b After observing and summarizing, since Chen Xin and Gu Rong left, I have to say that Ling Ning and Ning Rongrong’s life routine is a bit scary. After getting up in the morning, they sit silently and practice, then eat, and practice distraction practice with their disciples. , go to Ning Fengzhi to read and learn the necessary book knowledge in the afternoon, and team up with the soul master to compete in the evening, or continue to practice soul power.

It is worth mentioning that Ning Yusui especially likes to team up with Ling Ning in battles, even though everyone can see that Jiuxin Haitang's healing ability is not as good as the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda in a 2v2 battle. After all, for this group of young soul masters in their twenties and thirties, the improvement of combat ability is more important than timely healing. Besides, everyone in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect has a good relationship, so who would hurt someone in a sect competition?

Even a powerful long-range attack spirit like Yang Shen Gong cannot guarantee that it will prevent the opponent's Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda spirit master from losing combat effectiveness before the battle begins every time, especially against Ning Rongrong, who is extremely talented and has a poor brain. Flexible, once Ling Ning and Ning Yusui faced off, there was no possibility of winning.

But Ning Yusui never repented. If it weren't for Fuqiu and Ning Fengzhi who couldn't stand it occasionally and forced Ning Rongrong to team up with him, they would never give up any chance.

The young man's thoughts are bold and direct, and everyone in the Qibao Glazed Sect can see it. The senior brothers and sisters sometimes go along with the situation and give them many opportunities to get along. The only one who is not happy to see the outcome is Ning. Rongrong, the little princess is committed to destroying every scene where the two of them are alone.

But compared to what everyone knows, the only person who is not very aware of it is Ling Ning herself. For her, most of her thoughts are worried about the plot that follows, and she uses the little brain she has left. Eat, sleep and look at beauties.

It is impossible for the younger generation to hide their love from the older generation. Ning Fengzhi is not a fool and can see clearly. Ning Fengting took this opportunity to mention it to Ning Fengzhi several times, but there was no doubt that either the cunning old fox changed the focus of the topic or he used the excuse that he was still young and had no intention of agreeing, which made the matter even more difficult. It can be said that It is difficult to move even an inch.

When everyone is unconscious, the passage of time will not stop.

Brother Yu Sui is about to break through level 30 today. Everyone went to the second elder's yard to prepare for the celebration. Even Ning Rongrong, who never liked Brother Yu Sui very much, went to join in the fun and refused to let her go, saying This was Brother Yusui's request, so Ling Ning had no choice but to sit here and bask in the sun with nothing to do.

The girl is just a little girl now, but the rudiment of her future aristocratic style can be seen in her every move and gesture. Even when she is holding her head in front of the window in a daze, her back is straight, and her smooth black hair is spread behind her back, covering her face. Most of her was alone, leaving only a small head resting on the back of the chair for those who entered.

"Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bone set out in winter, and now it's almost summer. Half a year has almost passed, and I don't know when they will come back." Ling Ning mumbled and counted the days alone, Douluo Da □□ Ji Bu Xian, the location of Tiandou City where the Qibao Glazed Sect is located can be regarded as spring-like all year round. Even though it has been a few years, Ling Ning is still used to using the four seasons to measure time, and always keeps it in mind alone. With.

It was strangely quiet outside. Although it wasn't usually noisy, the light of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda Spirit Master shone brightly, and the sounds of the fighting spirit master's spirit skills were always heard in endless streams.

The warm sun made her a little sleepy. Such a sudden thought made her wake up again. She couldn't help but couldn't fall asleep. She couldn't help but stretch her head and look around, trying to find someone who looked familiar. She asked people to prove that she was not in someone's fantasy world. She did not forget that she was in a fantasy world.

Then some belatedly realized that she was different from Tang San. She had brought a system. Is there any illusion that could lure this guy out?

"Don't scream, you are very good. I'm in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. I'm sleeping with you. Every day I start to think wildly. Tang San has become the second-in-command at Notting Academy. You are the only one who is still here and can only call me Grandpa Jian." Grandpa Bone teacher Rongrong Yusui brother..."

"Stop!" Ling Ning interrupted its tirade in time. Without stopping it, it could read all the names of the people in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Ling Ning pretended to be modest, but actually she curved her mouth in a showy manner, with pride in her eyes, "I have a backer but he doesn't. This is the reason for pride."

"Go tell Tang Hao." B rolled his eyes invisibly, who gave her the courage to compare her background with the starting male protagonist. Ling Ning was speechless and had nothing to say.

When Ning Rongrong walked in, the speechless expression on Ling Ning's face had not had time to change. The curved corners of her mouth and the somewhat lonely eyes almost made Ning Rongrong reveal all of today's plans.

Fortunately, the moment she spoke her first word, Ling Ning noticed her appearance, returned to her usual expression and greeted her, blocking all Ning Rongrong's unfinished words in her throat and stuffing them back.

"Ning Yusui made a breakthrough. Everyone is celebrating over there. Let's go there together." After saying this, Ling Ning grabbed the girl's arm and dragged her out the door before she could react.

"Hey... wait a minute, Rongrong... at least bring a gift." Ling Ning used all her strength and almost fell to the ground to avoid being pulled away by Rongrong. It can only be said that the average person in Douluo Continent Strange boys and girls.

After turning her shoulders and neck without leaving a trace to make sure there was nothing wrong, Ling Ning took the gift box that had been placed on the corner of the table and followed her out of the room while Rongrong waited anxiously.

After walking straight for a long time, Ling Ning realized that something was wrong. This was not the way to the teacher. Why did she come here? This was the opposite way to the yard of the second elder and his family.

Ling Ning looked up at the sun that was already setting, and then at Rongrong who was walking fast and furiously. Ling Ning moved her left wrist that had been grabbed since she left the house. As expected, it was even tighter. , which made her wonder if she would leave a red mark when she went back.

After thinking again and again, Ling Ning swallowed all the words she wanted to ask. How could Rongrong be wrong? The fault was with Lu and her brain, not Rongrong.

When she saw the closed door, Ling Ning subconsciously wanted to tidy up her skirt before knocking on the door. It was true that she had some DNA information about the teacher's courtyard door, but Rongrong didn't give her any chance to kill him. He was only one step away from Ning Fengzhi's not-so-low threshold, and he braked suddenly just when he was about to hit him.

Then, with lightning speed, he opened the door with one hand and reached back with the other, throwing Ling Ning directly in. The corners of her skirt that fluttered outwards turned in a beautiful arc in the air.

b's brows furrowed as he watched. If Ling Ning's limbs were any less coordinated, he would have tripped over the threshold and landed face first on all fours.

"Happy birthday!!!"

"Happy birthday, junior sister!"

"Sister Ning Ning, come and cut the cake!!"

"Ning Ning!"

All kinds of sounds suddenly exploded in Ling Ning's ears, making B a little surprised and startled, not to mention that Ling Ning, who was suddenly buried by the crowd, was now only seven years old. .

It was Ning Fengzhi who pulled her out of the crowd. His appearance made the people of the Qibao Glazed Sect spontaneously make way for them, and even their voices of talking and laughing involuntarily became much lower.

"Happy birthday Ning Ning!" The little princess, not willing to be left alone, seized this opportunity to express herself, taking out the gift she had carefully made for a long time and stuffing it into Ling Ning's arms.

However, she still said a little arrogantly, "Since you are the birthday girl today, I will let daddy hold you alone!" Compared to Ling Ning who still seemed a bit unresponsive, Ning Rongrong was the one who smiled the most. The happy one.

She turned around in disbelief to look for the original protagonist of the incident. She saw Ning Yusui behind the second elder and elder Fuqiu. She didn't know whether it was because he was excited or because he had been in the crowd for a long time. He blushed to the base of his neck and faced Ling. Ning's eyes still showed a smile.

Elder Fuqiu patted his back slightly, as if to encourage him. This action seemed to give Ning Yusui some courage. He found the most meticulously packaged and conspicuous one among the piles of gifts piled on the table.

"Happy birthday! It's your first birthday after your martial soul awakens. Be happy!"

The smile on Ning Fengzhi's lips didn't even move, but it didn't make Ning Yusui feel less stressed. He even felt that the sect leader's eyes carried an indescribable pressure. Even though he didn't even look at him, the man His eyes and attention were entirely on the girl on his arm.

Ling Ning looked around and saw the always smiling Second Elder and Elder Fuqiu, the serious Fifth Elder, other sect elders who rarely appeared, most of the inner sect disciples she met during training, Mrs. Wang and many others who were preparing for basic necessities, food, housing and transportation. Servants, three or four year old little bean sprouts who have not yet awakened their martial souls.

And most importantly, there is always the teacher who has endless official duties to deal with and Rongrong who is always with her.

"Thank you everyone!" This is not Ling Ning's birthday in the real world. Based on the date estimate, she guessed that it should be the day she traveled through time, appeared in Douluo Continent, and was picked up by her teacher and Grandpa Jian.

She was happy, really happy. If she had a sense of belonging to the Qibao Glazed Sect on the day when her martial soul awakened, then today it was probably that she had fallen in love with everyone here, including Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bone who could not be present.

Ning Fengzhi just looked at her like he always did.

He had always looked at her like this, from a swaddling baby to the graceful eldest lady now, watching her being humble and humble in everything, watching her focusing on her studies, watching her starting to attract the attention of boys.

"Happy birthday Ning Ning! In Douluo Continent, after the martial soul awakens, it means that you are no longer an ignorant child, so this birthday always has a special meaning."

Seeing the girl raising her head slightly, exposing her most vulnerable neck without any defense in his arms, her eyes only looking at herself. Under such eyes, no one can resist, not even Ning Fengzhi thinks very highly of himself. .

Ning Rongrong continued what Ning Fengzhi said, "So we prepared this birthday party for you, using the excuse that Ning Yusui broke through to level 30. I didn't expect you to really believe it."

"Happy birthday!" Everyone onlookers sent their blessings together. Without waiting to say anything more, Ning Fengting took the lead and everyone slowly left. Gifts have long been piled up in the room, on the table and on the floor. It was prepared by everyone early in the morning.

Only Ning Fengzhi and Ning Rongrong were left. Ning Rongrong saw that there were fewer people and could not wait to tell Ningning about today's many small details. Ning Fengzhi also put down the girl, and five of them penetrated the girl's vagina. The top of his head was spinning, he rubbed it and then stopped quickly.

But the moment he stopped his hand, his expression suddenly turned cold. He subconsciously touched the cane and realized that because of today's activities, the cane was still left in the study.

This smell of blood, as well as the vague aura fluctuations, someone is coming.

Uncle Jian and Uncle Gu were not here, so Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but feel calm. No matter how good his Qibao Glazed Pagoda training was, lack of attack power was a fatal drawback, not to mention the fact that there were two children, Rongrong and Ningning.

Before he could hold the two girls behind him who hadn't realized the danger was approaching, the figure in black armor fell to the nearby pile of gifts with dust on the ground. Ning Rongrong, who was very close, choked and took the beautiful gift. His sleeves covered his mouth and nose.

“It’s the birthday of Ning Ning’s martial soul awakening, the two of us can’t be missing!”

"Grandpa Bone! Grandpa Sword!" Without looking back, the three of them knew who the second person who appeared at this time would be.

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