Back at the academy, it was already noon. A Ting was afraid that someone would follow her on the road, so she dragged Xiao Wu around for a walk. They finally came to the blacksmith shop, looking for Tang San and the owner of the shop, Shi San.

"Hey, two little girls are here!" Shi San had already gotten to know them after coming here several times before. He welcomed them into the shop familiarly, then turned around and shouted inside: "Tang San! Yours My sister is here!"

The loudest sound of hammering inside suddenly stopped, and Tang San walked out suspiciously. Seeing them coming, he was a little surprised: "You usually come in the afternoon, why are you here now?"

Tang San stood two arms' length away from them and did not move. He was covered in sweat and his hands were still covered in dust, so he consciously stood there and did not move.

Ating pulled out a piece of cloth from his arms, put it into Xiao Wu's hand, and said to her: "Give it to him. Uncle Shi and I have something to say."

Xiao Wu nodded, took the cloth, jumped up to Tang San, and handed the cloth to him: "A Ting gave it to me, please wipe it quickly, Third Brother."

Tang San took it and glanced at Atinna. Seeing her talking to Shi San with a serious look on her face, he pressed the cloth on his face and neck. Xiao Wu was secretly shocked by the strength.

"Uncle Shi, what I told you that time..."

Shi □□ responded, clapped his hands, and laughed loudly: "Look at me, I didn't think of it for a moment, so I'll get it for you."

Ating smiled and nodded in agreement. After Shi San picked out Ating's share from the goods next to him, he returned and handed the things to her.

"Let's see how it goes."

The thing was of medium size and fit nicely in his hand. Ating looked down at it a few times and said with a satisfied smile: "Well done, thank you."

This is a silver badge. The four corners are polished smooth, and it feels good to the touch. The front and back of the badge are engraved with patterns. The front is a pattern, and the branches and flower shapes are engraved almost the same as the real thing. The back is a font, which is obscure. It's complicated. Not to mention Shi San, even other blacksmiths didn't recognize the words when they saw it, but let alone it, it has a special sense of beauty when printed on the badge.

A Ting put the badge in her pocket. She took out a silver soul coin and handed it to Shi San as a reward: "It's difficult to engrave patterns and fonts. Thank you for your hard work."

Shi San didn't ask for her Silver Soul Coin. He touched his head, pointed at Tang San who was watching behind him, and explained to her with a smile: "I'm sorry to say that, most of these badges were made by Tang San. I personally How can this old man have such good carving skills?"

"??" Ating was stunned and looked at Tang San blankly. He had wiped off the sweat stains and was still holding the cloth she gave him. Hearing Shi San's words, he also looked over and met Ating's gaze. When they bumped into each other, his eyes flashed, he looked away, coughed, and then said: "I... didn't know beforehand..."

Seeing his awkward look, Xiao Wu couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Tang San lowered his eyes, and the hand holding the cloth suddenly tightened, his fingertips rubbed the slightly rough cloth, he opened his lips and said dryly: "The first time you carve it, whatever you think looks good."

"Thank you...Thank you, Mistress." Ating's hand was still on the cloth bag. She moved her hand away as if touching a soldering iron. She didn't know where to put it. Seeing that Shi San had no intention of accepting the silver coin, she had to hold it temporarily. In the palm of his hand, he planned to find an opportunity to give it to Tang San later.

It was time to take a break. Shi San asked everyone to stop working and went upstairs to rest together. Tang San couldn't let them stand here all the time, so he thought of going back to the academy together. There is a newcomer, so there is no shortage of people for the time being.

On the way back, the atmosphere was extremely quiet. Xiao Wu glanced at the person on the left and then at the person on the right. She originally wanted to wait for them to speak first, but almost halfway through the walk, neither of them spoke. She couldn't hold it in. , had to start first: "What should we eat for lunch?"

"Let's see what's in the cafeteria." Thinking of the Silver Soul Coin that Ating handed him just now, Tang San felt as if there was a feeling of anger in his heart. He walked in a muffled voice, and when he heard Xiao Wu's deliberate words, he just couldn't help but He replied casually.

A Ting glanced at him secretly and saw his expressionless face. Knowing that he was angry, she frowned and tried hard to think of a solution. When she happened to hear Xiao Wu's words, she blurted out what she had just thought. : "Eating vegetarian buns and spicy noodles, the mistress likes it."

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly came back to her senses, covered her mouth, and did not dare to look aside.

Xiao Wu blinked and looked at Tang San on her right. The half-grown boy was obviously stunned. His usually clear and unrippled eyes were now filled with shock like pebbles striking water.

Pausing for a moment, Tang San wanted to say something several times, but his lips and teeth seemed to be stuck, and nothing could come out.

Tang San felt extremely powerless. He didn't know how to understand this feeling. Inadvertent concern would always make people dazzled. Although he was not to this level, it was not much different.

"A Ting is right, just eat vegetarian buns and spicy noodles. Third brother, do you like it?"

Tang San closed his eyes, then opened them again, with a clear expression: "I like it."

From that day's lunch, Tang San would always feel awkward every time he saw Ating. She forgot about it quickly. The next day, she acted like a normal person and got along as usual. On the contrary, Tang San secretly reflected on himself many times and felt that I care too much about myself.

There were still three days left before the holidays at Notting College. Ating had already planned to leave first. She told Xiao Wu first, choosing it after the little girl finished eating the carrot cake. Looking at Atin.

The silent accusation made Ating speechless for a moment. She leaned over and hugged Xiao Wu according to her usual habit. She said with a smile: "It's not like we can't see each other anymore. I have something to go home for."

"Your home is far away. You may not come back for the last school year." Xiao Wu crossed her arms and said aggrievedly: "And what if you come back and find that we have graduated and left?"

Atin pursed his lips and said in a gentle voice: "How about writing letters, one letter a month? I will look for you in the future."

Xiao Wu's eyes lit up and she thought this was a good idea, but she was still reluctant: "You can't lie to me."

"Among soul beasts, the most trustworthy one is the one who keeps his word." Ating made an appointment with her and said, "I won't lie to you."

Xiao Wu felt relieved now, but her thoughts changed and she thought of another person. Looking at A Ting who was smiling happily, she hesitated for a while: "Where is the third brother..."

Atin's smile froze and he felt a big headache: "I...I'll think about it..."

When Tang San came back, Ating was still sitting on the bed in a daze, and didn't even react when Tang San stood in front of him. Xiao Wu was sitting on the other side, winking anxiously.

Looking at the wandering little girl, Tang San couldn't help but smile. He slowly lowered his body. In the past few years, he had grown a lot taller and his body had become much stronger. He was no longer as thin as before.

When A Ting was still thinking about how to speak, she suddenly felt her eyes darken. When she came back from her thoughts, she saw Tang San's enlarged face and his bright black eyes.

"Mistress...?" A Ting's breath froze, her blue eyes sparkling slightly, and she smiled like a crescent moon: "Are you back?"

Tang San stood up straight, looked down at her, hummed, and then asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"I want to..." Ating avoided his gaze and answered hesitantly: "I want to think about something."

Undoubtedly having it, Tang San walked back to his bed, and just as he was about to sit down, Ating called him from behind: "Xiao San! I'm leaving!"

His eyebrows suddenly tightened, but the next moment, he calmed down again. He turned around and waved to the little girl: "Let's go out and talk." After that, he walked out of the house and waited outside.

A Ting and Xiao Wu looked at each other, the latter pointed at the door, and she walked out helplessly.

"Little San." Ating walked outside and stood in the yard. The sky was clear and the sun was setting. A large red light spread across the courtyard. Tang San turned around, his face was dyed warm red by the light. He turned his back to Tong. Xia, like the wind, is standing here.

To acquaintances, he is gentle and elegant, but to others, he is distant and indifferent, just like how he treats himself these days.

Atin came closer and stopped a few steps away, waiting quietly for him to ask.

"You must tell Xiao Wu first." Tang San looked determined. He shook his head and laughed: "I'm actually easier to talk to than Xiao Wu."

"I didn't mean it." Ating couldn't help but feel a little apologetic, and she lowered her voice: "Xiaosan, I just don't know how to tell you."

Tang San didn't dwell on this topic, he just wanted the little girl to treat him equally.

"Where are you going?"

Atin pressed the hair on his cheeks and replied softly: "Go home."

"Be careful on the road." Tang San didn't ask when she would be back. From Xiao Wu's reaction, it was easy to see that Ating would not leave them.

Ating didn't expect that this matter could go away so easily. Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she saw him raising the corners of his lips, smiling, and said only four words: "See you soon."

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