Hufflepuff in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 33 Breaking the Shield

Seeing that Suowanda started the ceremony without hesitation, the others looked at each other and finally picked up their devil fingers and scratched their palms.

The five braziers expanded one after another. When the flame in the last brazier expanded, the five braziers exploded instantly, and the black-red flames instantly ignited the demon statue in the center.

Just like the outer layer of chocolate melting, the demon statue began to lose its surface darkness under the heat of the black and red flames.

The light of the flame enveloped the dark room.

At this moment, the five people's eyes penetrated the boundary between reality and hell, and saw the hell dimension full of resentment and fighting.

The flowing river of magma rushed over the barren black land, and a hideous and bloated terrifying demon appeared in front of the five people roaring from the rolling fire.

As the Five Fingers of the Hand, they will naturally not fail to recognize the existence they have worshiped for many years. This is a demon, a beast!

"Humble mortals, you sacrifice your souls in an attempt to gain something from the great demon."

"The great immortal being, our power is hindered from the mysterious side, and we need your help."

Alexandra said humbly.

Through the ritual of sacrificing the soul, the beast's consciousness instantly understood Alexandra's appeal.

The power of Muggle expulsion is vulnerable to the demons of hell.

Through the Muggle expulsion technique, Beast also saw Gu Zhongyan hiding underground.

The familiar magical power is like the sun rising in the dark night in the beast's eyes. There is no existence more conspicuous than this.

"It's you, humble insect!"

The power of anger, through the souls of the five people, penetrated the boundaries of hell and fell on Gu Zhongyan.

Gu Zhongyan, who was making the wand, suddenly felt a chill coming over him, and a terrifying will fell on the top of his head like the weight of a mountain.

"This power is a beast?!"

Gu Zhongyan was shocked, how could that happen?The beast was clearly blocked from the border of hell by him. Unless Su Yan died and cut off its connection with the black sky, the beast could not come to this world.

In fact, Gu Zhongyan was not mistaken. The beast's power was indeed locked by the black sky and could not come.

This does not mean that the beast cannot come at all. In fact, there is another way for him to come to the earth, and that is to directly break through the boundary between hell and reality and come to this world.

However, this situation will be different.

The former is to sneak over by taking advantage of a loophole in the rules, and the latter is to face the blockade of the Ancient One and the Temple Master to protect the earth.

Even if the beast was given 1 courages, he would not dare to do this.

At the moment, although Gu Zhongyan felt the will of the beast, what came was not its power, but the gaze transmitted through the souls of the five sacrifices.

In essence, it has no impact except that it can be felt by Gu Zhongyan.

Even an ordinary person wouldn't even feel this gaze.

However, although the power is locked by the black sky and cannot be transmitted, as a beast with a higher level of life, it will not be affected by the Muggle expulsion spell.

In the same way, the five fingers connected to the sacrificial soul can also be freed from the influence of Muggle expulsion spells.

Knowing that he could not do anything to Gu Zhongyan through hell, the beast could only give orders to Five Fingers.

"My faithful followers, I command you to kill that disgusting insect."

"As long as you can kill that insect, I can give up this contract and let your souls go free."


The five people were overjoyed when they heard this. In order to avoid death, they had made countless efforts. If they could not sacrifice their souls, it would be the best.

Not to mention that Gu Zhongyan moved the dragon's bones, and they would not let each other go regardless of emotion or reason. It could be said that they killed two birds with one stone.

The five people responded hurriedly, and then quickly rushed to the elevator they should have rushed to.

In the underground space, Gu Zhongyan, who was startled by the beast's will, quickly realized that the other party's malicious gaze was just a paper tiger and would not cause any harm to him at all.

However, the appearance of the beast also made Gu Zhongyan realize that the Muggle expulsion spell might be ineffective.

Sure enough, as soon as he had this thought, he heard the sound of heavy iron locks turning from inside the elevator shaft.

After taking a look at the rocks piled up into a hill, Gu Zhongyan hurriedly turned back and looked at the dragon bones in front of him.

I hope these obstacles can stop them for as long as possible. Just a moment, just a moment is enough.

I saw him ignoring the noise coming from the elevator shaft, holding a piece of spine and concentrating on polishing it.

In the process of polishing, the magic power in the body shapes the bones in the hands little by little, penetrates, weaves, and transforms.

Dots of fluorescence are looming on the keel.


There was a dull loud noise, and the entire underground space seemed to shake.

Gu Zhongyan's men's movements paused for a moment, and then began to polish again. He knew that the five people had arrived, and he had to complete all this before the five people broke through the obstacle.

"What the Fake! What the hell is this?"

The moment he opened the elevator and looked at the entrance that was completely blocked by the boulder, Suowanda let out a few curse words.

The expressions of the other four people also darkened, and Mrs. Gao snorted coldly, "It seems that the unknown mage really put a lot of thought into trying to stop us, but do you think he can stop us in this way?"

As she said that, she shouted loudly, bent her left leg, and made a semicircle with her right palm. Like a powerful dragon regretting, she slapped her face hard on the boulder pile.

With a rumble, the boulder pile trembled slightly, and a boulder on the top rolled down directly due to the shaking.

However, the numerous boulders did not collapse due to this attack.

The remaining few people simply took action one after another, bang bang bang, the anger recorded by these people for hundreds of years was now vented unreservedly on this pile of huge rocks.


Like an earthquake, huge rocks were shaken down by the fierce attack, and the tightly packed piles of rocks began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, after more than a dozen attacks, the boulder at the top of the elevator door was blown away by Mrs. Gao's palm.

Although the pile of rocks has not been completely shattered, a hole has been exposed for one person to pass through.

Through this cave, they could also see a huge underground cave where the stone wall originally stood, as well as the huge dragon bone in the cave that they had been dreaming about for 400 years.

"The dragon bone, it really is the dragon bone, the seal is opened, it's the dragon bone!"

Mrs. Gao looked at the huge keel with some excitement, and several others subconsciously held their breath, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

At this time, Alexandra was seen with a calm face, pointing to the corner of the cave and saying: "Everyone, don't get excited, let's take a look there first."

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