Hokage: Hatake's No Misfortune

Photo 34 The Night of Ogre Riots

"Kisuke! What are you doing! Hurry up and follow the team!"

The leader was a chuunin. He looked at Kisuke running over from the darkness and said hello without thinking much. He didn't know that the real Kisuke was lying dead and that the current Kisuke was pretended by someone else.

"Okay, okay."

"Why do you feel weird?"

Muzan, who was following the team, didn't say much in order not to be exposed. In addition, the patrol route was the same, so he only had to follow the captain. Along the way, everyone felt that Kisuke was a little silent today, and they thought The other person is in a bad mood.

Not long after, a group of team members came from behind and switched defenses with them. Wu Mei took the opportunity to switch with one of them, so that he would have time to find his teammates.

The entire Cloud Ninja camp is not very large. Except for the most central area, the place where prisoners are detained and interrogated is located on the left side of the base camp.

"You need to be careful, this is close to the command post."

In order to get information as soon as possible, and because the place where prisoners were interrogated was very important to prevent Konoha from coming to rescue people, they stayed close to the command post area.

Just approaching this area, Wu Kuan heard a duck-like voice, and he knew who it was without even thinking.

The father of rock music in the ninja world, Kirabi, the Eight-Tailed Human Pillar.

With him here, it would be impossible for Wuxian to sneak in and take the two of them away by force, but it might be an opportunity.

He wants to make the entire Kumo ninja army become chaotic. It is not that difficult to achieve this scene.

"The war is really an opportunity for me." [-]

At this time, Wuhan's hand changed into a strange state, the entire arm was enlarged, and there were several mouths on it making chewing movements.

Tonight he will create a group of cannibals in the enemy's base camp, and use the cannibals to cause chaos in the entire Kumo ninja base camp!

The intensity of the cannibal's flesh-and-blood invasion cannot be resisted by ordinary ninjas, so there is no need to hide anything. It is night anyway, and the current identity is fake.

"Kisuke, what are you doing here!"

Wumei was called out, and he turned around to look at the approaching figure, but the other person's movements suddenly stiffened, and he looked at Wumei with a look of horror on his face.

"You, you, you! What's wrong with you!"

At this time, Wu Kai no longer had a human face. His body was covered with mouths, like a monster crawling out of hell. The moment Wu Kai showed his fangs, the other party let out a scream!


In an instant, all the ninjas in the camp were awakened. After all, this place was close to the fighting area. The first reaction was that Konoha sent ninjas to attack.

But when they arrived, they saw a scene they would never forget.

A monster was biting the corpse crazily. Judging from the clothes on the monster, this person was a member of the Cloud Ninja patrol.

"What the hell is happening? Go and stop him!"

"Quick, quick! Pull this monster away and I'll report it to you!"

"No, monsters have appeared elsewhere, and they are attacking us!"

The entire camp was in chaos, which even alarmed the AB team.

Looking at the chaotic camp in front of me, I felt that this was a good thing done by Konoha, but then a panicked person rushed over and said with a look of horror:

"Sir, an undead monster appears in our camp, and they are attacking our people!"

Just after saying this, I saw a man covered in blood rushing over. From the clothes of the other person, I could tell that it was Kumo Ninja, but why did he go crazy!


Kirabi did not hold back, and punched the opponent in the chest. A large amount of blood spilled out, and the broken internal organs could be seen beating, but the monster did not stop attacking people.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Ai, who had a bad temper, rushed forward. His fists were harder than Kirabi's, and he ripped off the opponent's head with two punches.

The ogre's attack stopped, but it just stopped. Seeing that the monster's body was repairing quickly, I'm afraid it won't be long before these monsters can stand up again.

Even when Ai lifted his head, he could see the fangs in the other person's mouth. This kind of monster had a human face, so it couldn't be said to be a normal human being.

Kirabi came over to watch carefully, and wanted to stretch out his hand to tease him, but Ai stopped him. Who knows if this thing is contagious.

"More terrifying than the first Hokage's repair power."

"Leaving these immortal monsters in the camp is not an option. Unfortunately, we in Yunyin Village are not good at sealing techniques. We will tie them up with ropes first and then send these monsters to Yunyin Village during the day."

Following Kirabi's order, fortunately, these ninjas who turned into monsters were not strong enough. Under the leadership of the Jonin, they were directly detained.

After experiencing the instinct of cannibal violence, many people regained their senses. Those people could not believe that they had just turned into monsters and eaten their own companions.

"Are you kidding? How could I attack my companions? Is there some misunderstanding!"

"Asshole! Let me go, I'm your captain!"

"Damn it, why do I have a bloodthirsty desire in my heart, ah!"

After experiencing the initial panic, these people began to realize one after another that they wanted to eat people, even if the people in front of them were their former companions. Finally, they accepted the fact that they would go crazy and eat people.

As the instigator, Muzan sneaked into the interrogation room during the chaos and found many Konoha ninjas here. Most of them were dead, and the rest were tortured to the point of disgrace.

But they didn't find Hongdou and Zhenli. Could it be that the other party was not captured when Wuxian was about to leave. As for why he didn't save the people here, I'm sorry that he didn't have the ability.

There are more than ten ninjas imprisoned. The key is that they have been tortured for a long time, and they are damaged both physically and mentally.

Wu Kuai took them to escape, but when they were discovered, not only would they not be able to escape, but Wu Kuai would also be put in danger.

"Ahem, you should be from Konoha. Please kill me so that we can no longer endure the torture."

A bloody figure reached out and grabbed Wu Mei. At that moment, Wu Mei hesitated in leaving.

Looking at the trapped ninja, they are also members of Konoha. Now they cannot leave and they have to be tortured by Kumo ninja.

"Okay, everyone, have a good journey. In the next battle, I will kill a few more Kumo ninjas."

The extending thorns were like blades, capable of killing the opponent in the shortest time without any pain. Watching the corpses fall down one after another, Wu Mei closed his eyes.

This is war. At most, he can only cause riots among the troops in Yunyin Village, but it has not reached the level of overthrowing Yunyin Village.

After dealing with the people here, when he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a noise coming from outside.

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