Hokage: Hatake's No Misfortune

Chapter 143 1 Group of Waste

Two elite Jonin and Muzan were dispatched to conduct the selection together. This time Danzo really took it seriously.

There was no other way. In order to win the selection task, Danzo boasted in front of the Fourth Hokage that he would definitely select the real elite.

Of course, in addition to preventing Uchiha Itachi from entering the Anbu, he also had his own thoughts. Looking at the group of ninjas being trained outside, they were all the real new strong men at the root.

Danzo needed a reason to send them inside.

Regarding the assessment of Anbu, it cannot be the same as that of the Ninja Academy. You must know that those who enter the Anbu are at least chuunin level, and they are elite!

In terms of exam questions, careful preparation is required.

Muzan held a list of these people in his hand, among which the root ninja was placed at the top. According to Danzo's intention, Muzan would open the back door for them.

"You two cooperate with me to complete this task."

After all, the next assessment is not only about strength, but also about thinking during the task. I'm afraid not many can pass it.

At the same time, those who have passed the ANBU exam need to gather in the Death Forest in the afternoon.

Dozens of black shadows came from all directions. After getting the mission, they rushed here as soon as possible, but the ANBU could not disclose their identities.

Even if they haven't been selected yet, they have already put on masks, and they don't know each other's identities.

The birds and beasts in the forest of death were silent, and all the people present looked around in fear, because they felt murderous intent. Murderous intent was no stranger to those who could be selected by the ANBU.


A kunai appeared and was blocked by Uchiha Itachi, who reacted the fastest, looking at the three people standing on the tree.

At this moment, all those participating in the Anbu selection felt like they were facing a formidable enemy, not only because the opponent was an examiner, but also because of the strong murderous intent.

The murderous intent of the man in the middle was the most terrifying. They saw a ferocious python circling behind him.

Many people subconsciously thought it was Orochimaru. As for the left and right sides, they also had a murderous aura of annihilation. They didn't know how many people they had killed.

There were even two who could not withstand the murderous attack and froze on the spot.

"Are you kidding? This kind of examiner... will really be killed."

"We must find a way. If we fight, we can't fight from the front."

"Cheer up and don't lose."

Everyone's eyes were full of fear, fearing that the other party would suddenly attack.

"A very good reaction. Compared to his reaction, the rest of the people are useless. They can't even bear the murderous intent and just want to participate in the ANBU assessment."

Muzan's voice was hoarse as he looked at the group of ANBU candidates.

"It's actually this guy..."

Only Uchiha Itachi recognized that voice as the person who sneaked into the yard that night. Thinking of the other party's methods, he couldn't help but feel troubled.

"Teach them a lesson first, let them know what it means to respect their seniors."

Muzan was not interested in teaching them a lesson and left Nara Okishima next to him responsible.

The opponent is an elite Jonin and is good at thinking during the battle, so when the opponent takes action, it gives people the illusion that everything is calculated.

Everyone present was a chuunin, and they felt extremely stressed when facing an elite jounin from the Nara family!

"Really a bunch of brats."

Even if a few of them are root ninjas, their end will still be miserable when facing Nara Okishima, who is also a root elite.

"Shadow Mimicry!"

The shadow extending from the ground came to their feet. Fortunately, they were prepared in advance and were not caught. However, when they jumped up, they suddenly froze.

"The elimination has already begun as soon as you set foot in this place, idiots!"

Nara Okishima looked at several frozen figures and thought the battle was over, but suddenly he saw Uchiha Itachi's figure turn into smoke and disappear in front of him.

"The art of shadow clone?"

He is worthy of being commented by Mr. Mumei as the leader of this generation, especially his mastery of the battlefield, but there is still a big gap between him and the elite jounin.


Countless shurikens were connected to a transparent silk thread, and there was a trace of reflection under the influence of sunlight. Nara Okishima did not panic and directly cut off the approaching shurikens with his shadow.

"Shadow Sewing Technique Black Side Flower!"

A black flower bloomed, but the petals were made of shadows. Nara Okishima, who was in the middle, used a wide range of ninjutsu to force Uchiha Itachi to appear.

Knowing that Itachi was a genius, Muzan was quite surprised that he could last so long in the hands of Nara Okijima.

"It's even better than I thought it would be."

"Stop playing and get started."

As Muzan's order was issued, all the ninjas present were released from control, and even Itachi, who was hiding behind, walked out under Muzan's gaze.

"Your mission is very simple. The 12 of you will spend the night in the Forest of Death, and we will hunt you down! Seeing the sun tomorrow means you can become an ANBU member!"

Sometimes luck is also a part of strength. Even the weakest of the three, Yamanaka Kazufeng, is not something they can deal with.

Giving them an hour to rush, Wu Mei waited quietly in the dark.

They did not choose to join forces with each other. Faced with two elite jounin and a pervert like Muzan, they suspected that the other party was Orochimaru. If they joined forces with such strength, the only result waiting for them would be the destruction of the group!

"You are responsible for those idiots. Follow Danzo's instructions and keep as many of the ninjas as possible. If they are trash, just kill them."

"I'll be in charge of Uchiha Itachi."

As a body that Orochimaru could catch at a glance, Muzan was also interested in Uchiha Itachi, whose nominal teacher was Shisui.

"Yes, my lord Wu Mi!"

Standing on the treetops, Wu Mei silently absorbs the natural energy around him. The activity of the cells in his body creates a breeze in the surrounding environment.

The two people around them felt something strange. Looking at the silent Wumei, they looked at each other without saying anything.

After an hour passed, he left the scene directly.

Under the black robe is a layer of strange orange-red tattoos. Although Wu Mei has no changes like a toad, he can absorb natural energy to a certain extent and can change his body shape and appearance.

"Then let's begin."

It is not easy to find a person in a huge forest. Even if you rely on your sense of smell, the environment will change. An hour has passed and the smell has become much lighter.

With the help of the immortal mode's perception ability, Wu Mei quickly searched in the forest.

The purpose of hiding is to allow them to better analyze the mission and avoid enemy pursuit. After all, most of the ANBU's missions are either to kill people or to send some confidential things to each other.

There are some secrets involved and you must learn how to hide them!

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