and he can eat at least three meals of adult food in one meal.

The little food he saves every day can't satisfy him at all. If it weren't for the support of the Defenders, Gu Zhongyan wouldn't be able to feed him. In the past few days, he even considered whether to send him to Danny's house. .

Anyway, now that the Hand is gone, there is no need to worry about his safety.

However, because of the fledgling complex, although Su Yan trusted other people, he could never get close to them, which made Gu Zhongyan unable to make this decision.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhongyan couldn't help but sigh, holding large and small brown paper bags, and walked to the checkout counter to prepare for the check.

"Let me pay!"

Just when the cashier confirmed the price of the product and Gu Zhongyan was about to pay, a credit card was handed over first.

Gu Zhongyan frowned slightly, a trace of doubt flashed across his face, and he turned around to look.

At some point, a tall figure stood behind him, wearing a black leather trench coat and an eyepatch on his left eye. His whole body was as black as a stewed egg. Under the lights of the supermarket, it exuded a faint oily sheen.

Nick Fury, Gu Zhongyan's pupils shrank, and he recognized the identity of the person at a glance.

The King of Secret Agents, Nick Fury, known as 'Fuckman', the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the 'Batman' of the Marvel Universe. Just as you never know how many plans 'Batman' has, so do you. You never know how much back Nick Fury has.

Maybe he doesn't have the earth-shattering fighting power of many superheroes, but he is one of the most important characters in the Marvel universe. In fact, without him, the entire Marvel universe would be a lot lighter.

It seems that the Battle of Liberty Island had a considerable impact. Did it even lead to the King of Secret Agents?

Looking at Nick Fury who suddenly appeared, Gu Zhongyan was slightly surprised and then stepped back, as if he and the other person really came together, and it was natural for him to let the other person pay the bill.

Seeing this, Nick Fury couldn't help but take a second look at him.

After paying, the two walked towards the parking lot, one behind the other, not too far apart. In the corner, there was a black Chevrolet Suburban parked.

Nick Fury opened the car door and got in. Seeing this, Gu Zhongyan followed closely and got in.

"Thank you, Block 52, 132A." Gu Zhongyan said as naturally as if he was getting into a taxi.

"Don't you ask me who I am?" Nick Fury said.

"You will tell me, won't you?" Gu Zhongyan smiled confidently, as if he was not worried at all that the other party was an enemy.

Nick Fury raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at him deeply.

"You really don't look like a high school student, but if you were an ordinary high school student, you wouldn't be able to turn New York upside down."

"Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD, nice to meet you, Sean Gu, or, should I say, Sean the Defender?"

Facing Nick Fury's deep look, Gu Zhongyan looked calm and said, "Then you are wrong. I am not the only high school student who can turn New York upside down."

After saying that, he took out the Coke from the brown paper bag and took a sip, and continued: "I've heard of SHIELD, a global organization under the management of the World Security Council. Director of SHIELD, big shot, do you have anything to do with me? ?”

Nick Fury did not explain, but picked up the document on the passenger side and handed it to Gu Zhongyan.

"Avengers plan?"

Looking at the bold words on the document, Gu Zhongyan raised his eyebrows and subconsciously looked at Nick Fury. Was he preparing to recruit him into the Avengers?

At this time, Nick Fury said: "You are not the first person with superpowers to reveal your abilities. My child, this world is much more complicated than you think."

"Although I don't know where your power comes from, don't underestimate this world. The Avengers Project is prepared to deal with the increasing dangers in this world."

"I plan to integrate some beings with special talents to form an elite team to fight against more and more threats. This plan should have been launched as early as the 90s, but due to various reasons, it has been shelved."

"Until you appeared, it restarted." As he spoke, Nick Fury looked straight at Gu Zhongyan.

"Because of me?" Gu Zhongyan frowned slightly.

"Yes." Nick Fury nodded, "Your performance in the Battle of Liberty Island made all countries in the world feel threatened. Therefore, the World Security Council approved my Avengers plan."

"After the battle, I started collecting information about you. At first, I planned to let you join the Avengers, but after getting to know you, I think you are not suitable for this plan."

With that said, Nick Fury took the document out of Gu Zhongyan's hand.

This answer surprised Gu Zhongyan. He originally thought that the other party found him and wanted to join the Avengers, but it turned out not to be the case?

Although he didn't care much about whether to join the Avengers, he couldn't help but ask after hearing Nick Fury say that he was not suitable to join the Avengers.


"Because the Avengers exist to maintain the security of the world and protect us, or the earth and humanity, from threats from the outside world, including but not limited to supernatural forces, aliens, super criminals and terrorist organizations."

"They may not necessarily be moral models or spiritual saints, but they must have the heart to maintain world security and order, and you just don't have this."

"Although you fought against the Hand, eliminated the demons, and quelled the chaos in Hell's Kitchen, ultimately, it was all for yourself, right?" Nick Fury said to the point.

Hearing this, Gu Zhongyan was startled. Looking at Nick Fury with a determined look on his face, he had to admit that the king of secret agents had really poor eyesight.

Yes, from beginning to end, everything Gu Zhongyan did was for his own benefit.

Although he will roar when he sees injustice and do some good deeds to punish evil and promote good, he will never sacrifice himself to protect the world.

He will not give up his escape like Captain America and crash his plane into an iceberg; nor will he sacrifice himself and snap his fingers like Iron Man; nor will he sacrifice his soul in exchange for the Soul Stone like Black Widow.

If he really joins the Avengers, when the interests of the Avengers conflict with his own, he must choose his own interests. From this point of view, he is indeed not suitable to join the Avengers.

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