Hokage: Hatake's No Misfortune

Chapter 62 Explosion is Art

One sentence brought everyone back from their dreams to reality, and they also noticed the detonating talisman around them.

They are hidden in the corners of the camp, and in the chaotic battle just now, the detonating talisman was not discovered. Now it is too late.

"No, get out of here quickly!"

Kirabi instantly transformed into a giant beast, trying to cover most of the camp, but unfortunately the detonating talisman had already begun to explode.




Continuous explosions destroyed the entire camp in an instant.

Under the power of this terrifying explosion, the camp was instantly razed to the ground, and most of the ninjas inside died in the explosion.

Even if they are as strong as the AB team, they are still in a state of serious injury at this time. Kirabi showed his tailed beast transformation at the critical moment and blocked part of the impact of the explosion.

But the situation is still not optimistic. There is black scorched earth left behind after the explosion everywhere. As for the flesh and blood, it has already turned into dry coke.

Can't tell if it's a person or an object.

There was no one standing anywhere where he looked. Even Ai was seriously injured at this time. There was a hideous scar on his back. The impact of the explosion made him vomit a mouthful of blood.

Fortunately, he was only close to Kirabi and was saved by Kirabi at the last moment.

Otherwise, the future fourth generation Raikage will die in an explosion.

There were not many people who could be saved. Only a few slightly moving bodies could be seen. Most of them were seriously injured. Kirabi quickly rescued them.

Only now do I understand Konoha's conspiracy.

He would not hesitate to sacrifice his own ninja's life and the construction of the entire camp in exchange for the defeat of the Kumo ninja!

This time, Yunyin Village suffered heavy losses. One-third of the ninjas in the entire village died in the explosion.

The people in Konoha who had just evacuated to the distance were still kept in the dark, watching the camp's sky-high flames and a huge mushroom cloud rising.

The detonating symbols exploded with each other, and the resulting power was superimposed, so much so that the resulting vibration caused the feet to shake, and many people fell to the ground with them.

They didn't know what happened in the camp, and looked at the changed camp with horrified expressions.

"How could there be an explosion?"

"Yunyin Village has occupied our place, shouldn't we plunder food? Remember, their food was burned by us!"

"I really don't understand, but we should counterattack at this time!"

Only the elite jounin at the front showed joy on their faces. With the explosion, it meant that Mu Mei's plan was successful.

This time the war over Yunyin Village can come to an end, but we don’t know how many people on the other side died.

Aburame Koji stood at the front. He looked pale at this time because all his bugs died in the explosion, but he had no regrets.

All for Konoha!

These sacrifices are bearable, not to mention the fact that many people have been sacrificed for this plan.

Looking at the surviving ninjas behind him, with expressions of joy on their faces, and a few of them preparing to counterattack, Aburame Koji had a complex look on his face, and gave the final order:

"All the ninjas of Konoha are preparing to counterattack. This is our plan! Now that the Kumo ninja have been severely injured, it is the best time to kill them!"

As for what the plan was, Koji Aburame didn't say much, but the words "counterattack" could be heard by all the ninjas present.

They immediately rushed forward with weapons. They didn't want to be losers and fled back to Konoha Village in despair. This way they would be nailed to the pillar of shame for the rest of their lives.

But when they rushed to the camp, they were surprised by the scene in front of them.


I don’t know whose weapon fell to the ground. This scene is absolutely not allowed on the battlefield, because the weapon is your life.

No one cared about his mistake, because the scene in front of him made everyone petrified.

"What is going on here, what are these black things?"

"This looks like a human hand!"

"There's a lot more here!"

The horrific scene in the camp was like a hell, with corpses everywhere. Under this high-intensity explosion, some people hid in the corners and were roasted by the high temperature, turning them into mummies.

The Konoha ninja who discovered the palm saw such a horrifying scene for the first time that he sat down on the ground.

The Kumo ninjas who fought against them all died in just half an hour!

Not to mention the ordinary ninjas who were kept in the dark, the Jounin of Konoha who knew the truth of the matter also endured the discomfort in their hearts and looked around, but could no longer see any living people.

This plan was very successful and greatly relieved the pressure on Konoha's front line, but the cruelty was beyond imagination.

Not to mention a complete corpse, even leaving stumps and broken arms is a blessing.

At this time, everyone heard the movement in front, and a group of people were coming quickly.

Everyone thought it was the Kumo ninja around them and took out their weapons to be careful.

Looking at Hatake Sakumo rushing towards him, he felt relieved.

Under Lord Sakumo's wise leadership, they achieved an unprecedented victory at the cost of only a small number of casualties and part of the food supply!

Little did he know that the person who did all this was not Sakumo in front of him, but Wuhan under the black robe.

Several elite jounin glanced at Wuhan unintentionally. Under the black robe was no longer a boy, but a demon who had buried an army of Kumo ninjas.

"We won an unprecedented victory. Although we paid a certain price, it was all worth it!"

Only now did those who were kept in the dark realize that everything was under Lord Sakumo's control and that he deliberately lured the other party into the camp.

And no one denies what Sakumo said. There is no immortality in war. A victory can be achieved with minimal casualties. They can't find any refutation.

Even though it was their friends and brothers who died, the price paid by Yunyin Village was even greater.

Sakumo looked at Muzan beside him. He was asking what the other party meant, because this plan was too vicious. Even if he succeeded, it would still be disgraceful to use the lives of his companions as bait.

"I'll tell you next, Father."

Wu Mei's black robe was like a shadow of the apocalypse. His words were very slight, but everyone present could hear them clearly.

"This plan was proposed by me and executed by me."

"Including myself, I am also part of the plan."

At this moment, the scene fell into a dead silence, and even saw a few hateful looks, but Wu Mei had no regrets.

The only thing that made him strange was that the hatred in his eyes was very short, and more people showed admiration.

Because at the forefront of the battlefield, the battle between Muzan and Motoi, as Sakumo's child and the one who arranged the plan, there was absolutely no need to take risks and rush in.

Everyone saw clearly what happened at the scene, so they couldn't find the factor of hatred and counted themselves in it, so they completed this unprecedented plan.

If they were in a position where they could achieve no misfortune, could they do better?

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