With his own efforts, another branch grew out of the ninja world that had chosen the wrong skills. On the path of truth, Orochimaru was a pioneer and the founder of future cell technology.

This notebook in my hand is a priceless treasure.

"According to the records in this notebook, I'm afraid Orochimaru has already started to get involved in cultivating cells?"

"Hashirama's cells..."

Looking at the development of the ninja world, there is a strong man who cannot be avoided.

Senju Hashirama, God of Ninja World.

Susanata Buddha, two people fighting against the Four Kingdoms!

With the power of the two of them, they overturned the Warring States Period and allowed the ninjas who fought on their own to form different villages, which was the prototype of the major ninja villages.

Wooden Release has naturally become the symbol of Konoha. In the eyes of Konoha and even the ninja world, Wooden Release is an invincible ninjutsu.

Of course it's not ninjutsu that's powerful, it's ninjas!

The most classic case, Hashirama wood escape is shocking the world, and Yamato wood escape is used for greening!

"It's a pity that I don't have the first-generation cells, otherwise I can compare them."

The study of notes takes some time, and discovering defects in cells cannot be accomplished overnight.

“Not only is there a lack of research material, but there is also insufficient funding.”

As we all know, experiments require a certain cost. Even if he is a disciple of Orochimaru, the funds he receives are pitiful.

"We need to find a way to make money! Otherwise the research will be in difficulty."

Use the sealing scroll to seal everything on the table inside.

Not long after Wu Mei left the laboratory, a figure appeared quietly in the laboratory. Looking at the clean table, the man had some doubts in his heart.

"What on earth is this kid doing? Or Orochimaru taught him some dangerous experiments, both of them are bastards!"

She would not allow Wu Mei to become a cold-blooded and ruthless guy.

"It would be nice if it was Jiraiya. Based on his personality... let's forget it. Konoha cannot afford to have one more little gangster."

As soon as he stepped onto the street, he felt a few eyes falling on him. Wuhan turned his head and looked at those people. He saw the disgusted eyes of those people, and he didn't know why.

He just returned to Konoha and didn't offend anyone?

In the end what happened?

"He is a child of Sakumo's family. I heard that this mission caused a lot of losses to the village because of Sakumo. Their family should pay for this!"

"Hmph! Shouldn't ninjas put their mission first? You actually gave up your mission, you don't deserve to be a ninja!"

"How stupid! I heard some people say that the losses of this mission are immeasurable. In addition, the recent period of peace has made our life difficult."

The voice was so loud and it was in front of him, so it seemed that he said it on purpose.

"As Teacher Orochimaru said, Konoha is really rotten..."

Wu Mei's eyes under the black robe flashed with a trace of bloodthirsty starlight, staring at the people spreading the news, and he came to them in an instant.



The palms under the black robe turned into thorns, and he whipped the opponent's face. In an instant, blood spread all over the floor, which frightened the people on the side and fled the scene. .seven

Those people also wanted to escape, but unfortunately Wuhan didn't give them a chance. The thorns locked the opponent's body, and the pain of the sharp thorns piercing into the flesh made their bodies twist and roar.

"You, you, you! What are you doing! You are blatantly attacking civilians! The Konoha Guards will not let you go!"

"Ah! Bastard, we were right, it was all because of Hatake Sakumo that Konoha suffered losses!"

Wuhan stood there with a sneer on his lips.

When it comes to Kage-level experts, most of them are A-level missions, or even S-level missions. The confidentiality of such missions is such that ordinary Konoha high-level officials are not qualified to interfere.

Only by involving people around the Hokage can the success of the mission be investigated.

"The Third Generation, and Danzo!"

"I hope you won't touch my bottom line."


Next to Muzan, three figures suddenly appeared, holding kunai in their hands. One of them said:

"Let go of the civilians in your hands!"

Muzan turned to look at each other, all wearing fox masks. He felt that the three of them were chuunin. It seemed that they had expected an accident.

"Is it ANBU, or is it Gen..."

The thorns suddenly shrank, and the arms of several villagers who fell to the ground were torn off at the same time. Blood rained from the sky, and bits and pieces fell to the side, and merged into the black clothes.

Listening to their wails, Wu Mei's face under the black robe gradually became distorted. The ogre's nature was violent, especially when someone touched his reverse scales.

"shut up!"

With a hoarse roar, invisible whips instantly passed through their bodies, making them faint.

"Bastard! What are you doing!"

Several Konoha Anbu immediately released their ninjutsu, trying to control the opponent.

"Do you think you can stop me?"

Looking at the oncoming ninjutsu, Wu Mei gradually released his strength. In the Ghost King posture, his strength can be greatly improved, but he would not do this normally.

Because that kind of indifferent feeling will make him feel an illusion. Whether it is civilians or ninjas in front of him, they are all food in his mouth. He despises inferior creatures from the bottom of his heart.

"Idiots, you will lose your life because of your stupidity!"

"Vampire magic! Black blood mandarin thorn!"

The same posture as when he fought Kakashi a few years ago, but now Muzan is stronger, his body has become stronger with age, not to mention that his body is full of chakra.

The sudden thorns extended along the ground and criss-crossed together, blocking the opponent's fireball, and the thorns suppressed the three people.

The three people immediately retreated, looking at the twisted thorns at their feet, looking at Wu Mei in the center with horrified expressions.

"What kind of power is this!"

"A bit like Orochimaru-sama's ability..."

These thorns look like mutated poisonous snakes. Combined with Muzan, he is a disciple of Orochimaru, and he is indeed a genius recognized by Konoha.

"We must subdue him today, otherwise we won't be able to explain!"

A team of three people worked together to fight against Wu Mei.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"Wind Escape·Whirlwind Fist!"

With the help of the strong wind, the newly formed fire ball suddenly grew in size. This was the cooperation between the team. As for the third person, he quickly formed seals with his hands and displayed the seal.

A layer of chains appeared under Wu Mei's feet. Because of the violent confrontation, the three of them chose to injure Wu Mei, and finally captured him in front of the third generation.

"To say you are idiots is simply an insult to the word idiot!"

So what if you can't move? What if you face such an attack?

"The Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

Orochimaru's famous stunt, several venomous snakes came out from under Muzan's black robe, some of which were hidden under the thorns!

"Not good! Run away!"

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