[Pirate] My Luna

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

For races that can survive in sea water, the ocean is a safer haven than land most of the time, but it can also breed danger and death, especially in this world.

Luna woke up in darkness, feeling pain all over her body as if she had been run over by a car. Her bubble had long since burst, and she was buried in the mud at the bottom of the sea. Fortunately, a few bones were not broken.

The surroundings were quiet as if she were in a vacuum. When her eyes adjusted to the darkness, her hearing slowly returned. It turned out that it was not that the surroundings were too quiet, but that her hearing had been disabled for a long time.

After the confusion, the panic and fear were long overdue.

However, fear is the most useless thing. If you just stay in place and tremble, you really can't do anything.

Luna shook her head, as if to get rid of the timidity in her heart, and she swung her royal blue fish tail and started swimming.

This place was far away from the brilliance brought by Yangshu Eve. In her still blurry vision, she saw the wreckage of pirate ships all around her.

On the way back to Fish-Man Island with Tiger, Luna noticed that the closer to Fish-Man Island, the more concentrated the wreckage of pirate ships were in the darkness, but within the range that Yangshu Eve could illuminate, the closer to Fish-Man Island was. , the fewer such wrecks there are.

She breathed a sigh of relief and judged that she was not too far away from the Fish-Man Island. She was just swept into the deep sea near the main island, but she didn't know in which direction.

Let's swim to a higher place and have a look. Maybe we can find a way, Luna thought as optimistically as possible.

After swimming up a distance, she did not find the location of Fish-Man Island, probably due to the terrain, but she found a "light bulb". It was a large deep-sea lantern fish, and the fleshy protrusion on its forehead emitted fluorescent yellow light, illuminating the surrounding area.

Luna remembered that the fish here seemed to be very smart. The mermaids could mix their words with special sound waves to make the fish understand what they meant. Most of the time, the fish were willing to help the mermaids.

She is a mermaid, and she cannot understand whether it is the communication between mermaids and fishes or the sound waves of mermaids summoning fish schools.

But she can imitate, and if the fish knows the way or is willing to serve as a lantern for her, that's great.

Luna tentatively swam near the lantern fish, but the big guy continued swimming slowly without any reaction.

She tried to recall what she heard on Fishman Island, the sound waves mixed in the communication between mermaids and fishes. She opened her mouth, and the silent vibrations echoed in the deep sea, but the big guy still showed no reaction.

Wouldn’t it be possible to use simple sound waves?

Luna imitated with difficulty, "Hello, please, help, help, me."

The lantern fish stopped, turned its body, and turned its head towards Luna. The light source above its head illuminated the area exceptionally brightly.

But before she was overjoyed, the first thing she felt was a strange awkward feeling.

In addition to the noise from the currents and scattered creatures, there seemed to be some special noise approaching quickly from behind.

It was like a heavy object falling gently to the ground, like the fish-man tearing up the sea water almost silently when swimming!

Luna instinctively sensed the danger and rushed upward quickly, but she was still a step too late. Huge fingers grasped her rear end, and after a sharp pain of being pulled, she was violently pulled down.

"Captain Daken! I caught the blue mermaid!" A childish voice spat out from the mouth of this fishman who was comparable in size to a sea monster.

Vander Deken slid the bubbles and floated down from the ghost ship behind, "Hey, see you in Mianjin, don't crush her too hard. Scaled mermaids of this color are rare. Although they are a bit small, they are It’s still very valuable!”

"But she keeps moving, Captain." Mianjin waved his hand.

"Hehehe, let me knock her out."


In the messy and cramped pirate ship warehouse, Luna was locked in a cage on the top floor, but she was not tied up. Instead, there were many small fishmen tied tightly in the cages below.

Luna's tail was still aching, so she could only get up with support from her arms. She closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against the wall, opened her mouth slightly, and made a silent sound wave.

31 people, the two fishmen were not among them.

The sharks can not only imitate the sound waves of various creatures, but can also use the rebound of sound waves to identify the environment and creatures within a certain range. The more closed the environment, the more information will be obtained.

As they grow older, they can gradually "hear" the special frequencies of matter. The powerful sharks can easily use sound waves to shatter iron and rocks, and can even rupture the internal organs of living creatures and drive them into madness.

Luna could hear some frequencies, but was caught twice without using them. It takes at least two to three minutes for her to render humans incapable of fighting, which is long enough for people to notice anomalies. Most of the fish-men in this world have the same frequency as her own, and the sound waves that affect them will also have an effect on herself.

That Vander Deken is one of the few fish-men. His frequency is very strange, completely different from the frequency of the giant fish-man called Mianjin Mi!

If Luna was caught obediently, even if she was not discovered and affected Vander Deken, she still would not be able to escape from Ayazumi's hands, and vice versa. She could only run away desperately at that time, maybe there was a glimmer of a chance.

Never sit still and wait for death at any time, and struggle with all your strength with hope.

This was the first thing Tiger taught her after saving her from humans.

No matter human beings or the world, no matter how scared you are, you can't just huddle up in a corner and tremble, Luna.

He said so.

The pearl decoration on the head has gone through so many bumps, but there is still one stubbornly tangled in the long hair.

Luna pulled it out and threw it into the cage diagonally below her.

There was only a five or six-year-old boy in the cage, a fish-man boy with black curly hair who screamed in pain after being hit. He looked over with fierce eyes. When he realized it was Luna, he was stunned for a moment and turned away indifferently.

Luna knocked on the iron railing to attract his attention, "Hello, little sir, let's run away together!"

The fish-man boy immediately looked like he was looking at an idiot, but he still asked: "...What do you want to do?"

Luna didn't answer. She ignored the pain in her body and smiled at him, "What's your name?"

"…Hody Jones."

"Luna, my name is Luna, which means moon." Luna pointed at herself.

"What can you do?" Hody squirmed and clung to the cell door, seemingly comforted by this simple conversation. Although his expression was still a little irritable, it was far less gloomy and desperate than before.

The little fishmen in the other cages were disturbed by their conversation, and all of them looked towards Luna.

Luna lowered her voice and said, "When the pirate ship encounters the reverse current, I can let you out."

The brief noise and slight commotion caused by the reverse current can cover up the movement of her sound waves affecting the iron cage.

The little fish man with a T-shaped face couldn't help but interject: "But if you run away, you will be caught soon. Maybe only a few people can escape."

"Then don't run away." Luna stared at him, "Don't run away, set fire, throw away food, break buckets, destroy the hull, no matter what method you use, as long as you can create chaos for three minutes, I will find a way to make everyone All can be saved.”

She looked at the faces of the little fish people one by one, pursed her lips, and said seriously: "If they want to sell us, they won't kill us, but in the process of creating chaos, you will be beaten, injured, and even more violent." Cruel torture, do you want to do it?”

The little fish people looked back hesitantly, they couldn't quite believe her.

Only Hody Jones's eyes brightened, and twisted flames seemed to be burning inside. He banged his head on the railing, grinning with sharp teeth, "Sister Luna, I want to do it!"

Big, big sister? ! What is this name? ! Luna looked at Hody confused.

Originally, she wanted to start by gaining the trust of a fish-man boy, but things went more smoothly than she imagined. Hody seemed to be the leader of the group of children. After he spoke, the surrounding fish-man children also echoed.

Even the time they had been waiting for came quickly.

When they could clearly feel the bumps of the ship and the noisy shouts of the pirates outside, Luna began to focus on feeling the frequency of the iron cage, slowly emitting corresponding sound waves, and the iron cages in the warehouse trembled in unison. , the shaking became more and more violent, until it made a harsh creaking sound and cracked the gap.

The commotion outside quickly subsided, and Luna waited with bated breath for a while to make sure no one would come in. Then she climbed out from the broken railing and untied the little fish people.

The main entrance was guarded by pirates. They pulled out the broken iron railings and poked a small hole in the side. A petite fishman boy named Bodhidharma opened the hole with a few clicks. The fishmen children quickly The ground crawled out of the hole, while Luna climbed back into the cage, huddled in a corner, lowered her head and hugged her tail, pretending to be frightened, her lips in the shadow opened slightly, feeling the frequency of the human pirate, and began to continuously emit sound waves.

31 human beings, no one with special frequency.

The sounds outside gradually became noisy, with yelling, fighting, shooting, and a faint smell of burning coming from the place.

A pirate suddenly opened the warehouse door, cursed and came in to check, and glanced at Luna coldly.

Luna buried her head and shrunk herself even smaller.

The pirate approached her, and the smell of gunpowder smoke, blood, and a faint sour stench rushed towards her. He looked at the iron cage and wanted to reach out and lift Luna out, but he gave up due to the shouts of his companions. He only hurriedly repaired the hole on the side and hurriedly slammed the door and left.

In the first minute, many murloc children had been caught. Not all the murloc children were causing chaos. There were a few who took advantage of their companions to disturb the enemy and rushed into the dark water without looking back.

The remaining fishmen children began to waver, and more and more children wanted to escape on their own.

The fish-men children were defeated at the beginning. The pirates seemed to be catching scurrying piglets. Except for occasionally missing one or two, there was nothing to worry about. But maybe there were too many murloc children and they were running around too much, so they gradually felt a little upset.

In the second minute, Hody Jones and the invisible Geo cooperated to set the grain storage warehouse on fire.

The combatant took action and smashed their heads into the planks of the ship with one blow. The pirates under his command hurriedly came to put out the fire. His companion, who was also a combatant, smiled and asked him to be gentle. The ship was damaged. Maybe it was too noisy around them, and they all felt a ringing in their ears and even felt a little dizzy.

The captain of the pirates was the first to react and shouted loudly that there was an enemy attack.

But where is the enemy?

They trafficked fish and mermaids. This road was extremely familiar to them. They knew exactly where the sea beasts and sea monsters were. They had never encountered such an enemy before.

In the third minute, except for those who escaped, all the fishmen children were arrested. Each of them was covered in blood, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and they were beaten until they could not stand up. The pirates' dizziness became more and more intense, and they even began to have blurred vision and nausea and vomiting.

One of the pirates stabbed his palm hard, trying to use the pain to keep his mind clear. He was the one who went in to check on Luna.

He shouted: "It's that mermaid! That weird mermaid!!"

The combatants and the captain immediately forced themselves into action, but before they found Luna, blood began to flow from her eyes, ears and nose, and her body swayed and fell to the ground.

Luna didn't dare to stop. She tried her best to sense the various frequencies on the ship, trying to understand the situation, but the feeling was always vague, so she didn't dare to stop for a moment.

Until Hody Jones and his younger brother opened the warehouse door excitedly, "Big sister is so strong! Are they all dead?"

Luna breathed a sigh of relief, climbed down in a hurry, and replied hastily: "No, we can only make them faint for a while, let's leave quickly!"

"Then kill them all now?" Hody's eyes flashed with undisguised malice.

Luna felt a little uncomfortable, but still explained: "People with good health will wake up quickly, and the pain will also stimulate them to regain mobility early."

She ignored the disappointed faces of the fishmen children and continued to ask: "Is anyone too injured to escape?"

The fishmen children all shook their heads. The fishmen's physique and recovery speed were far superior to humans. Although they were beaten to the point where they could not stand up just now, they were able to continue moving after a few minutes.

They jumped out of the boat membrane and swam toward the deep sea.

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