[Pirate] My Luna

Chapter 5 Chapter 5

There was such a big commotion in the restaurant, but not only did no one come to deal with it, the surroundings were actually eerily quiet. In Fishman Street, if you don't want to be in bad luck, it's best to learn to be alone and remain silent.

Luna took the opportunity to get up and saw Charlie still lying stunned outside the box. She quickly stepped forward to help the little girl up and held her hand tightly.

The little girl's palms were cold and her body was still tense. She looked at Aaron walking out of the box, her body trembled, and she unconsciously moved closer to Luna.

Aaron didn't even look at them, and walked back to the seat by the window with stupid steps and sat down to eat again.

Luna glanced at Ezra, who was still panting on the ground, and then at Aaron, who continued to eat and drink as if nothing had happened. She pulled Charlie and sat obediently opposite Aaron.

She felt that she might need to update her impression of Aaron.

"Thank you, Aaron...brother?" Luna said the title hesitantly.

Aaron choked on his food and coughed horribly, almost jumping up and shouting, "Huh?! Stop being so pretentious, you brat!"

He picked up the water glass and swallowed it. After drinking, he slammed the glass on the table. He leaned on the table with one hand and approached Luna. He pointed at the tooth marks on his arm and the red marks on his face aggressively, "Here and here, I remember it all, just wait for me!"

Charlie held her hand tightly, almost hiding her upper body behind her.

Luna looked directly at Aaron's pale blue eyes filled with irritable emotions, "I was too anxious just now, I'm sorry. But the arm, it's not my fault, right? I won't apologize."

"You don't think this can be solved by apologizing, do you?" Aaron laughed evilly, completely ignoring what she said next.

"How about I ask you to take the photo back?" Luna sincerely proposed a solution.

With a creak, a crack appeared on the table under Aaron's hands, and his face seemed to look even worse.

Although Ezra did not leave, he had no intention of taking Charlie back until they left the restaurant. Luna just pretended that he didn't exist and took Charlie away directly.

To be honest, she had not thought about what to do next. At that time, she just felt that there was no way to turn a blind eye.

In short, let’s take her home for the time being, clean her before treating the wound, and we can discuss the rest after Tiger comes back.

The atmosphere on the road was very dull. Aaron ignored Xia Li from beginning to end, while Xia Li kept her head down and remained silent. She was no longer awkward and arrogant like when they first met her.

Luna gradually felt a little strange.

Charlie seems to be too afraid of Aaron, right? She didn't shy away from that scumbag father like she did with Aaron. Aaron, on the other hand, didn't even say something dissatisfied, saying something like, "Bringing this kid back will only cause trouble for Big Brother Tiger."

But she wasn't stupid enough to ask her face to face whether you knew this kind of question. She just held Xia Li tightly and followed Aaron quietly.

Tiger has no pursuit of quality of life. The place where he temporarily settled was obviously not suitable for taking Luna to live. Jinbe and Aaron helped find a new place. The location was quite subtle, as if it had been prepared a long time ago. The neighbor on the left was Jinbe. On the right is Aaron.

Jinbei took over Tiger's position and joined the King's Army. He usually stayed in Ryugu Castle for food and accommodation, and Aaron also had his own small gang base. It was normal for the two of them to be away from home.

Seeing that Aaron seemed to want to send them back, Luna once again lamented that Tiger was right, people have different looks, sometimes they are good, sometimes they are bad, and both good and bad could be the same person.

The silent atmosphere was broken by the sound of bubbles popping. The bubbles wrapped around the store at the corner were burst by a group of fish-men children. Sea water poured in, and the products scattered with the water waves. Some half-sleeves even floated to the store. They are here.

Luna also recognized the children coming towards them laughing and joking, they were Hody's group of children.

They greeted Luna and the others excitedly, "Brother Aaron! Sister Luna!"

Luna was a little surprised, "What did you just do? A prank?"

Hody and his gang looked at each other in confusion for a while, then Bodhidharma jumped out and explained: "No, eldest sister, that store hasn't paid the protection fee for several months, and the people from the Shark Gang want us to warn him."

Aaron waved away the floating things impatiently and interrupted the conversation rudely, "Come on, I don't have time to hang around outside with you idiot kid."

It didn't take long for the store owner to refill the bubbles. His expression was more numb than calm. Luna quietly put back the merchandise that floated in front of her, causing Aaron to laugh again.


In order to make it easier for Luna, who has a fish tail, to walk, Tiger introduced seawater into many places in his home. The bathroom is one of the few places where seawater is not introduced except for the furniture placement area.

Luna carefully helped Charlie clean the hair and food residue on her body, and then checked the injuries all over her body. As expected, Charlie had many old injuries on her body, including bruises from a few days ago and some old small scars.

"I'm very good at divination, and he can make a lot of money from this, so he won't really do anything to me." Charlie suddenly said, her tone even a little relaxed, "It doesn't matter if he doesn't care about me, he is my father, even if Tai There’s nothing you can do about it, right?”

She whispered again, "Anyway, I have earned the chance to endure him for a few hours."

The cold towel was pressed against Charlie's red and swollen face. It was painful and cold, making her hiss and her eyes became moist.

Luna smiled, "What nonsense are you talking about? It hurts."

Charlie lowered her head and said nothing.

She took the dark blue little mermaid out of the bathtub and helped dry it. She carefully removed the broken pieces of porcelain from the palms, arms and tail of the fish, and bandaged all the injured areas. Luna was not very skilled at this kind of thing, so When it was finished, Charlie was almost mummified.

"I think something is wrong." Charlie frowned.

Luna looked at it and agreed: "Well, I also think there is something wrong."

The two of them looked at each other for a while, and looking at Charlie's still pretending to be calm and mature, Luna couldn't help but laugh.

Only then did Luna ask the question she had always cared about, "Do Charlie and Aaron know each other?"

Charlie's face, which had just regained its rosiness, turned pale again. She looked at Luna, bit her lip, and answered her, "Aaron is my brother."

"Brother, brother? Then why did he..." Luna couldn't say anything. Aaron's attitude towards Charlie could not be more indifferent.

Charlie awkwardly tugged on the bow tied by the bandage, "We were not born to the same mother. When that man brought me to Fishman Street a year ago, I learned that Aaron was also his child, but he was born very early. I was abandoned by that man to Fishman Street."

Luna sat next to Charlie, held her shoulders and shook her, asking patiently, "Did Aaron do anything to you? That's why you are so afraid of him?"

"...No." Charlie slowly leaned against Luna, closed her eyes and replied softly, "He never ignored me. It's just that I think he is a very scary person, even scarier than Ezra."

When Tiger came back, he saw two little girls sleeping on the sofa with their heads next to each other. He pulled out the blanket and before it could cover them, Luna rubbed her eyes and called his name vaguely.

Together they gently moved Charlie to Luna's bed.

The brewed fruit drink was still a bit hot to the mouth. Luna held the cup and sat on both sides of the table opposite Tiger. She moved a little uneasily and told Tiger about Charlie. After speaking, she bowed her head obediently and talked to Tiger. Apology: "I'm sorry Tiger, I got you into trouble today."

Tiger just listened quietly and laughed when he heard Luna apologize, "Luna, do you think you did something wrong?"

"...No." Luna was sure that Tiger would definitely stop it if he were there, "But Tiger..."

She opened her mouth to say that this would cause Tiger a lot of trouble, not just Ezra. What she brought home was not a little pet, but a living mermaid child.

But Tiger's palm had already fallen on the top of her head. He rubbed her head gently and said to her, "Raise your head, Luna. Since you have done nothing wrong, what else is there to apologize for?"

Since Charlie was brought back by Luna, Tiger didn't go out for several days, and as expected, Ezra arrived.

He actually visited Tiger politely and brought gifts, and said with a smile that he wanted to take back his daughter.

Tiger sent him away without even letting him in to see Charlie. Ezra could only leave with a twisted face no matter how unwilling he was to be resentful.

Because this is Fishman Street, a lawless place where fishmen in the shadows gather.

And Tiger once penetrated Fishman Street alone.

Luna knew from Charlie that children like her were lucky.

The most indispensable thing in Fishman Street is orphans without fathers and mothers. Some were abandoned due to poverty and disease, and some are simply the children of criminals and pirates. They live in groups in Fishman Street. From Fishman Street Get food from the gang and do some things. When the human pirates arrive, you have to hide like a fry hiding in the mud. If you don't hide well, you will be caught and sold.

The gang cherishes the feathers and will not conflict with the powerful human pirates because of these orphans. Only Aaron and his group will protect some orphans. Although they are not good people, they hate humans even more, so they often patrol Fishman Street and expel human pirates. Many times they will encounter human pirates kidnapping orphans.

This Fishman Street was originally a giant welfare home for orphans.

While Charlie was talking, Tiger was making scallop sandwiches for them behind the scenes.

Luna felt very uncomfortable just listening to it, and couldn't help but sigh, "Why is this like this!"

"Why can't the orphanage be reopened?" This was something Luna didn't understand. The fishmen could indifferently give up so many cubs of the same race.

Charlie bit into the seaweed tart and replied with bulging cheeks: "Definitely not, well, it's difficult anyway and no one wants to do it."

Luna turned around and lay on the back of the chair unwillingly, and asked Tiger, "Is it really not possible? Can no one do it?"

Looking at the innocent looks cast by the two children, Tiger couldn't take it for granted that he couldn't and couldn't do it.

He could only greet them with a smile, "Let's eat first."

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