(Douluo) I became a god in order to farm.

Chapter 11 2nd Soul Skill and Soul Bone

After a long time, Lan Ran sorted out her emotions and got up from Xiao Bai.

Xiaomeng jumped out of her arms and pushed Ding Yubing's soul bone with her head.

"You also absorbed the soul bone that Yu Bing left for you. We will be watching over you."

Lan Ran took the soul bone and stroked it gently.

A nasal sound came from the nasal cavity, "Okay."

Then she sat down again and began to absorb the soul bones.

It took three whole days to absorb.

Lan Ran's level originally reached level 30 after absorbing Yu Bing's soul ring.

But because there is no next soul ring, the level has been stuck.

The remaining soul power was locked deep in the body by Lan Moyong's soul power. Release slowly like a water hole.

The excess soul power absorbed by the soul bone this time was also locked deep into his body by Lan Mo's soul power.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw two pairs of animal eyes, Xiaobai and Xiaomeng, staring at her.

Xiao Meng asked, "Of course, what skills did you get after absorbing Yu Bing's soul ring and soul bone this time?"

"I didn't pay attention either. Wait for me to feel it." Then he closed his eyes and quietly felt his soul ring and soul bones.

One hundred thousand year soul bones and soul rings generally have two skills.

It was discovered that the soul ring has only one skill and the soul bone has two skills.

But this soul ring skill is simply unparalleled. The soul skill turned out to be a domain skill called Eight Cold Hells, which was Yu Bing's soul beast domain. This skill was Yu Bing's sure-fire skill to conquer the world.

When an enemy is trapped in this field, their body will be frozen and their movement will be slowed down.

And he can control all the ultimate ice in the field, and he can transform the ultimate ice into anything, and even the blood in the enemy's body can be frozen into ice, without consuming any soul power.

You can also detonate the ultimate ice in one blow, which is the Eight Cold Explosion.

The powerful attack-type ultimate move is directly taken away by a wave, and it doesn't cost much soul power. This is a continuous pilot.

The soul bone is ice protection, and your body can be transformed into elemental ice.

That is to say, the enemy cannot directly cause damage to itself, and any damage will be recovered slowly, and the recovery speed will be faster when combined with the Eight Cold Hells.

Another skill is the Ice King's Wrath. When you are fatally injured, the injury will be healed by 50% instantly, and then it will be 100% mad, which means your output will be doubled.

Lan Ran felt that he was unbelievable, being able to deal damage and also be able to breastfeed and go berserk on his own.

This is about becoming a berserker.

Xiaobai and Xiaomeng were also amazed at Lanran's soul skills.

The next day Lan Ran was packing her things at home and found a letter under her pillow.

It was written by Yu Bing to her.

Yu Bing wrote on it: Lanran's martial spirit has not yet fully awakened, and it will fully awaken when she reaches level 50.

At the same time, she also left some belongings to Lan Ran. When she was a soul beast, the soul beast she fought with and killed left a few soul bones behind, which she left to Lan Ran.

Those soul bones are in the drawer under the cabinet. Let her see if there is anything suitable that she can use.

Let Lanran live a good life in the snowy field under the protection of Xiaobai and Xiaomeng. If you don't have the strength, don't expose your second soul ring and soul bone in front of the soul master.

I have never been out of the snowfield in my life. After level 50, I can go see the outside world for her.

Let Lan not be afraid, he and Lan Mo will turn into soul rings and show off their affection by her side.

Humph, Lan Ran himself was going to be so angry with her that he would not forget to show off his dog food in front of his daughter even if he died.

What a wronged mother.

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