Hokage: Hatake's No Misfortune

Chapter 31 The duel between water escapers

The two of them held the detonating talisman in their hands, and as soon as Wuhan gave the order, they would throw the detonating talisman out as soon as possible.

But Wuxian didn't say anything. Instead, he teleported to the two of them and quickly formed seals with his hands.

"Tu Dun! Earth Flow Wall!"

One on the left and one on the right, two dog-headed walls rise upright from the front, forming a triangle, with rapid water flowing out from both sides.

But the crisis was not over yet. The muddy ground under their feet was washed away by the current, leaving a big hole, leaving them with no place to stay.

"Are you two ready?"

When the water flow slowed down, Wu Kuai immediately grabbed their shoulders. The two were still wondering, what does it mean to be ready?

Could it be the detonating talisman in his hand?

But then Hongdou felt Wu Kai's strong malice.

Anko and Mari were thrown away by a huge force.

"Ah! Help!"

"Bastard Wuxian, you have gone too far!"

The place to settle was the stone forest not far away. They needed to use the substitute technique to land on it, otherwise they would be penetrated by the stone forest. Hongdou did not want to be the first person to be thrown out by his teammates and fall to death.

Yunzhi An looked at Wumei who was surrounded in the middle, with a cruel smile on his face. He didn't care about the kid thrown out. What really helped the war was Wumei in front of him.

"Give the chance of survival to your teammates. I don't know if you are stupid or naive! As long as I can capture you alive, it will be fine. As for those two brats, you can be merciful and let them report the news!"

When one person faces five chunin, even a special jounin needs to be careful, let alone the Mukai in front of him.

"Do you think you've got me?"

Muhan was standing on the wall, holding a ninja sword in both hands, and he leaned over and fell to the ground.

"I feel that with them by my side, I cannot display my true strength. Have you ever seen the real Hatake swordsmanship? Now you are lucky enough to see a trace of Konoha White Fang!"

There was a layer of silver-white light on the Ninja sword. At this moment, they felt that Wu Mei's aura had changed and became more dangerous, like a wild beast in the jungle. The biting sword light seemed like the claws of the beast.

"So fast!"

Yun Zhi'an's eyes narrowed and he stared at Wu Kai. He made the most rational move towards Wu Kai who suddenly rushed towards him, which was to retreat with a few people.

At the position they had just left, Wu Mei's figure appeared again, and a stone pillar behind them was cut off with a sword. The powerful Hatake swordsmanship in the ninja world has not yet found an effective method of resistance. Under the white teeth of Konoha, he died. I don’t know how many strong people there are, otherwise Konoha White Fang wouldn’t be rated as a shadow-level strong person.

"Don't be so complacent, kid! Let me show you the strength of a chuunin!"

"Water Escape Water Fang Bomb!"

The river has just been formed due to water escape. If water escape is used in this area, it will be blessed to a certain extent.

A wave mark appeared under Wu Mei's feet. Noticing the ripples under his feet, Wu Mei suddenly felt the danger and immediately jumped up, and then a water column came out from under his feet.

Cloud Ninja used this method to temporarily block Muzan's close attack.

No matter how strong your Hatake Swordsmanship is, as long as you can't hit us at close range, Hatake Swordsmanship will not be effective, not to mention that there is a child in front of you, and his physical strength is definitely not as good as theirs.

Regardless of their status as adults, what Cloud Hidden Village is best at is Ninjutsu, a special ability that combines Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, which can effectively exercise the body.


The impact of the water flow forced Wu Kuai to choose to avoid it. He was not too afraid of getting hurt, but he was worried that the water would penetrate his body and even his clothes would be broken. He didn't want to be exposed to the sun.

So much so that Kumo Ninja thought that Wu Kai was scared and would only dodge during the attacks.

"Quick, quick! He can't hold on for long, capture him alive! We are the heroes of Yunyin Village!"

It's a pity that they were so distracted by the victory that they didn't realize that although Wu Mei was dodging, he didn't have any panic at all. Every step was in a safe position, and he was even calculating the distance between the two while he was jumping.

"They are really a bunch of idiots. No wonder in the hearts of Konoha people, Cloud Hidden Village is a group of muscle maniacs who only know how to exercise."

In addition to Hatake's sword skills, they didn't know Mu Mei's other attack methods.

A ripple shot out from the water surface, and a Kumo ninja was hit in an instant.


Bright red blood flowed from his body, and the continuous blows for a moment caused several whip marks to appear on the opponent's body, as if there was an invisible whip whipping them around.

"What kind of attack is this!"

Yunzhi watched a teammate turn into a bloody man on the shore. The key point was that he hadn't seen how Wu Mei took action. He noticed the ripples on the water, which were broken by some kind of attack, and he couldn't help but be reminded in horror:

"Be careful, this attack is coming again!"


Two consecutive kunai blocked the invisible whip. In just one meeting, the team of five became four.

"It's a pity that the whipping is not accurate enough."

He can't control it effectively yet. These invisible whippings can only roughly determine one direction. To hit a specific person, the number of whips needs to be gathered together to form a criss-crossing network.

The person who was hit just now was not because Wuhan had a special hobby, but because he needed to expand the range to hit the opponent.

"Damn you brat! It seems I can't treat you kindly!"

They have already lost one of their teammates. If they lose another one, even if they can be captured alive, Yunzhi An will be punished.

Wuhan stood in the shadow, the hat slowly falling off his head.

"You think too highly of yourself and underestimate me."

When he noticed the blood-red eyes, there was a brief moment of confusion on the shore of Yunzhi. Not everyone's willpower can withstand the monsters without mercy. Even a moment of confusion during the battle will be a fatal threat. .

Wu Mei's hands were forming seals at the speed of afterimages, and in a short period of time, he had formed 44 seals.

"Water Escape·Water Dragon Ball Technique!"

Muzan poured a large amount of chakra into the water, and then condensed the water into a dragon form. The roaring water dragon swept through the area with impact.

This was the first time he used a wide range of ninjutsu. Even if he took advantage of the terrain, it still put a lot of burden on Muzan.

Hanging on the stone forest, Anko and Mari saw such a ninjutsu for the first time. A ferocious water dragon roared in the river, almost changing the surrounding mud.

"Is this the strength of Wu Mei! Why is it that we are the same age and the other one has grown into a monster!"

"Hongdou, I realize that we have really become a drag."

Not to mention anything else, the two of them will definitely be affected by the raging current. When the time comes, they will be involved, and the consequences will be disastrous!

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